Hi, My name is Sam, and I'm a Diet Coke Addict...

Yes, sadly, it's true. It was an accident. It just happened one day. I went from never drinking soda to finding myself a sophmore in college guzzling diet coke daily. Since beginning MFP I've wrangled my Diet Coke Addiction down a bit. I no longer drink caffinated Diet Coke, but nevertheless, I'm still finding myself drinking two or three Caffeine Free Diet Cokes a day!

HELP! I WANT to stop, but it's even more difficult than I imagined! They're like a sweet freebie for me on my diet!

I know all of the millions of reasons why I should stop drinking them, but I've yet to free myself entirely. Has anyone out there freed themselves from this addiction? How? Did you find a replacement? Do you notice any differences in your weight loss since quiting?

Thanks for the input, guys. I love MFP and all of the wonderful people in it!


  • stepherjensen
    stepherjensen Posts: 49 Member
    Hello my name is Stephanie, and I too am a diet caffeine free coke addict...looking forward to the answers!

  • LeonaB17
    LeonaB17 Posts: 304
    HI SAM! I'm an addict too - Diet Coke, Diet Sprite, Pepsi Maxx - yep it's bad for you - but I haven't quit either.
  • LilChickPea
    LilChickPea Posts: 122 Member
    I LOVE Coke Zero. I usually allow myself 1 a day. However, what I really love about it is the carbonation. So, I drink flavored, carbonated water. It so good!!! No calories or sodium. That's how I do it. Good Luck!
  • DerGraf
    DerGraf Posts: 40 Member
    I have come as your saviour....

  • bcpie
    bcpie Posts: 89
    Whenever i get addicted to something like diet soda, it doesn't go away until i become addicted to something else. D: good luck
  • popchex
    popchex Posts: 52 Member
    I'm with you. It's so hard. For me, it's helped a bit that my husband quit drinking coke/diet coke at all, so we stopped buying it by the case. Now if I see it on sale, I'll get a bottle or two, and then don't buy it again for the rest of the week. But I still want it. lol
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    i dig me some soda too, but not diet! why don't you alot yourself a certain amount of the real thing? i drink 8 ounces of the soda of my choice about 3 or 4 times per week. sure, it's not a freebie, but it's something i really look foward to, and i have to be accountable for it since it's not calorie free. because i have to count the calories, i'm mindful of it, but because i allow myself to have it and i know i can have more soon, i never feel like i need to guzzle it down. aside from that, i stick to water (about 96 ounces per day) and a couple glasses of milk. best of luck to you!
  • bjshields
    bjshields Posts: 677 Member
    Oh, I'm so glad I'm not the only one!! I really REALLY am working on food -- I think it's the key to weight loss & maintenance -- but Diet Coke and its ilk (including Coke Zero) call my name. Daily. My problem is exacerbated by the fact that my diabetic husband refuses to give up diet soda and drinks the equivalent of probably a six-pack a day (he gets large Diet Cokes from McD's probably 3X a day). Now my KIDS are drinking soda. UGH, if anybody has any great advice, let us have it! Thanks for the post, it helps to know I'm not alone.:smile:
  • spinjamen
    spinjamen Posts: 1
    Hi, my name is Ben and I am addicted to Diet Coke as well. I used to drink between 8-12 cans / glasses of Diet Coke a day. I was drunk...what can I say.

    I within the past two weeks I have cut my consumption down to one Diet Coke a day. I tried to go cold turkey and did for about 4 days but then came the headaches.

    Just cut back slowly.
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    This may sound silly but what if you watered it down (Alittle at a time).....So you can ease into Water...

    I know your all shaking your heads but I thought it might be a good way to wean off of it

    Treat yourself to it once a day.....

    Just a thought - Good luck!!!!
  • sbogemann
    sbogemann Posts: 3
    I was a fountain coke addict as well. (Not diet....ewwwww!) I swear McDonald's put something in them to make me crave them!! But I haven't had one since January when I started MFP. All I can say is I just quit drinking them all together. I don't even have one as a "treat" for myself because I know if I have one I won't be able to stop drinking them. It's like a bandaid.....just rip it off! I can honestly say, I don't even desire them anymore. But I have become a coffee addict, so I don't know if that is any healthier, a lot less calories though.
  • little_wolfie
    I'm on the caffeine free nectar myself. It is dangerous. I am going to try and go off it next week but I don't know how well I'm gonna do. I quit soda altogether when I was 16-19 but now I am back on it and addicteeeeddd. Maybe we should start a support group!
  • peanutrenee
    peanutrenee Posts: 179
    hey im renee and im addicted to diet pepsi, but ive kicked the habbit its been about 2 mo since my last full one.. i dropped it cold.. IT SUCKED>.. < but its do able... go down to one a day.. and ease in to water its better and ull honestly feel sooo much better.. and u honestly will loose weight from getting rid of it..
  • gillianjoon
    gillianjoon Posts: 96 Member
    I love diet Coke too but I have started drinking flavoured sparkling water not as bad as the Coke but you get the Fizzzzzzz and sweetness without the colorings and sodium try it.
  • Mrs_TrimWaistFatWallet
    *everyone* Hiii Saaamm...
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    I LOVE Coke Zero. I usually allow myself 1 a day. However, what I really love about it is the carbonation. So, I drink flavored, carbonated water. It so good!!! No calories or sodium. That's how I do it. Good Luck!

    Me too
    I'll have diet cherry coke zero 2-3 nights a week with dinner
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member
    Hi, my name is Monica and I am a recovering Diet Coke Addict. LOL

    Actually I have been tapering myself down for about the last 2-3 months. I was down to 1 a day, than I started skipping days (I would have iced tea on the days I didn't have Diet Coke). Now I had a Diet Coke last Friday and that has been all for the last couple weeks (roughly).

    I did notice I'm not as bloated and I'm drinking WAY more water - which is a good thing. :)
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,231 Member

    I found this interesting.....this is just reason #1, copy/paste the link above to read the whole article. :)

    1. Counteractive to Weight Loss Efforts
    One 330ml can of Coke contains around 160 calories. Assuming you drink one can of Coke every day: that’s 4800 extra calories every month or 1.4lbs. In a year, that adds up to 57,600 extra calories or 16.8lbs. Granted, you will not be gaining an absolute 16.8lbs since our body metabolism adapts accordingly from consuming more/less calories, but you will clearly be gaining weight by drinking Coke/soda drinks over other healthier, lower calories options.

    Contrary to popular belief, Diet Coke/soda is counteractive to weight loss efforts as well. I used to think Diet Coke should be a diet staple when I was trying to lose weight, which I later I found out wasn’t the case at all. Diet soda has been found to increase possibility of weight gain by 41%. While there are many theories explaining this counter-intuitive finding, I thought to test this out for myself. I tried the following two scenarios in separate stretches of time: one drinking diet coke and another drinking just water.

    The result? I found a much higher tendency to go into binging attacks when I drink diet coke. The most plausible explanation I found is artificial sugar in diet sodas confuses your body when it tastes something sweet that isn’t sugar. As a result, it makes your body crave for actual, sweet food. So while you may be taking in 0 calories from drinking diet soda, there is a higher likelihood you will grab consume more food after drinking the soda, which then leads to weight gain.
  • youngph
    youngph Posts: 4 Member
    I used to drink 5 or 6 cans of Coke Zeros a day. As soon as I finished my coffee, I went straight to the coke.
    About a year ago I cut it back to 2 cans a day. I would purposely wait until at least lunch time to drink the coke, so once I was done with my morning coffee I would have to drink water or tea until lunch time. If I finished the first can too quick (like with my lunch) I would purposely wait until about 2 hours later so I wasn't running to the vending machine at work to buy another can, or worse a bottle.
    About 2 months ago I cut out the 2 cans a day and now I have about 1-2 cans a month, and that's just if I'm going out to run a day of errands (I tend to drink soda rather slowly so it lasts a while).

    So I guess my suggestion is to try and cut it out slowly otherwise you will go through some nasty caffeine withdrawal headaches. I went to the flavored water (even just using those powdered flavorings for some sweetness is good). Now my big kick is tea. I drink anywhere from 2-5 cups of tea a day. It's hard to cut it out at first, but eventually you don't miss it. I think right now, the only reason I'm still drinking what I have is because I don't want it to sit here for a year :)
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    I have come as your saviour....


    thanks for this. I watched the whole thing.