hzliiz Member


  • iTunes U has some cool courses including some psych ones. Some of the TED podcasts are quite good.
  • Wow! Great job! Definitely a noticeable difference. Good for you!
  • I thought I wanted to die in a zombie apocalypse. But that was before I knew that death by Nutella was an option. Win!
  • I think of Blackie. And then Frisco. And then how old I am.
  • Thanks guys! Dancingmoosie I'm 5'6" 132 lbs and supposed to do 1720 cals a day. I am set at "lightly active." I usually eat a little under most days b/c once a week we like to eat out and I go over so I aim to hit my weekly cal goal. Will send you a FR, would love to share support!
  • 42 y.o 5'6" CW/GW = 132 lbs HW was 157 lbs My maintenance calorie goal is 1720. I try to reach my weekly goal rather than daily b/c once a week I go way over so I usually go under a little the other days.
  • LOL I love this thread so much! We have three weirdos and love them to pieces. One of them has cerebellar hypoplasia (wobbly kitten syndrome) and he's also obsessed with water so he likes to get in the shower with us -- he's a red hot mess :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • [/quote] "and did anyone see the series of american biggest loser when there was a woman on who had lost her whole family in a car accident - husband and 2 kids- every time they showed her talking about it i woudl well up.... it was a blonde woman, she did really well, if anyone knows who i mean?" [/quote] Abby!! :sad: oh…
  • My husband cries at sappy stuff and I think it's the sexiest thing about him. Sensitive guys are hot :flowerforyou: Now for me, the finale of "Lost" made me bawl my eyes out. I know a lot of people hated the ending but I loved it SO much!
  • I think people say things like this when someone becomes smaller than average. Keeping in mind the average American woman is size 12/14 I believe? So when you're larger than what's average and you're losing weight that resonates with people as "good" and they'll encourage you. But when you become smaller than what people…
  • "I sat beside you and became myself today." -- "Today" by Joshua Radin
  • I'm confused...regardless of her height if she has lost 8 lbs in a month why wouldn't she continue doing what she's been doing?
  • Losing weight on 1200 calories isn't a problem for most people. KEEPING the weight off is hard b/c most people can't eat 1200 calories daily for life. As evidenced by people who say something like "I know it works b/c that's how I've lost thirty pounds 10,639 times." It boggles my mind that someone can't see that something…
  • OP I was mostly struck by the last sentences. If you're having to restrict that much to attain a certain weight then yes that weight is too low. I'm 5'6" and 132. In the throes of my ED when I was younger I'd get down to mid 120s but only on maybe 500-700 calories a day. Having to starve is a sure sign one is well outside…
  • Those were the last of a few pounds I regained after I stopped tracking. Lesson learned will not stop tracking! I came back to lose them and keep on track. But initially had 27 lbs to lose. Not as hard as 100 I know but I did lose it using the same approach I use now. The only difference was I ate about 1500 calories plus…
  • Hi OP, just throwing my 2 cents in. I eat way too much processed food, hate cooking, love eating out and my microwave is my BFF. What I've done is instead of trying to do a complete 180 and turn myself into a whole-foody which is just not realistic for me, I've committed to replacing a few processed/microwaved meals per…
  • I suggest weighing no more than once a week. Weight can fluctuate so much from day to day or even hour to hour and it's easy for me at least to have my sun rise and fall based on that number -- not mentally helpful for me! DO take your measurements before and after shredding. Lots of people who don't necessarily see a huge…
  • Yep, fill out your profile at least a little, add either a photo or a picture of any type for an avatar as people often don't respond as much to the gray outline. If you read something you like on the forums, that makes you laugh or think or go "he/she seems cool" just send them a request to add you as a friend w/ a little…
  • I was just about to post on another thread how I accept any FRs blah blah blah. I can no longer say that *cough OP* Seriously OP this was just a bizarre post. I do have an overwhelming urge though to request adds from pretty much everyone who has replied :love:
  • Sweetheart are you getting professional help? Recovery can be a long battle and it often takes professional support and guidance. All my best to you, I hope you will continue to fight for your health.
  • Yea I just don't comment when I see that. I'll try to comment on other activities or statuses that I think are healthier. I don't critique people's calorie intake either, but I won't overtly encourage something I think is a bad idea.
  • Yeah I don't cook so this is still an act of domestic godlessness as far as I'm concerned :tongue: but it's a favorite of mine -- nuke an Amy's burrito, sprinkle shredded cheese on top and nuke a little more, add some salsa and a little sour cream. Yum yum!
  • I've just gone back to maintenance. I was maintaining for the most part for a few years but I had insidious weight creep happening earlier this year so I came back and have lost the few pounds to get back to comfortable. Lesson learned, will not stop tracking again...too easy to guesstimate my way back to pudgy.
  • Good to see you... Hang in there!!
  • Hi I'm 42 and married with no kids and three crazy cats. And I love your avatar! FR sent!
  • It's pretty tough honestly. The hardest for me are duck walks (quads!) and the third circuit strength -- triceps yikes! It does mix things up though so that's been nice, almost all different stuff.
  • For me low calorie diets like 1000/day led me to binge and regain every time, hence why I yo-yoed the same 20-25!lbs about eight times. Definitely didn't work for me.
  • Nope.
  • LOL @ the first comment above. Atsteele with that body you belong in a bikini for as long as you dang well please. Me , I'm 42. Twenty years ago you wouldn't catch me dead in one but now I feel completely comfortable in my bikini. Yay for being middle aged and in shape :drinker:
  • Yes of course you can take a break if you need to. But do this -- don't stop as soon as you get uncomfortable. Push through just a little further than you think you can and take a few secs when you're truly gassed. Also you don't necessarily have to match them rep for rep. Instead of modifying everything that's hard for…