

  • Yes i did measure out, the bowl i use (just using water) is 2 cups worth. Thanks!
  • Thing is i never had any idea of how much i was eating (as in dinner), even with losing weight. Dinners are also 1/2 plate veggies, about a fist size of meat and a couple spoons of mashed potatoes/rice/whatever. It seems NOW i can't lose weight. How is it possible to drop 15 pounds doing this exact thing and now not…
  • I took a bit of your advise(: Went with something i knew i'd enjoy. Greek dressing(:
  • Mmm you were so right… I never thought it could make such a difference in salad dressing! But the refrigerated kind is definitely, by far, more yummy! I went with a Greek Salad dressing from Marzetti
  • I'm by far a fruit kind of girl. Apples with Peanut Butter English Muffin (toasted), Nutella and fresh strawberries Also will grab an orange or a banana if i'm on the go. Will gladly eat some grapes if i'm in the mood for a snack. As far as Vegetables go… I like corn and green beans. WIll eat a chop it salad with some…
  • Are you meaning the SODIUM was over 1,000? As others have said, the sandwich says to only be 390 calories. But yes, when i go out with my mom to the mall we go to the food court.. We try to pick the "healthiest" restaurant, "Chop it Salad". It had almost 500 calories in one wrap. Lets just say, i don't eat there anymore.
  • Working out = shaping your body. Ever seen a guy with arm muscles but a beer belly? To be "fit" you need to eat well. Eating the right kinds of things is the foundation of having a nice body. You can't have abs if you have a big belly!
  • The limit for a female is 1,200 calories. So in a short answer, yes. 1,300 calories is a low restriction. But you wont go into starvation mode if that is your limit.
  • Dr Oz is a load of crap. He's all for weight loss pills. That alone is a huge red flag. I wouldn't follow his recommendations even if i was being paid to do so.
  • Oats. They're probably one of the most healthiest breakfast options around.
  • From looking at your dairy it looks like you have a lot of your calories going into snacks. I would try to up the calories in your main courses, adding more protein to each dish. I personally try to balance my meals. Working out 6 days a week is a lot -but you say it's a low level- so my only thought is to add more protein.
  • Don't just go by numbers. You have said you're going over due to eating lots of fruits and vegetables. Your body is using these "good" carbs/sugars differently then they would, with say, a candy bar. So don't worry if you're in the red.
  • I always tell people to remember it's not all about calories. It's what you're eating. For example, Whole bread VS White bread is a big difference when it comes to calories. White bread is about half the calories of wheat. So why does everyone tell you to buy wheat? 'Cause of the benefits of the whole wheat bread. Stick to…
  • As people have said, you're way under-eating. The weight you're losing is possibly muscle, not fat. So you're actually in reality not losing anything. You need to get up to a healthy calorie intake of AT LEAST 1,200. Remember WHAT you eat is what matters. You could really eat MORE calories and have the same effect of…
  • I understand you want a LOW calories bread, but sometimes eating something high in calories, but with loads of benefits can have the same effect as eating something low in calories. I go for whole wheat bread, and understand some breads say "Whole Wheat" but upon looking at the labels it'll say "enriched flour". DO NOT get…
  • You want a yogurt that says "Live and Active Cultures". Chobani is one. They're probably using something like Yoplait, which isn't very healthy when it comes to the benefits of REAL yogurt.
  • I dislike PB2. It takes out all the benefits of peanuts. What are you left with? Empty calories of peanut "flavored" powder. (And i don't even think it tastes like PB) Now, lets forgot calories vs calories. Look at the labels. That's what you're putting into your body. Nutella: 21 grams of sugar, and 11 grams of fat.…
  • I have to agree, you must not be eating anywhere near 1,200 calories, or maybe you're actually underestimating the amount of calories you're eating? OR you're way overestimating the amount of calories you burn through a workout. Understand, burning 1,000's of calories in a workout is nearly impossible. Even people assuming…
  • There is a restaurant at our local farm, and they made the most amazing salad ever. It was a very fine, chop it salad. Ingredients: Apples, Cucumbers, Bell peppers, red onions, hard egg, bacon, blue cheese, iceberg and romaine lettuce and a apple vinaigrette sauce. SOOO good. When i make it at home i skip out the bacon and…
  • She shouldn't take them out, period. There is no point to take them out, lose a bunch of weight. Then try to re-add them and possibly gain weight back.
  • I hate how everyone says "stop eating them" and this is why 100% of the time diets fail. This shouldn't be just "a diet". But a lifestyle change. Really ask yourself, are you NEVER going to eat sugary sweets again? If the answer is "no" then DO NOT TAKE THEM OUT. It's all about portion control. You want a chocolate bar? My…
  • Ever think about steaming? Steamed carrots and broccoli and green beans is amazing. Roasted peppers? mmm. Or even, as some have said, grilling fruits with meats? Chicken with pineapple? I've never heard of such a thing- it seems impossible in my mind. Fruits and Vegetables.. they're our main source of food, really. But i…
  • Are you sure? So many people under estimate the calories they are eating. Are you keeping a journal of all you're eating? If you're seriously eating 1,200 calories there is no possible way to gain weight. Are you working out?
  • Egg Salad Sandwich - add in some celery. Chicken Sandwich- add in some roasted peppers Turkey Sandwich- add on some tomatoes. Then of course, Salads. Dinners are simple enough for me, i literally fill half my plate with veggies. Green beans seem to be a favorite for myself.
  • Pictures are worth a thousand words. Especially when you're losing weight. I could measure myself right after another and get different measurements each time. Just didn't work. I took pictures so i could visually see the weight lose difference. It seems i lost my weight from a little of everywhere.
  • The sad truth, she wont lose weight - and continue on it- unless she wants to. Simple as that. Everyone wants to push on a "diet". But diets fail. We need to change our lifestyle. Whoever thought eating Lucky Charms Cereal for breakfast was part of a "balanced breakfast" should be ashamed. Learning how to control our…
  • Are you sure you're not under estimating? Things like fruits and vegetables help keep you feeling full, longer. But i see people way under estimate the amount of calories. Apples can be upwards of 100 calories depending on the size. Listen to your body.
  • Take a look at mikewise1. Unless i'm just reading is wording wrong. "First 3000 calories a day is quite practical, you can do it for example with 2 hours of walking (adds about 700) and 1 hour of a medium intense workout (500 calories). Easily tracked really. I do 3000 calories per day more often than not and I am well…
  • I think you guys are all WAY over estimating the amount of calories you burn in a single day. 3,000 calories burned through exercise in a single day?? What?? I'm sorry, i've never ever heard of someone burning 700 calories in 2 hours worth of walking. If that was so, my Grandpa would be a walking stick.
  • Thank you! (And of course everyone who commented) I actually took the first steps of doing this today. Weighed myself this morning, got back out the journal to start counting those calories. And plan to workout today. That Eggnog in the fridge is a bit taunting though! Haha.