

  • the topic just below yours on the "recent threads" on the home page?
  • I figured out a typical plate for me once... came to about 350 calories per plate. I've been using that since. This included liberal croutons and sunflower seeds, fat free creamy ital dressing and garbonzos... the best answer for you i guess is to really analyze a plate of yours and see... pain in the rear, but its gotta…
    in salad bar Comment by boffo August 2011
  • Good work! I was in the same position last year... by the end of the season I had 2 100k rides under my belt. this year I'm riding 20 miles a day during my lunch break. I take my bike everywhere with me as well.
    in Fitness NSV Comment by boffo August 2011
  • my neck got clicky when I started lifting, near where the barbell sits. its a good way to freak people out... learn to roll your head just right and you can pop it at will.
  • started at 370. ending at 230. about halfway there.
  • my ride days i end up over 2000 calories... granola and dried fruit. peanut butter and pasta and rice all work too.
  • July 1... .starting weight 310.
  • I'm in. gained 35 over winter and paternity leave. started up again last week. dropped 6 in my first week back. ticker is inaccurate. I started it over last week when I reinvested myself. I started at 385 lbs, about a 18 months ago.
  • technically it would be considered endurance training, but bike 10 miles a day for the rest of the summer your legs will be noticabley stronger...
  • Biking was my answer.... I blew out my right knee 2 years ago, and had big trouble with my usual walking routine. I'm able to spend an hour on my bike each day and for a long time my knee would feel better for the day or two after a ride. Once I strengthened it enough from riding I added some other lower body work into it.…
  • Have you tried closing out your diary as soon as you finish dinner. "Locking' my intake for the day is usually just enough of a psychological boost to avoid eating any more... that and seeing the " 5 weeks you'll weight" gets my mind off of the food. Video games or a book rather than TV helps too... both keep my hands…
  • I've been using either "crystal method" or "fatboy slim" as seeds in on my phone... gives me some good fast instrumental tunes...
  • I look at "losing weight" and "getting in shape" as 2 different activities. I eat less to lose weight, I bike to tone my body, build my heart and lungs, and feel better. I don't get as good of a workout if i don't consume the fuel i need to power it. I'm burning about 9000 calories each week (biking... 120-150 miles over…
  • thanks! juice never even occurred to me... I've been eating peanut butter sandwiches as a snack after my rides... i guess i was more on track than i thought!
  • on my first go round, i lost 175 lbs (gained it all back slowly over the past 5 years.... oops), and had a pretty hangy belly. I didn't stick around at that weight long enough to notice if it was going to repair itself or not. If you do find that you have extra skin, keep that in mind as you approach your goal weight. I…
  • I suppose... I'm still used to thinking in WW terms and ignoring less than 25 calories.... looking around the site this morning it came up as 1-5 cals per 12 oz depending on the brand. My 24oz starbucks this morning was 10 calories
  • coffee is devoid of calories, as is splenda. figure out how much milk you are using... 45 calories per half cup. you are probably using only a few tablespoons... that should be the calories to count.
  • other plans allow you to bank points.... up to 4 a day for a week. this equates to roughly 170 cal per day plus associated fat... when my wife and i were on that plan we'd have a night of anything goes... we still lost our 2 lbs a week.