What am I doing wrong?



  • firstloveyourself
    firstloveyourself Posts: 149 Member
    Oh gosh. I wasn't expecting all of this info! :love: :love: :love:

    I know I eat too much processed food, but unfortunately I don't make a lot of money; most days I have to eat whatever I have a coupon for. I usually don't eat back exercise calories...I've heard that I should.

    My breakfast is usually protein powder in almond milk--I only eat stuff like french toast and pancakes on Sunday mornings (because they serve it at church). I don't like eggs so omelets aren't an option :(

    Fixed the bolded part for you. And omelets are da bomb diggity...just sayin'
    Haha, well I've been set straight then :) I might try making an omelet with just egg whites...I can tolerate those.
  • hzliiz
    hzliiz Posts: 166 Member
    Hi OP, just throwing my 2 cents in. I eat way too much processed food, hate cooking, love eating out and my microwave is my BFF. What I've done is instead of trying to do a complete 180 and turn myself into a whole-foody which is just not realistic for me, I've committed to replacing a few processed/microwaved meals per week with "real" food. I keep it really simple and do a salad w/ some chicken and avocado for some healthy protein and fat, or instead of making it into a salad I'll stuff it into a pita. I'll do one of those usually every other day or so for either lunch or dinner. Maybe twice a week I'll make an egg scramble w/ veggies and cheese or a fried egg sandwich. Really simple meals are your friend! My diary is public so feel free to take a peek if you want to see what another over-processed girl eats. Other suggestions that have worked for me: Really try to hit your macros especially the protein and fat, and make sure you're getting enough fiber -- foods with those three things will keep you full and satisfied. Try to eat as close to your calories that MFP sets for you as possible at least over the course of the week and eat back at least half of what your burn off. Best of luck to you!
  • firstloveyourself
    firstloveyourself Posts: 149 Member
    Hi OP, just throwing my 2 cents in. I eat way too much processed food, hate cooking, love eating out and my microwave is my BFF. What I've done is instead of trying to do a complete 180 and turn myself into a whole-foody which is just not realistic for me, I've committed to replacing a few processed/microwaved meals per week with "real" food. I keep it really simple and do a salad w/ some chicken and avocado for some healthy protein and fat, or instead of making it into a salad I'll stuff it into a pita. I'll do one of those usually every other day or so for either lunch or dinner. Maybe twice a week I'll make an egg scramble w/ veggies and cheese or a fried egg sandwich. Really simple meals are your friend! My diary is public so feel free to take a peek if you want to see what another over-processed girl eats. Other suggestions that have worked for me: Really try to hit your macros especially the protein and fat, and make sure you're getting enough fiber -- foods with those three things will keep you full and satisfied. Try to eat as close to your calories that MFP sets for you as possible at least over the course of the week and eat back at least half of what your burn off. Best of luck to you!
    Added. You only had 3 pounds to lose though...I have over 100 :x
  • hzliiz
    hzliiz Posts: 166 Member
    Those were the last of a few pounds I regained after I stopped tracking. Lesson learned will not stop tracking! I came back to lose them and keep on track. But initially had 27 lbs to lose. Not as hard as 100 I know but I did lose it using the same approach I use now. The only difference was I ate about 1500 calories plus exercise calories, whereas now I'm eating a couple hundred more on average b/c I'm trying to get back into maintenance.