bbontheb Member


  • I am fairly new to lactose-free products so if you know of any other decent items please share. I find our local grocery stores lacking but I can ask for items to be brought in.
  • The only other kind I normally see is Chapman's I believe and it has malitol in it (bad for those on a low Fodmap diet for stomach issues). I was happy with this kind due to the lack of xylitol/malitol :) Can you suggest any other kinds? I am willing to try other ones for sure! Plus if they have a salted caramel type…
  • I just tried Natrel Lactose-free simply strawbery icecream for those who can't have regular dairy/icecream. It was really good! 150cals for 125ml and comes in 473ml tub. AKA almost one splurgey serving haha
  • Our kids are allowed to stand at the table as well to eat. We also have a couple high stools with backs that they seem to like. We are pretty relaxed now with meals as our priorities have shifted (want calories in them vs sitting) or having something else to do while eating (book, colouring, watching ipad, etc) . ADHD is…
  • Can you get B12 shots? Have you been checked for pernicious anemia? I would get lactose-free milk and yogourt. I have great results with lactose-free stuff (as long as it isn't sweetened with say xylitol, sorbitol, etc).
  • My son is medicated for adhd. Although it suppresses appetite, he has increased his appetite before he takes his meds and in the evening. Before, part of the lack of eating issue was due to inattentiveness or the inability to slow his mind down to want to eat (not as fun as other things). You may be surprised. We make sure…
  • Punishment will create more anxiety around food, and may end up with food issues later on (need to control). There is a difference between picky eating and restrictive eating. I have a son with autism as well as a child with restrictive eating/adhd. It's hard. Never ever punish for their selective eating. We have made…
  • You can also try a low fodmap diet. I know that it's for gastro issues but my severe reflux/gerd was reduced quite a bit when on a low fodmap diet. Lactose, wheat, etc contributes to it for me as well as the typical triggers like tomato sauce, You may need the PPI to help heal for a couple months but there are some studies…
  • We have 4 kids. I'd like to hear more about how you have done it, any tips , have you had more energy since losing weight? I'm exhausted.
  • Are those the nupasta things?
  • I eat chicken with veggies in the am often, oatmeal, I love beans (sweet baked beans) on toast but can't eat bread right now. Soup in a thermos. I'm not one for sticking to breakfast foods in the am though.
  • Yes, good idea. Not sure if the "seriously" was necessary.
  • Sorry I was confusing. I am in Canada and the labels have "ml" on it but no grams nor servings per container. It's in a 2L box of Breyer's Mint Chip haha. I will look for a substitute and think that instead of sharing it with the family I will buy my own little container if it shows how many servings are in it, and just…
  • Oatmeal with berries on top. Cup of soup. Pb on toast with some fruit like grapes.
  • I have been diagnosed by one Dr with BED, but I've known I had disordered eating for a very long time. Some pts to consider: You work out, you eat, you probably have a deficit to even out the 200 cookie week that you have here and there. With my self, I was 105 lbs for a long time, but also disordered behaviours (drinking,…
  • I was in this thread to post something about this! So, you can buy "pitcher packs" of Teavana Iced Tea at Sbux for about 9.99. It included 6 pitcher ice tea bags. Buy the passion tango (fruity red one) or other kind you like but my fave is the passion. Then, you make it at home by steeping for 5 mins with half of 1.9 L…
  • Oh I will pick up some tofu! Pork I haven't tested again but I will definitely . Perhaps smaller portions will help. I love bok choy and green veggies and also hoping to make fish a priority. I can use lactose-free milk however so that is a plus! No, my Dr did not elaborate on the low carb. I will discuss at our next appt…
  • Wheat is a high fodmap food and one of my biggest triggers for feeling sick/IBS. Wahhh. The fat and red meat is just from feeling so sick when I eat it (I throw up in the morning, get sick during the day with ibs, etc). Too much fat (say if I eat some bacon) or a couple meatballs, I can guarantee I'll be sick. I am not…
  • [/quote] I think most would still agree that it's counter productive. There's plenty of people out there that subscribe to the cheat day mentality and wonder why their fitness goals don't materialize. Having a binge day EASILY can undo a weeks worth of hard work. Plus that sort of behavior isn't very healthy to begin with.…
  • I have a question for OP. I looked at your profile pic and and the stats you posted mentioning you are 165 at 5'5 now and have lost 60 lbs since WLS. That doesn't seem that high for WLS to me. When I've seen people getting the surgery they are double to triple the size they should be (bmi) etc...although that could be…
  • Today I'm making a very quick egg white omelet with spinach, tomato, fresh basil and mushrooms.
  • May I you have coffee first? lol I'm not a morning person and it sounds like it sets a nice tone for the day....but I am pretty reliant on coffee first before functioning...
  • Ate spinach, orange pepper, grape tomatoes, green beans at breakie. Ate zucchini, and mixed salad greens with red pepper, cukes, tomatoes at lunch. Feel I'm doing better with the veggies today.
  • Are we supposed to get a clean and polish every 6 months? What do you mean requires injections? I think that's the recommendation anyhow every 6 months. Mine are pretty stained but comes off good with a whitening toothpaste. I'm going to try the water swishing though. (I find tea is worse than coffee actually)
  • Wow, these are great ideas! Thank you. I'm finding it easier to think of it like protein +veggies +salad etc. I need to make some meals ahead of time though and that chili sounds yummy (and easy!). I happen to have a butternut squash on my counter so I am definitely checking out the Skinny taste recipe!
  • I have tried quinoa and do eat it. I think I just need to find a new way to cook it (flavours). I haven't tried millet on it's own. I have had once in a cooked breakfast cereal. Great idea, thank you. Putting it on my list!
  • I'm aware of this. I'm a volume eater and have difficult time having just a tiny bit of something (ocd). I also have mutliple stomach issues and have to limit my foods high in fodmaps-bigger triggers are lactose and wheat (nothing to do with the gluten). Do you think you are being helpful? Because you are not.
  • I'm almost 215, 5'2 ish. Last year I lost some weight hitting 168 or so then gave up, gained more back. I'm on a road to make healthier long term changes and hoping to lose weight . Goal weight is 130. Feel free to add me!