

  • I miss swimming.. Its winter here. But can someone help me with the calorie burnout..? I be in swimming pool for an hour swimming for 20 mins then just playing around in the pool for 40 mins.
  • everytime i stop its because of studies.. Mine is 2nd day .. Its never late to start.. Lets start again..!! Btw above 1000 calories doing just dance is great.. Keep it up.. U r back in style..!!
  • alas!! dragon roasted the rabbit ..!!
  • i joined this site.. I come here daily.. I m very competitive guy when i see anyone burning more then me i just do little more then them..
  • i m male and straight.. And i dont know what to reply here but i have a story of mine i have been hit by 4 guys one was a barber who after haircut he started giving me massage free of cost then invited me to his place. Then i stayed in place for a year or so i have cook there, who use to always hit on me then there was guy…
  • 1kg is 2.2 pound
  • ya you are someone from whom i can learn a lot.. Please tell me about loose skin.. Actually i havent mentioned here but i had lost more then 10kgs in a month and my plan is to loose 20 more kgs.. I know eating food less have many demerits as it leads to decrease the metabolism, body goes into starvation mode and lot more…
  • i know u r not making any excuse for few ppl it comes harder way but they are really champion.. Best of luck
  • And about your exercise plan if dance for 2hours 2 days then 1 hour one day then rest then one hour then two hours so in seven days u would dance for 8 hours so why not daily dance for one hour only one hour difference in a week and what actually will happen this way is u will feel it little easy to do it daily and u wont…
  • I think that u should push a little because our body is a lazy thing and u may not know what ur potential is but never push your body to the level that u hurt yourself everyone has different body and u and only u can know whats enough for u.. But dont punish yourself with eating less eat minimum of 1200 calorie per day and…
  • i am not a expert kind of person so maybe u ppl can find out a lot of mistake in my diet and exercise routine.. Morning when i get up i ran for 5kms in 30 mins Then i eat breakfast which is basically 4pcs of chicken nuggets egg and maggi(2mins noodle) lunch and dinner are never fix always different mostly outside hate home…
  • loosing 15 pounds till christmas is good idea but loosing 30 pounds by christmas is way to much.. Pls go slow or u will get loose skin and can even gain the weight back.. Thats how our body is designed if u loose a lot of weight very soon body metabolism goes high u becomes weak your head will spin when u sit for long and…
  • is it girls group and i m the only guy here..??