Pregnancy 2011- May



  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Wow you ladies move this thread fast. My last post was on page 1! I'm going to have to go back to read a whole lot now.

    I had some minor MS on Wednesday but it was gone by afternoon and back to nausea for the rest of the week. I've also had stretching pains. Not a lot else to report except that my tummy seems to have exploded out already and despite trying to be careful about what I eat I have already managed to put on 1.8 kg in the last two weeks. It is a little frustrating when I was trying to maintain my weight at this stage in my pregnancy.
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Ok now that I've caught up on 10 pages worth of posts - wow!

    Lynn - I think if I had a friend like that I'd end up strangling her for her stupidity. I'm sorry, but even with the free maternity care we have in New Zealand I would still be close to strangling her for wasting so much medical time. The closest person I have who was in my life like that would be my husband's 21yo sister who gave birth in Feb. She is way too young for her age.

    As for the exercise challenge - is it just four days of exercise at 30 minutes or more a day? I guess I passed this week then. I exercised on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday doing a minimum of 65 minutes for the first three days and 1.45 hours on the Friday. It's only walking though albeit on mostly bush type pathways, lol.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Danielle – I love the pictures!! So cute!!! :heart: :happy:

    Mel - wow, you're close! I don't why I thought you had longer to go than that.

    History – this is a pretty fast moving thread. The exercise challenge is to workout 4 times a week for 30 minutes. And the majority of my weight gain was in the beginning. I was really nauseous and dizzy beginning about week 7 and had a really hard time exercising.
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    Danielle - I :heart: ultrasound pics!!! The 3-d one is so cool!!!

    Hopefully I'll have some to share next Tuesday. I'm so excited - we decided to find out what we're having! Now I'm just hoping that I won't be to dissapointed if it's a boy. I'm sure I'll get over it, but I just think a girl sounds like a lot of fun. I went to my backup OB Dr. today and we were both really excited that in the three or so months since I was there last I had only gained 2 pounds. YEA!!! And for those of you that feel like getting all depressed cause you gained more than that by the time you were where I am just remember that I'm almost 100 pounds overweight. So hopefully baby will just use some of my fat resources for it's own. :happy:
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Oh Danielle! He's SO CUTE! :D

    Congrats! *hugs*
  • KatalynasMommy
    KatalynasMommy Posts: 136 Member
    I called the DOCTOR'S OFFICE this morning go see the doctor the 16th for the first visit. My other appointments was with the nurse for bloodwork.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Oh my gosh, my ticker is going to move a box tomorrow?! I think these last weeks are going to fly by, especially now that I'll be seeing the doctor every other week.

    Danielle- PRECIOUS!! I'm so happy for you. Finding out the sex was such a wonderful time. Everything went slow up until then. Afterwards time flew by.

    So my plans for a 45 minute walk today were foiled by a traumatic event. My husband and I were walking along and talking. The dog was walking ahead of us on his leash. All of the sudden he just pounces and grabs this little groundhog. We didn't even see him! He shook him around like one of his stuffed animals. I was screaming bloody murder for him to drop the poor thing. By time he did... it didn't look good. I just broke down in the middle of the park, sobbing like a mad woman. People had to think we had an extremely dangerous dog who bit my arm off with the way I reacted. I was distraught. It just broke my heart to see that poor little animal get hurt. I'm pretty sure it hobbled off and died somewhere. Ugh. I know my dog just wanted to play and that it was just an instinct, but it was terrible. My husband had to keep telling me to calm down for the baby. I was crying so hard I was gagging (TMI). Needless to say, I only got a 20 minute walk in. I'm trying not to look at my sweet puppy as a coldblooded killer now. I never thought he would actually catch a small animal. He chases squirrels all the time. If he ever did corner one, I didn't think he would know what to do with it. Ugh. Anyway. That's the first time I have completely lost it while pregnant. Emma was very quite for most of the afternoon and it made me scared that I traumatized her with my little episode. She seems to be active and normal now, though.

    We got a letter from the hospital confirming our registration for delivery. They went ahead and entered our insurance info and gave us an estimate of how much it would cost us- $1450. That's after we paid our OBGYN over $900. I guess it could be much worse. I was actually expecting a much higher number from the hospital. We are going to try to start paying them in increments now so we can have a nice chunk taken off by time the little one gets here. I'm sure that estimate doesn't include things like an epidural or the random things that can happen last minute... Hopefully everything goes smoothly and that number doesn't change much.

    So I got an e-mail saying that the Rita's Italian Ice in Asheville is giving away free gelatis to mothers on Mother's Day. Do you think they would give me one if I came in with my big belly? I love their gelatis and have absolutely nothing to do this weekend. It would be a lovely perk. I think it's so nice that some of you girls got Mother's Day cards, flowers, etc. I am really not expecting anything. I told my husband he should relish in the last year he isn't responsible for spoiling me on Mother's Day. hehe.
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Oh and the two pairs of maternity pants that I do have are the full panel ones as well. I think my stomach must be too high or something because they are sorta loose in the lower area and the elastic digs in up top. I end up folding them down because they get uncomfortable.

    History- That's great that you've already met the exercise challenge for the week!! Keep it up as long as you possibly can!
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    I had my apt today. It was a mix of ok news and things that made me upset.

    Background, I have been pretty sick with morning sickness and my diet has been crap up until this week. Now that I have a script for zofran (and have been taking it only when really necessary), my diet has improved so much. Its a lot of fruits/veggies/water (getting my 9 cups a day), and staying well under my calories. Its been no fast food, no eating out. I have felt so normal for the first time in almost 30 weeks.

    Well, I found out at the apt I do have a gall stone. Luckily there is not big signed of inflammation but I have to avoid fatty/greasy foods.

    But somehow I gained 6 lbs in one week... HOW THE HECK? I am finally like doing EVERYTHING right. I just want to cry. That puts me at 20lbs according the the dr's office (which they started weighing me after my appetite had gone to crap and I had dropped some weight). He stressed only gaining a total of 5 more pounds in the next 9 weeks. I am so upset about it right now. I hadnt gained any weight in the 4 weeks prior and that was with crap eating and lots of soda.

    I have been crying on and off since I got home. I spent all day feeling proud of myself and knowing I was still ok.

    The only good thing out of the apt is that baby is healthy. She was active and good heartbeat. When I had my ultrasound on Monday she was measuring slightly behind/right on target (only like 4 days behind schedule). Today with the tape measure she measured 1 week ahead. That confirmed the growth spurt I felt this week.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Brittony- I am so sorry you had such an awful experience! Poor little ground hog, but you are right it is instinct. I’m sorry you got so upset. I think a gelati is just the thing to make you feel better! That’s so expensive for the hospital, that sucks!! I wonder what it would cost someone without any insurance?

    Rfrick- Sooo excited myself for your ultrasound!! Do you have a feeling what it might be? Is this any different than your other baby so far?

    Julie- I am right there with you re: not really feeling pregnant! Lol. I just feel like I have something moving inside me once in a while, and like I am really fat. I wore really unflattering clothes today too so that didn’t help. I am also right there with you on the starting to panic about labour and delivery… I am hoping after my birth classes I feel much more confident. Are you taking any courses?

    History- I know how frustrating it is to gain weight when you do your best to make healthy choices. I think it was ron though who pointed out that it is really just like our bodies go on autopilot and just gain what the baby needs no matter what.

    Danielle- Thanks for sharing your photos! I love the 3d ones, I wish I got to take one sometime. Maybe my next pregnancy. Avery is my #1 name too! However mine is for a girl (Avery Elizabeth). I like it just as much for a boy! Hubby disagrees but hopefully I can convince him within the next 3 months

    Mel- Glad you finally got to the gym. Must feel good. Hope you have fun tomorrow at the festival/pancake breakfast, and that you can convince your hubby to build the dresser.

    Meokk- thank you for sharing! I will be sure to check it out.

    Autty- I drink a cup of coffee in the am too, sometimes on the weekend I have two. My dr said it was ok as long as I don’t have tooo too much. I never drink soda or anything else with caffeine so I am pretty sure that is ok.

    Rachael/Ron/Jkitty- that is so sweet of your MIL’s/co-worker! I am not expecting anything from anyone this time around, but next year, watch out! Just kidding! (kinda)
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    hkystar- Don't be upset! you have done sooo well! 6lbs in one week is probably just water, perhaps a response to the stone. What happens with that now then? Will it just go away?

    But seriously, chin up girl. Your dr sounds outrageous... 5 more pounds in 9 really? You are at the end of your pregnany when the baby is gaining the most weight it ever will. Forget what that stupid dr said. Do your best to eat well, try to get a bit of excercise, and don't stress :-)
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Mel - wow, you're close! I don't why I thought you had longer to go than that.

    Mamatoabunch is only a couple days behind me!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Brittony- I am so sorry you had such an awful experience! Poor little ground hog, but you are right it is instinct. I’m sorry you got so upset. I think a gelati is just the thing to make you feel better! That’s so expensive for the hospital, that sucks!! I wonder what it would cost someone without any insurance?
    My first was a C/S so it's more... but it would have been $25,000 just for the hospital portion if I had to pay out of pocket! It's something like $10,000 - 15,000 or so for a normal delivery and hospital stay. It's insane.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    So my plans for a 45 minute walk today were foiled by a traumatic event. My husband and I were walking along and talking. The dog was walking ahead of us on his leash. All of the sudden he just pounces and grabs this little groundhog. We didn't even see him! He shook him around like one of his stuffed animals. I was screaming bloody murder for him to drop the poor thing. By time he did... it didn't look good. I just broke down in the middle of the park, sobbing like a mad woman. People had to think we had an extremely dangerous dog who bit my arm off with the way I reacted. I was distraught. It just broke my heart to see that poor little animal get hurt. I'm pretty sure it hobbled off and died somewhere. Ugh. I know my dog just wanted to play and that it was just an instinct, but it was terrible. My husband had to keep telling me to calm down for the baby. I was crying so hard I was gagging (TMI). Needless to say, I only got a 20 minute walk in. I'm trying not to look at my sweet puppy as a coldblooded killer now. I never thought he would actually catch a small animal. He chases squirrels all the time. If he ever did corner one, I didn't think he would know what to do with it. Ugh. Anyway. That's the first time I have completely lost it while pregnant. Emma was very quite for most of the afternoon and it made me scared that I traumatized her with my little episode. She seems to be active and normal now, though.

    This reminds me of when I was about 8+ mos preg last time and had my dog at the barn. She caught and killed a baby mouse and I SCREAMED at her and started bawling. I totally flipped out. It was just a mouse! Dogs and rodents... it's just what they do. They're bred to. I found her chewing on a box turtle in my back yard earlier this week. I rescued it and put it over the fence, but felt bad because she'd torn the edge of it's shell where she'd been gnawing on it. I didn't cry and freak out this time though (but then, it wasn't dead so... I didn't cry over the 2 dead moles I found out back either)... but man... over that mouse! I was a total wreck! Talk about pregnancy hormones!!!
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I finally found the shot record I spent 40 minutes the other night looking for (and then had to go pick up a new one at the Drs since i needed it yesterday - FINGERS CROSSED that the boy gets into the state preschool lottery and gets free 5 day a week preschool this fall! They only have 180 spots!) It somehow was in the couch under the cushion!?!

    Now... if only I can find my missing shirt! I swear - it is nowhere! :grumble: :grumble: And of course it's all I keep wanting to wear!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Thought you ladies might like this :)
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Had an argument with DH this afternoon. He thinks I go crazy when AF comes. UM YEAH!? Deal with it? Feeling kinda bummed about it.

    I usually go to zumba classes on Tuesday and Thursday, every other week, b/c of DH's schedule. I made it to the Tues class. but, b/c the school was having their spring concert, Thurs class was canceled (and I couldn't go to one at another location, b/c it's my DD's school, and she was participating so I wanted to see her.)

    My kids have been BEGGING to go to the family one, where kids 3 y/o and up are allowed, so I decided to finally bring them today.

    Warning Debbie Downer post below

    O.M.G.!!! That was a mistake. :angry:
    They were slow getting ready, we were so late we BARELY made it. It had already started by the time we got there and it's only a 45 min class so it was short to begin with. Once in there, my darling children didn't follow the exercises, they were running into other people, jumping over each other, touching gym equip I didn't know what it was. Then they had to pee. :noway: :mad: :explode:

    I had to stop what I was doing a million times, chase them down and get close to them b/c the music was so loud. And I had to yell over the music so they could hear me. My head hurts.
    Yeesh! Normally they are exceptionally well behaved. I don't know what was with them today.

    It feels like I didn't get a work out. :grumble:
    I drowned my sorrow in an Oh Henry bar. :ohwell:
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    Thought you ladies might like this :)
    Whip 'em out!
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    hkystar- I don't know anything about gallstones, so I hope everything turns out okay with that. It can't be comfortable. I know how you feel about the 6lb gain in one week. I gained 5 in one week over Easter weekend, but it turned out to be a lot of water weight. I was really bad, though, so you shouldn't have anything to worry about. I haven't gained anything since. That'll probably be what happens for you.

    Carina- Aw. I'm sorry your workout plans didn't work so well last night either. I have found that the kids in childcare are going crazy lately too. Maybe it's because school is almost over? I don't know. They still have a month here so that probably isn't it.

    Mel- I was so relieved to see that you had freakout once over a silly animal too. When I made that post I thought to myself, "Mel is going to think I'm a silly little girl," since you live on a farm and all. I mean, there are a million groundhogs around here. I totally had a hormonal moment. I still would have reacted, but not as uncontrollably as I did yesterday. Glad to see I'm not the only crazy one.
  • Lindseyjones1717
    Lindseyjones1717 Posts: 1,030 Member
    Bump for later :-)

    Hope everyone has a wonderful mother's day tomorow!