

  • MisdemeanorM --HEY GIRL!!! Well havent been on lots ali keeps me with her.. things are good. lol slowly getting sleeping fixed. lol daddys helping out some.. lol were getting about 5 hrs sleep at a time.. i attempt to wake her up it fails. im down 17 lbs.. thank god but june goals, loose 8 lbs. and get into my size 7's
  • im good getting sleep when i can 10 days post, down almost 16 lbs.. doing about as much working out as i can jogging walking about 5 miles a day. alisons doing good.. up to 7lb 15 oz... sleeps during the day,.... not fun for me lol ...
  • june goal.. to get down to 130 lb. thats a loss of 10 lb and will be half my total goal.. with that i want to work out 5-6 days a week. weather it be walking or running atleast 30-60 min of constant movement.
  • I went out and got it lastnight i was afraid cause she was a week old and the thing calls for 1/2 tea. i gave her 1/8 lol in her bottle she settled right down
  • well shes having latching issues on one side its soo odd. i have to bottle feed for a second or two then shell latch on to the other side.. not sure.. today is a better day.. 8 days old.. not fussy today.. well some but i think that her tummy was upset.. it made me sad to see her that way.. but 13 lb down and i have alot…
  • At a loss my LO was up for 3 hours screaming lastnight. she was not hungry and didnt need a diaper change. im thinking colic... not sure... have my doc apt for her tomarrow. what can i do to make my little one comfy for now.
  • breastfeeding what is the cal burned?
  • yea its rly hard to break so its gonna take some time to get off it..try to get off it slowly.. like cut out something a week..
  • you can deff do it.. lol think pos!!!!
  • well i hear you on that aspect im obsessed too. its good and bad.. good cause ur accountable for the food you put in ur body bad cause it drives u crazy. u told ur husband to put the scale away. that is a good start. First off make a plan of food that u want to eat for the day. yes that does include if u want to have…
  • well slow start wanted to be at more of a loss.. but its been 3 days since alison has come into our lives and im down i think 7-9 lbs.. in a 9 pant vs a 11. i still have the odd looking tummy thing
  • well hello ladies im making the jump to here. I was so blessed to give birth to my lil one on may 22 2011 at 7:50am.. she currently is 7lb 9oz.. so ill be doing my weigh ins starting soon. just wanted to pop in and say hello this is alison
  • hey im sneaking in here.. has anyone used castor oil?
  • hey im due soon im sneaking in here to ask a question castor oill... anyone use it with sucess?
  • "oh u look fine for ur hight"
  • WTG im glad its always good to have someone say u look good....^^
  • my doc told me during the first 3-5 mo calorie intake should stay the same... and in the 6-9 mo up it a little bit... eat when ur hungry.. cause u do need to feed the baby but the myth of eating for two nope.. and ur not going to get a 35 lb baby so be aware of ur weight, 9 mo preg and ive kept my cal intake between…
  • are u gonna be drinking.. as for starter na... desert maybe something light to share if ur going in a group.. something small and light... if ur drinking dont cause theres the extra cal
  • i love them i know they are bad for you but they are good and i grab them for lunch sometimes.. i also drink 63 oz of water a
  • 2-5 lb depending on the amt of liquid that you have consumed... i drink alot of water but usually im no bigger than 3 lb.. but im up every 2 hrs to pee
    in bump? Comment by peanutrenee May 2011
  • " ok u fell now what? get up and go about ur day..." "the only one making excuses for you is you"
  • well i hate my doctor so much.>< he says that he cant guess the weight of the baby that its not accurate... WTF its ur job to tell me this crap... >< well on a good note i have been keeping to my work out schedual that i set for myself on monday.. i know its only weds but im happy
  • IM SO SORRY ABOUT THAT PAIN.. omg but it sounds like ur taking it like a champ.. I was curled up in bed for hours in pain.. i thought that my insides were going to pop out my side.. It was only on ur right side. i couldnt even walk, im sorry.
  • i would hit him, and i have im up to 35 lb in my weight gain.. and that make me sad. but i dont agree with my doct scale.. there is a 6 lb difference with mine and his, and i told him that.. he was like well ur scale at home might not be calibrated... I then went home and weighted a 30 lb of cat litter and it said it…
  • hey im renee and im addicted to diet pepsi, but ive kicked the habbit its been about 2 mo since my last full one.. i dropped it cold.. IT SUCKED>.. < but its do able... go down to one a day.. and ease in to water its better and ull honestly feel sooo much better.. and u honestly will loose weight from getting rid of it..
  • holy crap girl u look amazing! u look sooo small.. WTG...
  • yea i know im overly concerned i have everything that she nees at this point in time 2300 dipaers nb size to 3, clothing till shes 24 mo old.. u name it shes got it... im a bargen shopper CL etc.. its sad.. lol imm be working till the day i deliver... i cant sit still i have to do something i still mow my lawn i pain my…
  • the one thing im afraid like im a heavey sleeper.. like there was a fire next door like i mean 5 feet away..2 fire trucks and ppl screaming.. i slept through it.. lol.. idk its just odd thinking of myself as a like selfish.. i havent even changed a diaper ever! also children scream when i hold them or they are…