Pregnancy 2011- May



  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    I just wanted to say thank you for letting me brag about my boy yesterday and the days leading up to finding out. You ladies are the best support group there is and I wouldn’t want to go through this with anyone else. Individual thanks to: Anne, Rachael, Lynn, Ron, Brittony, Meokk, Rachel, Julie, Hkystar, Regina, and Carina :flowerforyou: :heart:

    The actual experience of it was breathtaking. I could have laid there for hours watching my little man move/kick/punch/wiggle around. Let me just say anyone who thinks they can have a 20 week US and NOT figure out what they are having are wrong! I knew it was a boy before the tech even said it because I could see it with my own eyes :laugh: !
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    I’m so glad a lot of you first time Mom’s were recognized this Mother’s day by family/friends. We are Mothers already even though our baby’s aren’t here- we’re already doing what we will once they are in this world! :flowerforyou:

    Brittony- That doesn’t sound bad at all for your baby bill. You are wise to try and save for it now so it isn’t so much after baby. You can pay in payments though (if you weren’t aware). A lot of people can only afford $5 a month and as long as they are showing they are working on the bill that is what the hospital cares about. I am so sorry about your horrible walk experience, I probably would have reacted the same. One because it is traumatizing and we love our dogs like they are our children because lets face it, they are the substitute one’s until the real one’s come, for most that is. I hope you are able to see your pooch as the furry lovable one he is. What kind of dog do you have if you don’t mind my asking? Oh- and TOTALLY go for that italian ice. They will give it to you, you know it. Enjoy it too!

    Hkystar- I’m so sorry about your gallstone. What will they do with that with being pregnant and all? Just keep an eye on it and take care of it after baby is here? Don’t worry about your weight gain, our bodies do what they need to for the baby.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Regina – 2 pounds in 3 months is amazing! I can’t wait to find out what you’re having. I’m really hoping for a girl too, but I’m sure I’ll be happy either way.

    Stacy – Now we’re both counting down until the 16th. Your doctor appointment and my gender scan. :happy:

    Brittony – I’m sorry you had to see that, I would have been a mess to. I’m pretty sure it was just instinct on your dogs’ part, and I say you deserve Rita’s.

    Hkystar – I’m sorry you have a gall stone. Don’t be so hard on yourself about the weight gain, especially since you’ve been eating so well. I don’t think 5 pounds in 9 weeks is realistic at all, your body knows what it needs. As long as your baby is healthy I wouldn’t get too stressed about it, I think you’re doing great!

    Mel – fingers crossed for your son! I hope you find your shirt; I lost one of my favorite ones a few years ago and finally found it when I was moving out of my parents’ house - of course by then it was too small for me. :grumble:

    Jalara – :smile:

    Carina – when I stopped taking the pill after 4 years I think my husband thought I was replaced with an alien. Sorry you’re kids didn’t behave; I guess they all have their moments.

    Danielle – now I’m so anxious to have my ultrasound!!! Not like I wasn’t before. :laugh:

    I’m always amazed at how much some insurance companies don’t cover. Isn’t this why we pay for it in the first place?

    I got an AARP card in the mail today…..seriously???? :noway: :huh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Brittony -- I definitely think Rita's will give you free gelati. :happy: I'm sorry about the little groundhog. Of course dogs have huge instincts to play or even to hunt. Dogs are wolves, even the tiniest fluffiest Maltese could reproduce & make fertile offspring with a wolf -- they're essentially the exact same species. Our pitty puppy tried to trot back into the house with a dead squirrel in her mouth last week. :frown: It would've been especially hard for me if I had seen her kill it (and I don't know that she did or if she just found it). I'm sorry you saw all that. It's a lot more traumatic when you see it happening. I'm pretty sure our hospital bill is going to be similar and so far I've paid $886 to my OB. I'm more afraid of the pediatrician bill because at that point I'll have another $350 deductible to meet for Maisie. Grrr.

    Danielle -- LOVE the pictures!

    hkystar -- when you were throwing up all the time, you were probably very dehydrated. Fluid weighs a LOT. Just 1 gallon of water weighs about 8 pounds. Also, your body is probably conserving all it can just in case the inflow of nutrition stops again. I bet the gain will level off over the next couple of weeks. And if you're eating well and it doesn't, then you can rest assured it's just what your baby needs. :flowerforyou:

    Rachel -- Sorry you're right there with me. It's very weird. Half the time I look down and see my belly & it doesn't even occur to me it's there now because I'm pregnant. I'm taking a childbirth class offered by my hospital. I also want to find some more good books to read.

    Carina -- I'm sorry you had a bad time at Zumba. Your kids probably just got caught up in the loud music and a new place and lots of new people. :ohwell:

    I had a bad morning that started off with one of my dogs jumping on me (and he's one of the more well behaved ones, argh!) and scratching my bump. He's usually not the jumper, but the jumper was jumping so much I think he just got caught up in it & decided to join in. That made my decision immediately -- I have to find a new home for the dog that won't listen or behave. We've given him 3 years to calm down and stop being so anxious and neurotic and I swear he's gotten even worse over the last few months. All 3 of our other dogs listen and obey and are generally very well behaved. He's just not a good match. And if I have to worry about Maisie's safety while she's still protected inside me, I'm going to be a wreck with her around him when she's here. And that's not fair to me or her or him.

    I've felt normal movement from her since it happened so I think we're just fine.

    So, last night my husband decides to tell me that he wants to rejoin the army. :noway: He joined about a year before we met but was medically discharged after just a few months because he developed serious stress fractures in both of his legs. He's apparently very worried about his ability to be an adequate "provider" otherwise. He mentioned rejoining a few years ago but I flipped my *kitten* about it (we weren't married then) so he didn't.

    This time it's almost seeming like a good idea (of course there are parts of it that will really stink). He's a marine kid so he's really comfortable with the idea. I don't know that I am. I'm feeling pretty overwhelmed about it right now but I think that's because I'm seriously considering it as an option.
  • Mamatoabunch
    Mamatoabunch Posts: 749

    Mamatoabunch is only a couple days behind me!

    I know! Several of mine have been born at 37 and 38 the rest by 39, so it will be soon. I am thinking the very end of this month. I am getting quite excited.

    My friends planned a baby shower for next Wednesday. It will be fun to eat and just talk. My dd, Anniston will be making the cake, a very dark devil's food w/ raspberries.

    Oh and for my best Mother's Day gift ever, we closed on our farm yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Julie- Sorry about your bad morning! I think you are making the right decision in finding that particular dog a good home. I don't think it's worth the risk with a new baby in the house. It doesn't mean you loved him any less. It just didn't work out. You gave him a good three years with your family. Now it's time for another family to love him. Maybe one with a farm or something. Sounds like he needs a bunch of space to go crazy in.

    I didn't even think about the pediatrician bills. We're going to have to meet a deductable for Emma too. It sounds like we have similar insurance plans. That is our goal today, to look into pediatricians in the area. We keep putting it off. Well we actually keep putting off finding a pediatrician, dentist, and vet, so we are going to try to look into all three today.

    My husband has brought up the army thing a couple of times now too! He makes decent money, so I don't know why he keeps doing it. I am way too needy to have my husband be gone for months at a time. Plus I get worried just from him driving back and forth to work on the interstate. I won't let him do it. We women worry about our baby's health and development and the nursery. The men worry over finances. Let's face it, we all worry over finances, but the men seem to be fixated on it. If it is the right decision for your family, then by all means. I just know I couldn't be an army wife.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Congrats Annabelle!! That has got to be so exciting.
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    thanks for the support ladies. I am feeling a lot better about myself today. If what I am doing now makes me feel better than I have in 7 months, then why shouldnt I keep it up. I am ready to enjoy being pregnant and this week was the first week I could say that I have.

    Danielle - Its funny you bring up the 20 week ultrasound and being able to tell. I couldnt tell at all (at first I thought I saw boy parts), and our tech was not really sure at ours. She kept saying girl, but it was not that she really saw any girl parts but more that she didnt see any boy parts. I walked out not feeling 100% confident. The ultrasound we had this past week was more reassuring (the tech showed us her labia - which was really weird to see). I have felt much more confident now that its a girl (and not just a boy hiding his boy parts).

    As far as the gall stone, they wont do anything about it right now. I have to avoid fatty foods (they can upset my stomach). If I have a lot of pain around that area I will have to go into the hospital and discuss the baby coming out (as long as she is full term). They will then monitor me post baby to see if it causes more problems.

    Anabelle - congrats on the farm!

    Littlespy - sorry about the dog jumping but glad to hear you have felt baby moving around afterwards. I am sorry you are gonna have to get rid of one of your dogs. I cant imagine having to make that decision with one of mine (they are our babies). HUGS! hope your day gets better.

    Brittony - we haven't picked a ped yet. I really want to find a family practice instead of a ped specialty dr. But just havent done much on the topic.

    I have actually been on sort of nesting spree this morning (for the first time). I have our guest bedroom looking awesome, and there is now space in the baby's room for us to put the crib (which is being delivered today).
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Thought you ladies might like this :)

    Thanks! :)
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Let me just say anyone who thinks they can have a 20 week US and NOT figure out what they are having are wrong! I knew it was a boy before the tech even said it because I could see it with my own eyes :laugh: !

    Yay for another boy! we were getting way too outnumbered!
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    I only read through the last few posts, so I'm sorry I'm not commenting on everyone ... you'll understand when your LOs come... :laugh: I sure do miss you all, though!:smile:

    Annabelle - so happy you were finally able to close on the farm! One less thing to worry about!!!

    Danielle - Congrats on your little man! So exciting!

    Can't wait to find out what everyone else is having, too!

    Happy Mother's Day to all you mommies and mommies to be!!!!!!! Love you all!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Oh and for my best Mother's Day gift ever, we closed on our farm yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    When's the big move... and what do you travel in?!?! 13 people and some livestock cross country?! :noway:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    My husband has brought up the army thing a couple of times now too! He makes decent money, so I don't know why he keeps doing it. I am way too needy to have my husband be gone for months at a time. Plus I get worried just from him driving back and forth to work on the interstate. I won't let him do it. We women worry about our baby's health and development and the nursery. The men worry over finances. Let's face it, we all worry over finances, but the men seem to be fixated on it. If it is the right decision for your family, then by all means. I just know I couldn't be an army wife.

    Mine brings it up occasionally as well. He was in the 81st Airborne for a while but got out. I wouldn't mind being an Army wife I don't think - we'd definitely be a lot more comfortable financially, have benefits, and have stability with his employment. I'm also fine when he's gone, but I might get lonely this far from family (or I guess wherever we had to move if he joined) if he were gone for more than 3-4 months at a time. The only problem why I don't totally support it is... well... hubby has some problems with authority :laugh:. It's been years since he was in last (he signed his contract on Sept 10, 2001!) and he was only barely 18 then, but even at 27.... I don't know. I think he doesn't like people telling him what to do too much to be back in the military.

    In our house I am totally the #s cruncher and $ worrier. He drives me nuts with his "don't worry, we'll figure it out" attitude. :grumble: I don't think he even knows what bills we pay each month - he just knows I tell him each month - hey, I don't care how you do it, but make sure I have this much $ by this date or we're short.
  • Mamatoabunch
    Mamatoabunch Posts: 749

    When's the big move... and what do you travel in?!?! 13 people and some livestock cross country?! :noway:

    Sometime after baby arrives and we feel well to move. I drive a Ford 15 passenger full size van. Dh has a Hyundai. Dh will drive the moving van hauling the trailer for our cow and horse. I and my twins will drive our van pulling dh's car.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Littlespy - sorry about the dog jumping but glad to hear you have felt baby moving around afterwards. I am sorry you are gonna have to get rid of one of your dogs. I cant imagine having to make that decision with one of mine (they are our babies). HUGS! hope your day gets better.

    I had to get rid of my blue heeler mix Chiez (Cheese) when I had my son. She was an AWESOME dog but protective of me and better in a one dog home. Luckily my sister took her which was really great because I get to keep up with her all the time and what's she's up to and know she's OK. She left about 2 weeks after I had my son. I bawled for days. We also sold one of my 2 horses (a BEAUTIFUL Spotted Saddle filly) a couple weeks before I had my son. We shipped her out to someone in Arizona (you can get good money for gaited horses from people in AZ! All they have out there are quarter horses and arabians - here in TN walkers and SSH's are a dime a dozen - literally, you can pick one up at the auction for like $200 and we sold her for $2000 +shipping, so it covered the time I had to take off work unpaid.) She was set to be an incredible horse as well, but I knew she would end up ruined if I couldn't start her and train her since I had a baby (she was 2). The people we sold her to keep up with us every so often and I get photos and updates each year or so, or I ask about her. She's probably one of the most beautiful horses I have ever seen and so calm - you could rub plastic bags all over her legs and belly and all and she wouldn't flinch - that's awesome for a horse - my grouchy old QH would flip out if he saw a bag anywhere! :laugh: I loved him though. He was otherwise great... well, kinda... :laugh:

    Posting photos because... well, I can :wink: and because I've kind of been missing all this I gave up- the horses etc.
    Annabelle and Chiez

    My son at 1 and my horse just about a month before he died.

    And - the prettiest little filly ever! The photos hardly do her justice.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Mel- That horse on the bottom of your picture post is beautiful!

    Annabelle- Congrats on your closing. What a sigh of relief! How far are you moving away from where you are now?
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Congrats on the farm, Annabelle! May 30th is a pretty good birthday (it's mine). I almost always get a long weekend from work around my birthday for Memorial Day. :smile:

    Hubby and I talked a little more about the army thing this afternoon and he'd be looking into non-combat type positions like print journalist (an example he brought up). Though he does keep trying to slip in medic on me which is what he joined to do last time, but um... no. I guess there's always a chance even the finance people in the army would be deployed, but print journalism would be one of those position that would very rarely be deployed. I hate the idea of being away from him while he's in basic training. That part wouldn't bother me so much except for the whole um.. baby thing. My heart would break knowing he's missing stuff he doesn't want to miss.

    I think I'd be okay as an army wife assuming he never gets deployed to a combat zone. :laugh: I could definitely be down with moving (um, I've never lived outside of SC). My main problem with that is I worry about my mom. She is already flipping out because she wants us to live closer (we're almost 2 hours away). She'd send me on the guilt trip of the century if I said "Yeah... we're being stationed in Washington state" or "We're moving to Germany!" which are 2 places I'd totally be down with being stationed otherwise. The closest base to her is in the city we live in now and certainly would not be one of our top choices. But the living stipend for that base at the rank he'd be starting at is actually 20% more than the mortgage payment on our house here. I had no idea the stipends were so generous (I mean, my mortgage payment includes the cost of my homeowner's insurance, which is an outrageous amount, and my property taxes, which are also outrageous!). I would so love to be able to stay at home with my baby. And I would so love to not have to stress about finances for the first time since I bought this house 4 years ago. I think we'll be looking into it further. It's not something he would do until after Maisie is here. I really dread telling my mom if we decide it's what is best for us. She's going to freak out.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Brittony - yikes that would freak me out as well, sorry you had to witness the carnage. Hope you get the free gelato

    hkystar - sorry about the gall stone and you didn't really gain that much in a week unless you overate by 21,000 calories! I'm sure it will drop off.

    Congrats to Anabelle on closing, are you moving from one farm to another or will this be a whole new experience for you?

    Hearing about all the bills from the doctors and hospitals is a bit worrying, I've had my first 3 this month. What I cannot fathom is that there seems to be no way ahead of time to know what the bills might be. The doctors office says that they don't know until after they submit the claims. So will I have 5 more months of just random bills appearing ?
    I have good insurance but they certainly refuse to pay for some things.......
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Hey ladies still on an iPad so I can't really respond. I will when we get Internet back :( or at school Monday. Having a great time with family.

    Question what are you guys doing for heartburn? As you know I get sick after dinner and the last couple nights terrible heartburn. I have never had it before.
  • Mamatoabunch
    Mamatoabunch Posts: 749

    Annabelle- Congrats on your closing. What a sigh of relief! How far are you moving away from where you are now?

    We will be moving from NM to WI.