Pregnancy 2011- May



  • Mamatoabunch
    Mamatoabunch Posts: 749
    Congrats on the farm, Annabelle! May 30th is a pretty good birthday (it's mine). I almost always get a long weekend from work around my birthday for Memorial Day. :smile:

    Hubby and I talked a little more about the army thing this afternoon and he'd be looking into non-combat type positions like print journalist (an example he brought up). Though he does keep trying to slip in medic on me which is what he joined to do last time, but um... no. I guess there's always a chance even the finance people in the army would be deployed, but print journalism would be one of those position that would very rarely be deployed. I hate the idea of being away from him while he's in basic training. That part wouldn't bother me so much except for the whole um.. baby thing. My heart would break knowing he's missing stuff he doesn't want to miss.

    I think I'd be okay as an army wife assuming he never gets deployed to a combat zone. :laugh: I could definitely be down with moving (um, I've never lived outside of SC). My main problem with that is I worry about my mom. She is already flipping out because she wants us to live closer (we're almost 2 hours away). She'd send me on the guilt trip of the century if I said "Yeah... we're being stationed in Washington state" or "We're moving to Germany!" which are 2 places I'd totally be down with being stationed otherwise. The closest base to her is in the city we live in now and certainly would not be one of our top choices. But the living stipend for that base at the rank he'd be starting at is actually 20% more than the mortgage payment on our house here. I had no idea the stipends were so generous (I mean, my mortgage payment includes the cost of my homeowner's insurance, which is an outrageous amount, and my property taxes, which are also outrageous!). I would so love to be able to stay at home with my baby. And I would so love to not have to stress about finances for the first time since I bought this house 4 years ago. I think we'll be looking into it further. It's not something he would do until after Maisie is here. I really dread telling my mom if we decide it's what is best for us. She's going to freak out.

    I used to be a Navy wife, dh was in when we married and he got out after we had been married for three years, when our twins were 1y/o. We were facing a 6 month tour and we did not want to be separated and raise the girls by myself.

    I had been thinking May 30th for a while, but did not realize it was Memorial Day. I don't think we have a baby born on a Monday yet.
  • Mamatoabunch
    Mamatoabunch Posts: 749

    Congrats to Anabelle on closing, are you moving from one farm to another or will this be a whole new experience for you?

    We have a farm here, but much smaller scale both b/c of less acreage and also b/c we are restricted by the lack of rain we receive.
  • RFrick
    RFrick Posts: 408 Member
    Meokk - Thanks for the site. It definatly looks interesting! I bookmarked it to look at more in-depth later. Since I'm planning on having my LO at home I'm definatly interest in the 'natural' side of things.

    Mel - Your procrastionation on getting baby stuff out reminds me of a comic that I love. The mom is on her boy to get his homework done. And the boy informs her that he's waiting for the mood to strike him. Her response - adrenaline fuled panic IS NOT a mood! And the boy say "Are you sure? I never get anything done without it!" This tends to summerize how I live life. Drives my poor DH crazy. :tongue: How was your pancake breakfast? Sounded SO good! And how was the festival? I love that blue heeler and and that bottom horse is absolutely gorgous!!!

    Little Spy - I'm definatly with you on not really feeling pregnant yet except for the peeing. I got up FIVE times the other night. :noway: I did drink more than usual that day, but really? And try not to worry to much about labor... I really didn't think it was to bad. And that was even with the petocin overdose. Everyone is telling me that with that comparison doing it without the overdose will be amazing. I mean it's painful and rough, but not unbearable. ( My experiance at least. ) And I wouldn't say that I have a high pain tollerance.

    Brittony - Your reaction to the dog vs. groundhog event sounds like something I would do. Even though I grew up on a farm I'm not very hardened to that kind of stuff. We are self -pay and with DS the hospital was $2,000 pre-payed. The OB was about &2,200 and that was for all my visits plus the delivery. Yhis time I'm hoping to avoud the hospital all together and my midwife is $2,000. The prices I was given without the self pay discount was between $15,000 and $25,000. So that's probably what they're trying to charge your insurance. I use a family Dr. for DS. I really like that vs. a pediatrician.

    hkystar - I bet some of that weight will come back off. Especially if you watch your salt intake and drink plenty of water. That had to so very discouraging.

    Rachel - I think my wanting a girl is over riding any intuation about what I might be having. The biggest differance with this pregnancy is that with DS I didn't have a single headache my entire pregnancy. Which was a little unusual for me. This time it seems like I'm having quite a few haedaches.

    Annabelle - So glad that you you finally got things with the farm settled. That has to make you feel so much more relaxed!

    Happy Mothers Day to all of you my friends!!! :flowerforyou:
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Happy mother's day ladies.

    Discovered I no longer like the smell or taste of salmon anymore. Which is strange because I ate it just fine two weeks ago.

    Nausea seems to be abating as well except first thing in the morning.
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    Anne- Dairy has helped me A LOT when I have horrible heartburn. I will typically have a small glass of milk (I add chocolate to it because I'm not a milk drinker). And it does the trick. I made myself sick on tums. I can't even look at the bottle anymore. Ice cream and yogurt have helped too.

    Which in itself is very funny for me because I am lactose :laugh: Oh well!!!
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Happy Mothers Day to everyone!
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    Happy Mother's Day everyone! I hope you have a relaxing and wonderful day.

    So can the ladies who already have children tell me their preference when it comes to a family practice or a pediatrician and why. We found a family practice less than two miles from the house and I've been told many prefer family practices. Just want to make sure I make the right choice for us.
  • auttyfrmca
    auttyfrmca Posts: 125 Member
    Happy Mommy's Day to all of you!!! Have a relaxing day!
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    "The moment a child is conceived, the mother is born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new." Rajneesh

    Sorry I haven't responded much since Friday, we have had a really busy weekend! But of course, I had to get on and wish everyone a

    Happy Mothers Day!! :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: Hope you all enjoy this special day!!
  • Rachickidee
    Rachickidee Posts: 1,632 Member
    Happy Mother's Day to all of you beautiful women!!

    Also, I am 30 weeks today!! For some reason, I feel like that is a big milestone. Wow, time is getting closer. I dreamed about my little girl last night, it was awesome.
  • joonzgurl
    joonzgurl Posts: 1,617
    Happy mothers day!! Yesterday my mother in law, her mother, and my sister in law all went to the ballet in the city. It was set to the music of Sarah Mclaughlin and it was a really good, modern ballet! A nice thing to do for mothers day. The only hard part is that my sister in law is not herself at all… and that was magnified for my yesterday (she has a brain tumor, had surgery in April 2010 and is still undergoing chemo and it has really changed personality. It’s so hard to accept sometimes… she is not the same person anymore) Today we are having my mother in law over for a nice dinner- I am making roast and angel food cake. Yum! I miss my own mommy back on the coast, but I will call her and have a nice long chat today!

    I am sleeping ok, but I am having a hard time sleeping in past 7 or 8am on the weekend. My back/hips just ache, no matter if I sleep with my preggo pillow or not.

    OH AND GUESS WHAT!! Only 7 weeks of work left for me! (until vacation and sick leave). And then my little one will be so close!

    Carina- That sounds awful, both the fight with your hubby and taking the kids to the class…boo! (does that mean that AF came? I hope not). Hope you are having a better day today, especially since it is a day just for you!

    Anne- For me, taking two tums when it flares up helps. Mine is only mild though, and has only ever been severe once. When it was severe I whined on here, drank a bunch of water and went to bed. It was gone when I woke up. I too have never had it before. I heard that if it is burning your throat that you should tell your dr and get some meds for it.

    Mel- Your horses are/were absolutely beautiful. Hopefully one day you can have a horse again. How was your festival yesterday?

    Annabelle- Yayyyy for your farm closing!! That is wonderful. Must be a huge relief, it has been such a long and hard process for you.

    Julie- That is kind of scary, the thought of your hubby going away for so long and joining the military! (same for you mel). I can understand your want for security though. Such a hard decision. Keep us posted if anything ends up happening!

    Rfrick- I did not know you were planning a home birth! That is awesome!!!!! Good for you, I wish I could too, maybe my next one. People around here would look at me like I am backwards though.

    History- so glad your nausea is abating. In the beginning my lasted most of the day, but as long as I ate a few snacks when it got bad I found it was manageable.

    Rachael- 30 weeks is a milestone for me too. It means the baby is coming, and coming fast! Congratulations!

    Lynn- Love the quote! Very cute! If only I could get my husband to agree! haha
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Happy Mother's Day everyone! I hope you have a relaxing and wonderful day.

    So can the ladies who already have children tell me their preference when it comes to a family practice or a pediatrician and why. We found a family practice less than two miles from the house and I've been told many prefer family practices. Just want to make sure I make the right choice for us.

    I picked my pediatrician because he was the one on call when my son was born, took my insurance, and had an office a couple miles from my house. After moving, I picked his new ped because they take my insurance and are only .5 mi from my house! :laugh: I don't put that much stake in "having to have a perfect match" with your ped or "getting someone who really listens to you" or "getting the best". I only take him in for his vaccinations, yearlies and occasionally an ear infection or something and don't put a lot of stake in relying on my pediatrician for much else. I haven't found much need for doctors in general so I don't really care that much who we go to. I'm also far from a worrier or overreactor but more of a - OK, he's had a fever for a week, I guess I'll take him in and get his ears checked. If you plan to be a "call the dr" at first sign of anything, or discuss development etc at length, it might be more important to get a Dr you connect with.
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    So I figure I probably ate like 800-1000 calories at the pancake breakfast, I am hoping I overestimated, but pancakes, a donut, a sausage (+the sausage my son wouldn't eat), orange juice... then hubby got pizza for dinner...

    I ate some thinking - well I walked for 3 hours today at the festival (my son played some games and bouncy house and won the cake walk but luckily picked something I don't like :laugh: ) then just wanted to ride the train for like 40 minutes so I just walked around while he did that. Then he sat in the police car / fire truck / humvee for like an hour! I figured having walked like 2-3 miles I would have burned some extra calories but my Bodybugg has me at only like 100 extra.... so, i probably should have checked that BEFORE eating the pizza since I ended up going like 800 over on my calories yesterday. Ah well. :grumble:

    Yeah... the champaign colored horse and the blue heeler are both awesome animals and pretty - and we get rid of them what do we keep? The ugly old shar pei and the skinny 14 yr old sickly, cranky QH! ... ah well, someone has to love the reject animals right?
  • Mamatoabunch
    Mamatoabunch Posts: 749
    Happy Mother's Day everyone! I hope you have a relaxing and wonderful day.

    So can the ladies who already have children tell me their preference when it comes to a family practice or a pediatrician and why. We found a family practice less than two miles from the house and I've been told many prefer family practices. Just want to make sure I make the right choice for us.

    I picked my pediatrician because he was the one on call when my son was born, took my insurance, and had an office a couple miles from my house. After moving, I picked his new ped because they take my insurance and are only .5 mi from my house! :laugh: I don't put that much stake in "having to have a perfect match" with your ped or "getting someone who really listens to you" or "getting the best". I only take him in for his vaccinations, yearlies and occasionally an ear infection or something and don't put a lot of stake in relying on my pediatrician for much else. I haven't found much need for doctors in general so I don't really care that much who we go to. I'm also far from a worrier or overreactor but more of a - OK, he's had a fever for a week, I guess I'll take him in and get his ears checked. If you plan to be a "call the dr" at first sign of anything, or discuss development etc at length, it might be more important to get a Dr you connect with.

    We rarely see our ped, in fact Finnian has never been to see any dr at all, I don't think Eiley has seen her either. We do not vax and almost never use antibiotics. I don't do well baby or child visits. I treat most illnesses w/ herbs or elderberry if it is warranted. I do not look to a ped to give parenting advice, sleep advice, feeding, breastfeeding advice, etc. So I am easy as long as the ped is non intervention and giving advice. Our ped is cool w/ whatever we do or choose not to do.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Hope everyone has wonderful mothers day! I'll be back tomorrow to catch up on all the posts.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Happy Mothers Day ladies!

    Sad news... our cable and internet company is telling us that we won't have any until we get a new meter due to the storm. We have known we needed a new meter and they came and looked at it like 7 days ago.... yet they didn't ever say that we needed it to get cable and internet back. Just that we needed to do it in 30 days. so we still have a long process before our cable and internet is back.... sad. I will respond to everyone tomorrow at work!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Happy Mothers Day Ladies
  • daphneleigh26
    Happy Mothers Day!!!!!! So excited to be 36 weeks pregnant today!!!!! Getting so close now :happy:
  • brittonymiller
    brittonymiller Posts: 2,061 Member
    I sorta failed the exercise challenge this week.

    Monday- 42 minutes walking at park
    Tuesday- 26 minutes on elliptical, 25 minutes weights
    Wednesday- 30 minutes elliptical
    Friday- 20 minute traumatizing walk at park

    If I had done 10 more minutes on Friday, I would have met the challenge, but I'm just going to say I did because I worked out extra most of the other days :laugh: I wanted to go for a walk yesterday, but hubby wanted to relax. We all know that it doesn't take much to convince me to say yes to no exercise or yes to a delicious snack.

    So Sam's Club was running this special where you can apply for their credit card and get $40 off your purchase of $100. We decided to go ahead and get our anniversary present to each other. It's one of those hammocks with its own stand. I love it!!! I can already see myself out there with my little girl in a couple of months- just laying in the shade and bonding. I think I'll be going out there with a book in a few minutes.

    On the weight front... not so terrible. I've had another no gain week, which makes me very happy. No losses, but whatever. I officially checked in on MFP for the first time in a month and I've gained 5lbs. Not too bad at all. My goal is to be good this week and hopefully show no gains when I go back to the doctor next Tuesday.

    Less than two months now!!! AHH!!! Congrats on reaching 30 weeks Rachael and 36 weeks daphneleigh!
  • dmdaigle17
    dmdaigle17 Posts: 918 Member
    My sweet sweet husband made this for me for Mother's Day. It's Avery's changing table/dresser..... :love: He totally surprised me with it! I knew he was working on something but he said it was for a customer (he does carpentry/masonry)
