hzliiz Member


  • Lift weights 4x/week and cardio 2x/week (40 to 60 mins of walk/run/hill intervals on the treadmill depending how motivated I'm feeling). My weight lifting consists of Chalene Extreme 3 x/week which is upper/lower body, and once a week I do a lower body only.
  • I was a red hot mess mentally and emotionally in my 20's and well into my 30's, to be perfectly honest. I'm 43 and finally, have figured out how to be happy. So it actually seems like the most perfect of times in my life to be at my hottest :wink: No, it's not too late. Be your best you.
  • If you're on Facebook there is a group called SC Ladies, you can send a request to join. Lots of good advice and feedback there.
  • LMAO! They're doing it wrong...
  • Don't be jealous. Feel sorry for her because what she's doing probably will not accomplish what she's hoping it will in the long run. I tried that those pills too, among all the other desperate quick fixes I tried. Yes I lost weight quickly. Then when I stopped taking them because of the horrible way they made me feel, I…
  • So listen... 1) If he doesn't make you feel loved and desired and supported, he's doing it wrong. Period. 2) I checked out your pics -- he's not bad looking but I think you're out of his league, and that's just a shallow assessment based on looks. Personality wise it seems your playing a different game altogether. Be with…
  • Hmm great question! At 43 I can say my reasons for wanting to stay fit have changed a little over time. 1) To prevent as many lifestyle-associated illnesses that I possibly can 2) It's part of my retirement plan -- being sick and disabled is expensive! I want to be able to work as long as I want, not forced to retire early…
  • I feel you OP, this is tough! I'll echo the person who said she tells herself "That's not for me." I do the same thing. I also don't allow myself to feel sorry for myself or like the people who are eating the food "get to" do something that I don't. I tell myself I'm choosing what to eat today, just as those people are…
  • I had to have an intervention with myself to get off Sweetmint...seriously! I did go through at least a pack a day, sometimes more. I would buy it in bulk at Sam's Club. I love it so much...it tastes just like the middle of a peppermint patty :love: But alas, I also have TMJ and I figured it was making it worse that I…
    in Gum junkie Comment by hzliiz April 2014
  • Great post Mel! I know you will reach your goals and it's awesome that you're letting go of all those old unhelpful ways. Took me much longer...I wish I was wiser in my youth like you :smile: Glad to be friends with you!
  • For me, it doesn't exactly get "easier" but I have developed habits of eating mostly (not all) healthy food, logging what I eat, and working out -- habits that I don't have to actively work so hard to keep up with now. They were very hard mentally to do for a while, now they're habits. But it's not always easy for me to…
  • My ability to self-delude with serving sizes is astonishing. Hence one of the big reasons I failed to maintain my weight so many times in the past. I love my digital scale and I hate it. I love it for keeping me honest and on track. I hate it cause almost every time I see what a serving size really is I want to scream,…
  • Yes some days it's hard to do. For me, since I work out after work at home, the first thing I do upon getting home is change into my work out clothes and put my shoes on. Then I have a snack and chill out for a bit, but putting my workout clothes on is my way of pre-committing. And sometimes I just need to get started on…
  • Two things that have helped me become more confident -- getting older and lifting weights. Don't be like me and weight to get older though, cause there are things I could have done to have better self confidence when I was younger. One is to lift weights :smile: . The other is learn to banish negative self talk from your…
  • Not a dumb question at all. When I gain weight I fill up like a bottle - thighs, hips, stomach, then boobs. When I lose weight the bottle empties -- first the boobs, then stomach, then hips, then thighs. *sigh* Hence why my boobs are screwed :tongue: Anyways, yes everyone has their own genetic weirdness in how and where…
  • Just because it's not what you want to hear doesn't mean it's not helpful. Rigger is correct. Lift heavy.
  • Hi, I don't share your stats exactly but I'm answering mostly because they're close and I'm over 40 (43 to be exact) :smile: I'm 5'6". When I had significant weight to lose, about 4 years ago, it wasn't quite as much -- I had about 30 lbs to lose. Because I was just sick of losing/regaining/relosing/regaining weight over…
  • I am 5'6' and maintaining at 129 lbs on an average of 2150 calories/day. It took about 2 or 3 months of gradually adding calories until I stopped losing and I have maintained now for a couple of months. I lift weights 4x/week and do some cardio 2x/week. I'm 43 y.o. Best of luck with finding your maintenance!
  • I've done 30 Day Shred -- I liked that it was quick, didn't require a lot of equipment and was doable in my tiny apartment. Then I did Ripped in 30 which I liked for all the same reasons plus it was a bit more challenging so it got me noticeably fitter. Then I tried hubby's P90X and it was kind of cool but the workouts…
  • I see from your profile you struggle with binge eating disorder. I am a former bulimic. My experience is that bingeing, especially if it happens frequently and over a long period of time, causes an inability to accurately read physical cues and recognize true hunger and satiation. Emotional "hunger" gets so confused with…
  • I am 5'6" and have a fairly athletic build in that I'm pretty lean, not very curvy and I develop muscle and definition pretty easily with weight training. My weight hovers around 128-129 and I wear size 4/6. When I was heavier I was up to a size 12 and about 157 lbs and but I never got curvy, just soft and pudgy mostly…
  • Get used to it, it never ends. Turn down the donut in the break room at work and you'll hear "But you're skinny, why are you on a diet?" or some endless variation on that interaction. I tell the truth -- "I watch what I eat to avoid getting fat." Done and done.
  • For me, I am maintaining at around 2150 calories a day at 5'6", 129 lbs and 42 years old. I used Scooby's calculator and then played a bit with calories for several weeks till I found my maintenance sweet spot, and I use the TDEE method. I will often eat under 100-200 calories a day because I like to have a "date night"…
  • A major reason I've failed to maintain in the past has been because my eyeballs are not to be trusted as a food measuring device. Took me coming back to MFP yet again to accept that once and for all. Logging will continue to be part of my life, I suspect forever. I consider it a small time and energy investment for the…
  • I had one foot done last year. My procedure was a bit more invasive than many so I was casted and nonweightbearing for a month followed by an air cast for another month. Around week 6 I started walking very slowly for short distances on the treadmill in the air cast and upped speed and distance pretty quick without…
  • Publix Pumpkin Pie ice cream...yeah buddy!
  • I love the Butt Bible videos. There are lower body and upper body workouts although I only do her lower. I'm on level 3 and am definitely seeing results :smile: Started with nothing but a flat butt and now I have some little glutes starting to appear!
  • My hubby left the IT field and went back to school to be an RN. He finished a year and a half ago at 37. Things were tight during that time but he wasn't happy with what he was doing and now he is. Worth it cause him happy = me happy. Tough decision though I know, best of luck to you!
  • My brain just cramped up reading that. :ohwell:
  • I neither have kids nor am I a nanny but I'm gonna butt in anyway and say 1) you're being taken advantage of and need to set some boundaries, stat and 2) raise your hourly rate significantly and start charging overtime