Gum junkie

Hello, my name is Cushman and I am a gum-a-holic!

Seriously... Orbitz Sweetmint gum has to be the most addictive thing in the world! I could chew a pack a day, and have at times. I know for some folks it makes them hungry but not for me. It works like a charm to signal the end of my meals, keep my mouth busy, keep the sweets cravings away, etc.

For a fleeting moment last week I thought to myself "one piece has like 3 or 4 calories so I'm consuming an extra 30 something calories per day by chewing..." Nah... who cares! Those tiny gum calories are being burned up by virtue of chewing on the gum!

I'm putting this here because it might help others too as far as sweets cravings and just staying busy once you've hit your calorie range.



  • oxers
    oxers Posts: 259 Member
    I have a hoooorrible gum habit, and yeah, the sweetmint stuff is effin' delicious. Personally, I have Meneiere's - which is a weird inner-ear thing - and chewing gum helps alleviate some of the pressure and sometimes some of the pain? So I'm never, ever without a pack on my person, not ever. I probably go through an extra 30 cals a day just in gum, but.. yeah. I'm definitely to a "who the hell cares?" point. I make that up running up and down the stairs at work ten times a night, and I just do not give a damn.
  • hzliiz
    hzliiz Posts: 166 Member
    I had to have an intervention with myself to get off Sweetmint...seriously! I did go through at least a pack a day, sometimes more. I would buy it in bulk at Sam's Club. I love it so tastes just like the middle of a peppermint patty :love: But alas, I also have TMJ and I figured it was making it worse that I literally chewed gum all day long. Plus I figured nothing with chemicals should be consumed in quite such high quantities. And nope, I never logged it. Anyway, I cut myself off cold turkey about a month ago. My step-down drug is Altoids -- I eat about 4 or 5 five of those a day. But I do miss my Sweetmint...siiiigh.