I'm 42 but certainly don't feel middle aged :s
A beautiful smile. One where when they flash it, it's like BAM, right in the heart
My husband is currently playing Assassin's Creed: Odyssey. It looks beautiful, I may play it when he's done.
Sit down and talk with him. Tell him what you suspect he's feeling, and reassure him that he's the only one for you. Maybe set aside some time to go out on a date a couple times a month, just you and him.
It's a learning journey. It's ok to make mistakes, as long as you realize what they are, and strive to do better tomorrow. Maybe get a walk in before dinner, or stick with lower calorie foods like plain veggies for dinner.
I've gone away for a time and come back, but kept the same account.
Skyrim Remastered on the PS4, along with ESO (though that's on the backburner). Looking forward to playing the new Zelda soon
I have done both, but currently just console (PS4). Playing Skyrim Remastered.
I was on an anti-depressant after our pregnancy loss, but stopped taking them abruptly. Worse decision of my life. I wanted someone to kill me. My jaw, my head felt like I was being stabbed from the inside. It was all on the left side of my head, from my temple to my ear and radiating up and down in that area. It's been 2…
yes, but it will be all tongue and I will keep my eyes open the whole time.
My husband. We lost twins almost 2 years ago, after a very long struggle with infertility. We're no longer trying to have a family, so we just have each other. He wants me around for a long time, I guess. I don't care either way.
I don't like dogs. ^^ my ultimate deal breaker
Are you planning on trying out for Dancing with the Stars?
My diary is open for friends. Scooten, it means your diary privacy settings are set to open for friends or the public, or set to private so no one but you can see what you enter into it. Click on the food tab, then on setting to change it.
I don't think I'll ever get sick of eggs <3 Toast with almond butter, oatmeal, yogurt, fruit... also:
Healthy and beautiful!
2T is my limit. Now almond butter...that's a whole 'nuther problem :p
The first time I was ever able to lose a significant amount of weight in my life was through a lower carb diet. I kept to no more than 45g of carbs per meal. While I didn't notice a weight loss while trying to avoid a lot of saturated & trans fats, my cholesterol did. My triglycerides went down by nearly half (from 147 to…
I don't know why, but hot coffee with cream curbs a chocolate craving for me. Sometimes I add a squirt of chocolate syrup too.
What's the point?
Thank you for sharing your story, sansento <3 I always wanted four, but since it had taken us so long, we were so thrilled to be having two at once. We were half way there! I'm really struggling in my spiritual relationship right now. I believe in God, but I have little trust. I know in my head that this is just something…
haha! yes!
here's a calculator:
Thank you. I hope I can be supportive of others in a similiar situation!
People who are rude: -Hanging up the phone without saying goodbye -Walking through a held-open door without saying thank you -Standing in the middle of a store aisle, oblivious to others around you -People who talk on their cell phones at the dinner table
Thank you. I wear a little bit of their ashes around my neck in a silver heart, they're always close to my heart that way.
No, I don't mind :) I'm a member of several of their Facebook pages, it's wonderful what they do. We've also attended SHARE meetings, which connected us with some other parents. Both have been a big help getting us where we are now. Thank you, guys. It is the hardest thing I've ever experienced...our girls developed…
I don't eat ribs or chicken wings in public (cuz I'm a beast in my own home), but I'm not out to impress anyone. If the guy asked me out, he already likes me.
Nah, Almond butter or Nutella all the way for me!!
Jokingly, I often say: Never trust a skinny chef or a fat dietitian.