Pregnancy 2011- May



  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Regina- Congratulations on your girl! It is funny because at first DH and I wanted a boy and now I am SO SO excited that it’s a little girl.

    Brittony- I am glad you found a solution to help you sleep… or at the very least got a one good nights sleep! I don’t get another US either and I want one too haha!

    Rachael- that’s crazy how they calculate it. I wonder how accurate it is.

    Ron- Men don’t understand. My DH is awesome about not complaining to me and trying to make me feel better but I still don’t think he gets how I feel sometimes.

    Katie- Welcome. I hope you can find the support that you need. My dr. told me to gain 25-35 lbs so I am trying to stay within that but I know that some of the women on here are trying to do less.
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    Hello, I am an off again on again member of MFP. I got really discouraged and just let it go for the last few months as no matter what I was doing, it wasn't doing anything. So here I am..expecting #6 in December and scared Crapless about being obese and pg...AGAIN. I am hoping to stay positive that I can keep my gains minimal which will be tough given I am prone to gaining especially when pg. Has anyone been successful in maintaining their current weight or actually losing by keeping track?
    Anyhow...glad to find a group that can help :)

    Welcome!!! I started my pregnancy almost 100 pounds overweight. I am 22 wekks and so far I have lost 10 pounds and put 6 of thise back on. So at this piont I am still 4 pounds below my pre-pregnancy weight. I watch what I eat and try to exercise some. My goal is to gain no more than 10 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. Just be aware of what you're doing and that helps a lot.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Boopa - I started this pregnancy about 40pounds above my goal weight. I went down about 10 pounds in the very begining and have slowly put them back on. As of last friday, I am up 20 pounds from my original weight (but that was with a lot of water retention). So I am doing very good by monitoring what I eat.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Welcome to all of the newcomers!

    Ron - I can't even remember the last time we had cable. We have a newer tv that has a built in digital tuner, and we have a digital antenna hooked up to it, so we get all of the local channels and a few others. Anything else, we watch on the internet. People think we're crazy for not having cable but you really get used to it. Hope the pain you are experiencing subsides soon. My husband complains about me snoring all the time!

    Julie - Hope you enjoyed the rest of your day off.

    jen - Silly husbands, I'm sure he didn't mean to be insensitive. You are doing great, keep up the good work!

    pmaria - Glad your appointment went well and I hope you enjoy your childbirth classes. We had our last class lastnight and I feel so much more prepared.

    Lily - There is no formal way to join the group, just hop in! Welcome!

    Annabelle - I feel like my calves are growing by the day and my knees are looking a lot bigger. I wore shorts the other day and it was sorta scary looking....but oh well darnit, I was hot!!

    Rachael - Glad your appointment went well yesterday. Now that your appointments are more frequent, the time will fly by!

    AnneElise - Sorry you have to get poked and prodded on Friday...hoping it goes well for you!

    Regina - Congratulations on your baby girl!!! :flowerforyou:

    Brittony - Same for me, no more ultrasounds unless there is a concern. And of course we don't want there to be any concerns, so we're ok with that. Glad you got a good night of sleep! And I hope that you find some relief for your back pain.

    Hi to everyone else!
  • peanutrenee
    peanutrenee Posts: 179
    well i hate my doctor so much.>< he says that he cant guess the weight of the baby that its not accurate... WTF its ur job to tell me this crap... ><
    well on a good note i have been keeping to my work out schedual that i set for myself on monday.. i know its only weds but im happy
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Regina- Yay!!! So happy you got the girl you were hoping for! :-) that is great news! Try not to over-do it, it sounds like you are getting lots done! now go and take advantage of that energy!

    Rachael- Glad your appt was good, you must be getting excited! Too bad she would not let you see her face.

    Boopa- I too started pregnancy overweight and have put on close to 15-20lbs at this point. I am doing my best to eat well and excercise but it is hard. just do your best and focus on having a healthy baby. And wow, #6! that is exciting.

    AFM: I found out yesteday my sister is pregnant!!! (we are only 19 months apart in age). She does not know her exact due date though because she is not sure when her LMP was. But they are thinking she will de due in Dec/Jan. that is exciting!
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Regina! Congrats on the baby girl! How exciting. :happy:
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Rachel- how fun to find out about your sister! That's cool to go through some of this together. And yay for cousins.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    The volunteer party ended up going really well yesterday. They are such a great group of people, and I'm so thankful to have the opportunity to work with all of them.

    We had our last childbirth class last night and we went over some post-pardum/newborn care things, and finished up on a few relaxation techniques. I feel like I've been studying for the biggest test I'll ever take....and now I'm just waiting....patiently waiting.....

    Nothing else going on with me lately, I go back to see the Dr. tomorrow.

    Can't wait to hear from those of you who have gender ultrasounds coming up soon!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    well i hate my doctor so much.>< he says that he cant guess the weight of the baby that its not accurate... WTF its ur job to tell me this crap... ><
    well on a good note i have been keeping to my work out schedual that i set for myself on monday.. i know its only weds but im happy

    It really is just a guess, and I can understand from his perspective that giving you an inaccurate guess really doesn't make a difference either way.

    Amanda, who had her baby a few weeks ago and has moved onto the post-natal thread, was told by her Dr. that her baby was very big, possibly 10lbs or more, and had her thinking that she may not be able to have him naturally and would be forced to have a c-section. She was upset about this and very worried. Her son turned out being average weight (I think like 7lbs) and she was able to have him naturally. Her Dr. got her all worked up over nothing because he made a guess about the baby's weight.

    The exact opposite happened to my sister, they told her (from measurements from an ultrasound) that he was going to weigh about 6 lbs 9oz, and he ended up weighing 9 lbs 9 oz, that's a pretty big difference!

    Sounds like you are doing a great job staying on track with your exercise, keep up the good work!
  • Mamatoabunch
    Mamatoabunch Posts: 749
    well i hate my doctor so much.>< he says that he cant guess the weight of the baby that its not accurate... WTF its ur job to tell me this crap... ><
    well on a good note i have been keeping to my work out schedual that i set for myself on monday.. i know its only weds but im happy

    Do you mean by U/S or by feel of hands. U/S weight estimation are often off by as much as +/- 2lbs in third trimester. By feel OB's are not trained for this. Midwives, especially HB midwives are and can be very accurate. Although, when moms are asked themselves they are often pretty accurate. What do you feel baby weighs?
  • dearprudence1964
    dearprudence1964 Posts: 30 Member
    Hi everyone! I found a link to this thread on another pregnancy topic. I am 12 wks 5days pregnant (Due November 18th), and trying to keep up as much as possible with my diet and exercise regiment. I lost about 25 lbs since Christmas, and found out I was pregnant ONE WEEK after I bought my first pair of size 14s in years!!!! Anyway, despite major aversions to all things meat or vegetable, I have tried my best to eat healthy. So far I have lost 6.5 lbs and my doctor is completely comfortable with that. I am about 40 lbs from my ideal weight, and I eat around 1400 net cals/day. Since I've been pregnant, I have given up my obsession with weight loss, but I still cant help but get really happy everytime I see the scale go down a pound. I was just wondering when it really started going the other way for you guys? Since we're all trying to be committed to a healthy pregnancy, I would love to know at what month/week you all started to gain weight. I know it's coming...
  • dearprudence1964
    dearprudence1964 Posts: 30 Member

    All day today I’ve had a lot of pain in my lower abdomen. I think it might be round ligament pain but I’m not sure. It’s really low, as low as you can get and not be “down there” and it hurts pretty much all the time not just when I move suddenly. I don’t have any spotting so I’m not too worried at this point but I though I throw it out there and see if anyone else has experienced this.

    I have been really lucky in that I haven't vomited once, have had no headaches, and no really gross pregnancy symptoms throughout my first trimester....HOWEVER - pain, cramping, and soreness were definitely something I did have to contend with. It was a really worrisome symptom for me because none of the women in my family, or friends that have had babies ever had these symptoms - but rest assured that as long as you aren't bleeding, you are fine. I had cramps throughout the first trimester, and a lot of soreness (like I was kicked in the crotch). Very recently, it went a step further and I had a swollen feeling deep inside along with the regular soreness. I happened to have an appt around this time, so I checked with the doc and she said everything was in perfect shape and that my body was just making room. I guess this is just one of the joys of pregnancy!
  • collinsclan
    collinsclan Posts: 312 Member
    Danielle—Boys are exciting! I’m so happy for you!
    Auttyfrmca – I just noticed your ticker. Seems we’re due around the same time. My official date is 12/18 but I tend to go 7 – 9 days late so we’re figuring on a Christmas Day baby. What’s your due date?
    Little Spy – With my second, I quit working and they gave me a going away party. Several people who worked in a different office than my location asked why I was quitting. This was on a Friday. I told them because with having our second child it makes more sense for me to stay home. They all asked “so when are you due” and their jaws hit the floor when I told them last Tuesday. Then the stinker didn’t come until the next Wednesday 9 days after his due date. He was 9 lbs. 6 oz. and no one could tell I was pregnant and not fat!
    Labor doesn’t have to be an urgent thing. It’s better if you can relax and go with it. I’ve had two in a hospital and two at home. This one will be at home again and my last was 4.5 hours from when my water gotten broken during a checkup and when I had her. I never felt rushed or urgent – just taken over by the urge to push and I still said I couldn’t do it WHILE I was doing it. Women’s bodies work if they are allowed the time, space and belief to do what they are designed to do!
    Historysmissinglady and Stacy – I see you are also do around the same time as Auttyfrmca and I. Cool! I love having pg mates!
    Hkystar – Sorry to hear about the stone. I hope it continues to not be a problem for the duration of your pregnancy.
    Anabelle – congratulations on closing on the farm!
    Danielle—The changing table is beautiful! What a special gift.
    Jenzimmer – a month is technically 4.3 weeks (4 weeks 3 days) so that is how 9 months = 40 weeks. If a month were 4 weeks, we would have 13 months a year. 13 weeks is 3 months, 26 weeks is 6 months.
    AnneElisa—sorry to hear about the $$$ for the meter. I had unexpected expenses like that.
    Ron2282 – sorry to hear about the Radon levels. I agree with getting the ventilation system but again with the $$$.
    Peanutrenee – You are very close now, but I wanted to warn you not to get caught up in 13 days to go unless you have a scheduled c/s. Most 1st babies are late! And the back pain is probably your body getting ready for labor. The cat stretch is probably the best thing for you to do right now, well and squats!
    Brittonymiller – The position of the baby may have knocked your sacrum (tailbone) out of alignment. With my 2nd and 4th the only way I could walk was 2 – 3 x a week chiropractor visits because they kept playing tetherball with my tailbone!
    nicolek1009 – I was diagnosed PCOS in November 2009. Since starting the metformin for it, I’ve managed to get control of my eating and lost about 60 lbs. I am also hypothyroid and have been taking synthroid for the past 20 years. This baby was a surprise – probably aided by the metformin and weight loss. I hope that you find what works for you!
    carina73 – I would’ve punched my dh if he did that!
    Katie—Welcome! Another late December baby, yeah! That makes 5 of us by my loose count. I have 4 others, this will be the gender tie breaker.
    Peanuttrenee – the day before #3 was born they estimated, via ultrasound, his weight to be 9 lbs. 12 oz. and that was in line with ½ lbs. more than the previous baby so it was what I was expecting. He was born about 15 hours later weighing 8 lbs. 12 oz. a full lb. less than estimated! So it’s all a pretty good guess!
    AFM: Did okay on the exercise challenge last week (I know I am late checking in!)
    Monday: 35 cardio, 26 strength
    Tuesday: 29 cardio, 26 strength
    Wednesday: Nothing official – tons of errands!
    Thursday: 27 cardio, 22 strength
    Friday: 35 cardio, 24 strength, 20 walking uphill at Girl Scout Camp
    Saturday: hours of walking uphill at Girl Scout Camp, 1.5 hours belaying climbers at the tower. I burned a stupid amount of calories and there was zippy chance to eat everything I burned! I also made it to the top of the 30 foot tower. Rather proud of myself! This weekend’s challenge is double baseball games, a birthday party, cub scout advancement ceremony and weekend family camping.
    I still have two weeks until my first prenatal appt. It is really hard to wait! I see the endocrinologist next week to start monitoring my A1C and thyroid levels with the pregnancy. We’ve set the weekend we’re going to tell our kids and parents. Unfortunately my dh can’t come down with me to tell my parents, who are going to be less than thrilled about the pregnancy, but I want to tell them in person.
    I’m hurting today and didn’t go to the gym, but I do believe that I am going to strap in and take my 3yo for a walk this beautiful afternoon now that dh is home from work to come rescue us if needed. I’m hoping that it will help with the back pain and my general bad attitude!
    Sorry this got so long, apparently I had a lot to respond to!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Ron - You were talking about not having cable and not knowing when you'd have time to watch it anyway.... We don't have TV at all (we do watch movies some though) and I can't figure out how people work full time, watch TV and get everything at home done that needs done. I'm a stay at home mom with no TV and still can hardly seem to get everything I need to do done. I guess sewing all of my own clothes and planting a huge garden would help with that..... I didn't realize you were so close to finding out what your baby is - YAY - it's so fun to know. And, yes, I'll tell you in just a bit... And about your pain down low - it might not be the same for every person, but I did have a good deal of that when I was about right at where you are. It is VERY uncomfortable. I tdid go away for me. After a couple weeks I think.

    I watch TV in the evenings instead of cleaning! :laugh: :laugh: Actually, I'm not a huge TV fan, I do usually watch an hour with hubby in the evenings when we eat though - like 9:30 -10:30. Usually we watch whatever is on the History Channel... or Storage Wars or something that takes no mental effort to watch! I have to have a phone line and internet for work so it was not that much more to pay for the cable package vs paying just for the local channels or buying a converter box. Plus, sometimes it worth it just to get hubby to shut up complaining about nothing on TV. I couldn't care less to watch TV.

    I TOTALLY use the TV as a babysitter as well! I know people say not to, but my 4 yr old is reading and has been for 1/2 a year as well as super skinny, so I don't worry about it melting his brain or making him fat :laugh:. It's all also only PBS and it lets me get work and conference calls done!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Mel- Thanks for the advice! I do have the pain on my left lower back, in my lady region on the left side and branching down into my inner left thigh. It's not all at the same time. Usually it's one or the other, but they are still all there. It much be sciatic pain. It wasn't so bad yesterday. I must have just had a really bad day Monday. I'm going to look into stretches like you suggested.

    The pain in your groin area also suggests baby is just putting lots of pressure on some tender places. Hopefully you can prod or stretch it off of whatever is hurting you! I'd say (in my medical opinion! :laugh:) the sciatica and the groin pain are unrelated - though caused by the same problem (baby pressure) but in different places.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I’m a little annoyed with my husband right now. I mentioned before that he got me 2 king sized pillows to help me sleep better. Well, they are fantastic!!! But they're also so big that they take up a lot of room in our queen sized bed. So now he's sleeping badly and his back hurts. I know it sucks but he’s such an effin’ baby about it! It’s been 2 nights and you’d swear that his back is broken he complains so much. All he did this morning was complain. Uhhh, I’ve felt like that for months! Get over it! :grumble:

    Men are such wimps. When mine complains about back ache or sore feet or something I go "Yeah, well at least your sore back doesn't end with squeezing a watermelon out your hoo-ha!"
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    well i hate my doctor so much.>< he says that he cant guess the weight of the baby that its not accurate... WTF its ur job to tell me this crap... ><
    well on a good note i have been keeping to my work out schedual that i set for myself on monday.. i know its only weds but im happy

    Actually - be thankful that you have an honest Dr on this issue! So many drs scare women into inducing early or doing an elective C/S because their baby is "too big" but they are really just guessing. One of the last ones on here to "pop" was told her baby would be 10lbs and she might need to be induced or even C/S.... well... she had a 7lb baby in her own natural time!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Hi everyone! I found a link to this thread on another pregnancy topic. I am 12 wks 5days pregnant (Due November 18th), and trying to keep up as much as possible with my diet and exercise regiment. I lost about 25 lbs since Christmas, and found out I was pregnant ONE WEEK after I bought my first pair of size 14s in years!!!! Anyway, despite major aversions to all things meat or vegetable, I have tried my best to eat healthy. So far I have lost 6.5 lbs and my doctor is completely comfortable with that. I am about 40 lbs from my ideal weight, and I eat around 1400 net cals/day. Since I've been pregnant, I have given up my obsession with weight loss, but I still cant help but get really happy everytime I see the scale go down a pound. I was just wondering when it really started going the other way for you guys? Since we're all trying to be committed to a healthy pregnancy, I would love to know at what month/week you all started to gain weight. I know it's coming...

    I've put on 30 and all but about 5-7 of it has been since after week 18. (I was grounded with surgery for a couple months though at week 18, so it slowed me down and I ate a ton of crap in the timeframe.... so.... i know a lot of my gain is "my fault", but I'm overall OK with what looks like 35 lbs overall if I can keep it to 5 in the last month.)
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Mel- Thanks for the advice! I do have the pain on my left lower back, in my lady region on the left side and branching down into my inner left thigh. It's not all at the same time. Usually it's one or the other, but they are still all there. It much be sciatic pain. It wasn't so bad yesterday. I must have just had a really bad day Monday. I'm going to look into stretches like you suggested.

    The pain in your groin area also suggests baby is just putting lots of pressure on some tender places. Hopefully you can prod or stretch it off of whatever is hurting you! I'd say (in my medical opinion! :laugh:) the sciatica and the groin pain are unrelated - though caused by the same problem (baby pressure) but in different places.

    I agree they're likely unrelated. I have the groin pain but not the sciatica. The groin pain is likely some kind of ligament pain, I think. My OB just nodded when I told her & then told me to move more slowly & that should help. :laugh: My groin pain has actually gotten better over the last week or two. I still get it every once in a while but for a while there it was every single time I moved. When I was having it so often, it did help to move more slowly and stretch it a little before I started walking.