Pregnancy 2011- May



  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member

    What is he gonna do if you gain more, spank you? Your pre-pregnancy weight is 120, so a very healthy weight. For someone who is starting their pregnancy at a healthy weight, a 40 lb gain is not bad at all.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't particularly enjoy gaining the weight either (I don't know anyone that does) but it's something that you don't have 100% control over at this point. And we all want to be able to drop it fast, like the day after delivery would be nice! :laugh: Try to remember that being kind to your metabolism now will help you to lose it faster after you have the baby.

    Don't be so hard on yourself, you are doing great!

    LOL, ITA. We are not children, this you cannot gain anymore or only a certain amount, etc, is total bs.
    yeah but im not having a 30 lb baby..and most ppl drop maybe 18 lbs in the6 weeks after... and id like to be able to see my feet im at 35 lbs gain : ( wanted 25 max but didnt work.. idk..

    It's not just the weight of the baby :
    Baby = 7–8 pounds
    Placenta = 1–2 pounds
    Amniotic fluid = 2 pounds
    Uterus = 2 pounds
    Maternal breast tissue = 2 pounds
    Maternal blood = 4 pounds
    Fluids in maternal tissue = 4 pounds
    Maternal fat and nutrient stores = 7 pounds

    You are well within a healthy range, try to stop obsessing :flowerforyou:

  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Arrghhhh! One of my co-workers is pregnant, she smoke. Last week she told me she was going to quit. Today I saw her outside smoking, without even me saying anything she tells me, “the doctors said the baby might have a heart problem (because of all the lithium she was on) might as well a lung problem too.” Seriously?????? :noway: If the doctors told me I had to give up breathing to have a healthy baby I’d do it. I feel so bad for her baby, it breaks my heart.

    That is sooo sad to me. Animal control probably wouldn't let this woman adopt a dog but she can have all the kids she wants. And the way she is trying to rationalize it really p*sses me off. If you know that your child may have complications, why add anything on top of it?

    I quit smoking as soon as I found out I was pregnant, there is no bigger motivation in the world.
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Kacy - I've been thinking about you, I'm glad you checked in.

    Rachael - Sounds like you had a really busy day at work! You are doing great with your weight gain, try not to let it bother you, you are doing so well!

    Danielle - I wanna hear from you as soon as possible tomorrow morning!

    Ron - Can't wait til your gender ultrasound! Have you guys talked about names yet?

    AnneElise - Hope you enjoy your time with your family!

    Julie - I'm gonna miss the kicks, jabs, and flips too. Josh's movements have changed quite a bit, I still get some kicks here and there but now they are mostly like waves and turns. I can feel him turning his head from side to side which is a pretty strange feeling, almost like a pinched nerve or something?

    Mel - Hope you can get to swim in the morning.

    pmaria - I have really bad swelling in my feet and ankles. Have you ever tried Ted Hose? They are compression/circulation socks and they help quite a bit to keep the swelling down.

    My college roommate found out today that she is pregnant, so happy for her! It's funny, before I got pregnant I was sorta"" about pregnancy and babies and now I'm crazy about everything pregnancy and baby related!
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Arrghhhh! One of my co-workers is pregnant, she smoke. Last week she told me she was going to quit. Today I saw her outside smoking, without even me saying anything she tells me, “the doctors said the baby might have a heart problem (because of all the lithium she was on) might as well a lung problem too.” Seriously?????? :noway: If the doctors told me I had to give up breathing to have a healthy baby I’d do it. I feel so bad for her baby, it breaks my heart.

    That is sooo sad to me. Animal control probably wouldn't let this woman adopt a dog but she can have all the kids she wants. And the way she is trying to rationalize it really p*sses me off. If you know that your child may have complications, why add anything on top of it?

    I quit smoking as soon as I found out I was pregnant, there is no bigger motivation in the world.

    I literally watched a girl walk out of the OB's office right before I went in for my first visit, ultrasound pictures in hand, cigarette in the other. I could have punched her.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    It's not just the weight of the baby :
    Baby = 7–8 pounds
    Placenta = 1–2 pounds
    Amniotic fluid = 2 pounds
    Uterus = 2 pounds
    Maternal breast tissue = 2 pounds
    Maternal blood = 4 pounds
    Fluids in maternal tissue = 4 pounds
    Maternal fat and nutrient stores = 7 pounds

    You are well within a healthy range, try to stop obsessing :flowerforyou:

    I needed to see this today! I gained 4 pounds this week (and that is with eating better and only drinking water). I wanted to cry on the scale this morning. UGH ! (but I hadnt gained any weight in over 4 weeks prior to this). I think she had a growth spurt this week (Cause I have been told that I finally look pregnant and I seem to have popped). Hopefully things will go ok with the dr today.

    With regards to smoking... I dont, but my bf does. However from the moment I said I was preggo he refuses to smoke anywhere near me, for fear of hurting the baby's growth. So I only have to smell it on his clothes after. He is working on quiting, and have never smoked in the house (how someone would actually do that I dont know, smoke ruins EVERYTHING).
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    I think it's especially sad when kids come to day care or school and their clothes REAK of cigarette smoke. One neighbourhood boy comes to play with my children, and one day, he came over after playing with an older boy across the street. I went to hang up his coat and it REAKED. He was only there for HALF an HOUR!!!!!! got off the bus @ 3:30, came to play @ 4:00. :noway:

    I can't imagine the poor boys living in that house. they have an 8 y/o and a 2 y/o. :brokenheart:
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Kacy – I’ve been thinking about you. I hope you’re doing well and feeling better. Miss you!

    Danielle – I will be obsessively checking the thread to see if you’re having a boy or a girl!!!! :laugh:

    Lynn – I’m also completely crazy about everything pregnancy and baby related now too. And yes, we already decided on names. Our baby will either be Kathryn or Benjamin. :happy: :heart:

    Weight gain: I came to the realization last night that I don’t have the first clue about how to grow a baby; thankfully my body is on autopilot. I know people who ate crap and didn’t exercise at all and gained almost nothing and people who watched everything they put in their mouths and constantly worked out and still gained 50+ pounds. I figure regardless of what I do I’m going to gain weight. As long as I do my best to make healthy food choices and don’t become a complete and total lazy bum, I can’t be too hard on myself. Besides, according to my husband I’ve never looked more beautiful – and if he honestly thinks differently, he knows better than to say it out loud! :laugh:

    Ok this will be my last vent about my co-worker (until she does something else to make me nuts :wink: ). I really don’t think she wants this baby. She purposely got pregnant (told her husband she was on the pill and didn’t take it) with the notion it would save her marriage. I’m surprised that he even wanted to try to work it out after she cheated on him with 3 different men. You can tell just by looking at her that she is absolutely miserable. She also has gestational diabetes and still eats chocolate all day, now from what I understand that could be harmful to her baby depending on how much she eats. Yesterday I ate a piece of chocolate and her response was “ugh, now I have to get one too!” Uh, no you don’t, and me having some chocolate every once in a while will not hurt my baby because I don’t have the same health problems you do. ARRGGHHH!!! :explode: Ok end rant – sorry.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Weight gain: I came to the realization last night that I don’t have the first clue about how to grow a baby; thankfully my body is on autopilot. I know people who ate crap and didn’t exercise at all and gained almost nothing and people who watched everything they put in their mouths and constantly worked out and still gained 50+ pounds. I figure regardless of what I do I’m going to gain weight. As long as I do my best to make healthy food choices and don’t become a complete and total lazy bum, I can’t be too hard on myself. Besides, according to my husband I’ve never looked more beautiful – and if he honestly thinks differently, he knows better than to say it out loud! :laugh:

    thats a great way to think about it. I think that might be how I should tackle the gaining. I am gonna just focus on being healthy and if I gain, I gain. Its good your husband tells you that too! (bf says it to me, and its taken me awhile to realize he really means it).
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Ron - So, I'm under the impression the reason a person is put on a calorie/carb/sugar restricted diet when they have gestational diabetes is so the baby won't gain an insane amount of weight in the womb, right? I guess she thinks a terrible L&D of a huge newborn with lots of medical issues is going to relieve stress on her relationship with her husband. Brilliant! Maybe she's on to something -- perhaps the low birth weight caused by smoking and the excessive birth weight caused by uncontrolled GD will cancel each other out.

    Lynn - I get super excited about babies & learning people are pregnant, too. I was more like, "Ugh, please stop spawning" before. :laugh: I also feel this huge urge to push my best friend to have one now. :laugh: Of course, I would never in million years say anything like that to her (while sober at least :wink:). Her boyfriend has a 3 y/o daughter so I guess in a way I'm just now catching up to her. :tongue:

    My "official" weigh-in day is Friday and I'm down 1.4 pounds from last Friday. Woot! :happy: I'm at 30.4 pounds gained now. Whew. Now the goal is to hold steady there for a few weeks if I can. The reason I'm hard on myself about my weight gain is because I KNOW I could have done better. I just let myself get caught up in the "Eh, screw it, I'll lose it after the baby comes" mentality for a few months. But no, I worked hard to lose that weight the first time and I do NOT want to have to lose it again. If I catch myself now, there won't be that much I'll have to relose -- I'd love to only have 10-15 pounds to lose to get back to my lowest weight just a few weeks after birth (especially since I'll have another 40 to lose from my lowest weight to get to my goal weight!). If I don't catch myself now, I'll probably have 30 or more pounds to relose and then 40 more on top of that and that is so not okay with me.
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member

    Weight gain: I came to the realization last night that I don’t have the first clue about how to grow a baby; thankfully my body is on autopilot. I know people who ate crap and didn’t exercise at all and gained almost nothing and people who watched everything they put in their mouths and constantly worked out and still gained 50+ pounds. I figure regardless of what I do I’m going to gain weight. As long as I do my best to make healthy food choices and don’t become a complete and total lazy bum, I can’t be too hard on myself. Besides, according to my husband I’ve never looked more beautiful – and if he honestly thinks differently, he knows better than to say it out loud! :laugh:

    good insight, thank you for that. :)
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    Weight gain: I came to the realization last night that I don’t have the first clue about how to grow a baby; thankfully my body is on autopilot. I know people who ate crap and didn’t exercise at all and gained almost nothing and people who watched everything they put in their mouths and constantly worked out and still gained 50+ pounds. I figure regardless of what I do I’m going to gain weight. As long as I do my best to make healthy food choices and don’t become a complete and total lazy bum, I can’t be too hard on myself. Besides, according to my husband I’ve never looked more beautiful – and if he honestly thinks differently, he knows better than to say it out loud! :laugh:

    That is the best attitude to have Ron. Once you get into this kind of mindset, your pregnancy will be so much more enjoyable. At first I got really REALLY down on myself about gaining weight. I was staying within my maintenance calories and trying to stay active, and still gaining like crazy. I cried after my first few monthly appointments because I was so mad at myself.

    I was so depressed about my weight gain that I wasn't allowing myself to enjoy being pregnant. I finally came to the conclusion that I am going to gain weight, I'm pregnant, and it's ok. As long as my baby is healthy (and although I'm gaining weight I'm still healthy) then I have everything in the world to be thankful for and there will be plenty of time to focus on losing the weight.

    My husband is also extremely complimentary and always tells me how beautiful I look. It was really hard for him to see me getting so upset about gaining weight because he thought it was so normal. Pregnant women gain weight, whats the big deal? Easy for a 6'2 beanpole to say, right? :laugh:
  • Mamatoabunch
    Mamatoabunch Posts: 749

    yeah but im not having a 30 lb baby..and most ppl drop maybe 18 lbs in the6 weeks after... and id like to be able to see my feet im at 35 lbs gain : ( wanted 25 max but didnt work.. idk..

    I have been pregnant 10 times, this is my 10th pregnancy, 11 baby and it never works out just as you desire w/ weight gain b/c each pregnancy is very individual. Your gain is baby, fluid, blood, placenta, and fat reserves to nurse your baby, not just your baby. I would have liked to have gained under 30lbs this pregnancy, but my baby and body needed more. I am 34 weeks and have gained 33lbs.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Hello ladies! I agree with Ron's attitude about weight gain... but that doesn't mean I don't freak out every time I see more than a one pound gain at my weekly weigh-in. I think we ladies are just programmed to be obsessed with that number on the scale and, like Julie said, I worked soooo hard to lose that weight. It's going to stink to have to do it all over again. Hopefully it'll be alright. Right now I'm at a 32lb gain over 31 weeks. My check-in is on Mondays, so we'll see what kind of damage I did this week.

    31 weeks today! WOOT! I just realized that I will be able to say the baby is less than two months away on Monday. CRAZY! What if she decided to come early? I've gotta make sure everything is ready ASAP! Annnnnd more insane nesting commences :laugh:
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Ron- all of the tests and such (heartbeat, pee in the cup test ect) said boy for us… but I felt girl and here we are! I can’t stand pregnant people who smoke. Gross. I love your names BTW. And your attitude about weight gain!

    Julie- that is SO crazy about her moving in your belly. I feel like that is weird but cool haha

    Peanut- you are so close to giving birth I wouldn’t worry about weight. Eat healthy for your and your LO and your body will do what it needs. You can focus on loosing afterwards.

    Mel- I have had a similar exercise week! Luckily my little brother wants to go to the gym today (he is visiting) so we are both going.

    Pmaria- my ankles have started to swell too… the other night my DH told me I had kankles in the evenings haha.
    Danielle- any news?

    Kacy- glad to hear from you. Hope things are going well.

    Rachael- I had a similar weight gain experience and its hard to gain so sporadically. You are doing awesome with you weight so far and you look great.

    Lynn- How fun! I love hearing people are having babies now!

    Carina- the smell of smoke is amazing to me… if you are going to smoke fine but outside!

    Brittony- aww you are getting so close! I am 27 weeks today! I was thinking I am at 3 months and that was crazy to me!

    AFM: I am noticing more and more how much my belly gets in the way of trying to do things I usually do so easily. It is crazy and I know it’s only getting bigger haha. I may be a little out of it this weekend, I am so excited about my time with family! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    So my stomach has felt kind of stretched lately- like the weight of it is making my skin uncomfortable or something. I'm obviously bad at describing it. I mentioned to my husband that I feel much more comfortable wearing tight shirts because I feel more supported. I ended up trying on my BeBand last night and it felt awesome! I think I'm going to start wearing it under all of my clothes. I guess it has more uses than just extending the use of pre-pregnancy pants. My friend let me borrow one of those belly bands that has all of the velcro and stuff, but it just looks uncomfortable to me. Plus it sits under the stomach. With my BeBand I just wear it over the whole stomach and it feels like it's in a nice, comfy hammock. :smile:
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    One of the supervisors gave me a Mother’s Day card for the mother-to-be. It’s my first Mother’s Day present! :happy: I apologize for being such a dork! :laugh:
  • JKilty
    JKilty Posts: 75
    One of the supervisors gave me a Mother’s Day card for the mother-to-be. It’s my first Mother’s Day present! :happy: I apologize for being such a dork! :laugh:

    My Mother-in-Law gave me a maternity shirt and a Chick-fil-A giftcard so that I could get a Diet Lemonade! I was so excited since it was my first Mother's day gift ever :smile: And then I immediately asked my husband what he was getting me...haha! I was just kidding with him though :wink:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Brittony -- my belly has been feeling stretched too, but on the inside. Since I lost so much weight right before I got pregnant, my skin isn't itchy or even close to stretched (yet). I think it's my abs still fighting or something. I also notice I feel better when I wear my beband, though (I still use it to hold up the 3 pairs of pre-pregnancy pants that still kind of fit. And by "kind of fit" I of course mean "I can actually manage to squeeze them over my huge thighs and *kitten*" :laugh:).

    Ron -- Our HR director gave me a vase with 3 roses in it for Mother's Day. :smile: I honestly think it's the first time someone has given me flowers so I was really touched. My best friend also sent me a "Mother's day" card. She loves to pick out cards that have nothing to do with what she's trying to say & then she changes things about them to make them more appropriate. For instance, when I told her I was pregnant we got a card in the mail that said "Congratulations!" on the outside and "You do nice work!" on the inside. :laugh: She knows I'm not big on all the stupid mushy emotional stuff so she finds ways to acknowledge things in a really awesome way that I find hilarious instead of lame.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    First off it took me a half hour to get here because I don`t have a fancy phone but I did it for all of you! ITS A BOY!!!!!! More details later when I can sit @ a computer. Had to tell you all though!
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    First off it took me a half hour to get here because I don`t have a fancy phone but I did it for all of you! ITS A BOY!!!!!! More details later when I can sit @ a computer. Had to tell you all though!

    A BOY! I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU! We need some boys around here! Congrats!