Are Some Days Harder to Exericise For You?



  • hzliiz
    hzliiz Posts: 166 Member
    Yes some days it's hard to do. For me, since I work out after work at home, the first thing I do upon getting home is change into my work out clothes and put my shoes on. Then I have a snack and chill out for a bit, but putting my workout clothes on is my way of pre-committing. And sometimes I just need to get started on faith that I ALWAYS feel better for having worked out. Every. Single. Time.

    ETA: I just re-read your post and realized I didn't even remotely respond to your actual question. :yawn: Sorry about that...and yes sometimes the work outs themselves I am just dragging *kitten* to get through which can be confusing when on a different day that exact same work out I feel like Supergirl. I just plod along on those rough days and get through it for the same rationale as above.