Do you ever feel it is too late to be that "hot" tamale?



  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    Yep. I totally fly like this in my late twenties. 20 years later I just think I was so silly.
  • suga1018
    suga1018 Posts: 15 Member
    NEVER too old to be hot and sexy! get to it girl :)
  • Oxmarqt
    Oxmarqt Posts: 378 Member
    .... I am not sure what is wrong with me, as I am always a go-getter and really despise sympathy card. Not sure what is up with me, so just excuse my post :) Again, thank you for all the comments, I am going to sincerely read them all over a few times and work on things.

    Not even close to being an expert but i would imagine that this task is probably on of the hardest and most intimidating of anything you have taken on. It can seem so completely unreachable when looking in the mirror and it is clear that it not a short term fix. These things all combine to very challenging. The trick, IMO, is to not look at it from the big picture perspective. Try to look at it as 10 smaller goals that will all add up to your big goal.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    for me it was too late when I was ten and won my first spelling bee and read 700 books to win the school award. <nerd snort> <pushes up glasses>

    But I am sexy to my husband...and have gotten pretty fit. I can rock skinny jeans. Create your own version of "hot".
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    10/10 *wrecks every body in this thread*
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I don't think it's too late at 40. Be hot!
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    I wasn't very kind to myself in my 20s and 30s. I'm being kind to myself in my 40s.

    It's never too late. 40 is still young and vibrant.
    hi there...should we tell her to pick up a barbell?

    Yes, we really should.

    OP, you should strength train. That was one of the best things I've ever done for myself.
  • Ainevethe
    Ainevethe Posts: 209 Member
    For some perspective: I was starting to feel really old until I ended up with a medical condition that had me daily at the local hospital for a 6 week period. I would use my age as an excuse as to why I would accept even a 50% improvement in my energy levels and all the staff kept fluffing off every concern I had telling me I was "still young" so to basically suck it up buttercup and focus on getting my strength back instead of talking about being 42! lol

    I *felt* about 80 at the time and could barely get out of bed but it taught me something, age really IS relative. To a 20 year old I am pretty freaking old. To an 80 year old, I am still pretty young. Compared to someone really fit? I no longer am. But I have a goal to FEEL and look sexier at 45 than I did at 25. And I may just do that if I get my act together and want to get there more than I want to eat. I was so insecure and shy at 25, it is totally doable despite the fact I will have 20 years on that old me. And I look back at pictures and I looked not too bad, way thinner than now!! I think, what was I thinking?! Why did I think I was so gross??? But I wouldn't trade that younger body for everything I know now and the confidence I gained through getting older. I can get the body back, but I don't want that level of insecurity and shame any more!!

    Sexy isn't sexy if you don't *feel* it. I will give you the same advice I am giving to myself and trying to take to heart: Spend less time worrying you will never get there and work your butt off making it happen. Believe 100% in your ability to get there, because you *totally can*.

    Unleash the sexy, one day at a time. :)
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    I wasn't very kind to myself in my 20s and 30s. I'm being kind to myself in my 40s.

    It's never too late. 40 is still young and vibrant.
    hi there...should we tell her to pick up a barbell?

    Yes, we really should.

    OP, you should strength train. That was one of the best things I've ever done for myself.

    it made such a huge difference in the way I look overall.

    Brb with some lifting gifs... If I can pick up a barbell after 40 anyone can.:smile:
  • frayst
    You sound just like my mother! Always a beautiful woman, when she put on years worth of weight she felt as though she could never achieve hotness again and just let herself go completely. Part of why it took her so many years to decide to lose the weight is BECAUSE SHE THOUGHT she could never be sexy again. In that way, her negative state of mind was preventing her from looking her best, NOT vice versa.

    She has lost 70 pounds and still has ways to go but she is looking more beautiful and slim every day. Now she is using her desire to be hot again to motivate herself to get to her goal weight instead of letting it bring her down. She always talks about how when she gets to her goal she will buy new clothes, like skirts that will show her legs, slim-fitting blouses, and attractive swimsuits. She just doesn't realize how beautiful she looks RIGHT NOW because she is so used to being overweight and seeing herself that way.

    No, you will not ever look 20 again. If you were thin your whole life, you wouldn't look 20 at 40. But you can look hot at 40, without question! Be motivated by your struggles, not beaten by them! Good luck!
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    I wasn't very kind to myself in my 20s and 30s. I'm being kind to myself in my 40s.

    It's never too late. 40 is still young and vibrant.
    hi there...should we tell her to pick up a barbell?

    Yes, yes I think we should. Strength training really is the freaking fountain of youth.

    I don't know that I'll ever be a hot tamale. I'm in unchartered territory here, as far as my weight and body comp is concerned. Here is what I can tell you: 2.5 years ago this was me,


    Here I am now:



    I obviously still have weight to lose. And I have some loose skin issues. But, because I strength train, I have shapely shoulders (yay traps!), nice calves, and my *kitten* is round and lifted. I look better than I thought I would at this weight, and I am pleased with where it's headed as the fat goes away.

    Whether I'll ever be hot, I have no idea. But, I'm hoping to be the best me that I can be. Whatever happens, I enjoy life much more now, and that's a MAJOR win.
  • hzliiz
    hzliiz Posts: 166 Member
    I was a red hot mess mentally and emotionally in my 20's and well into my 30's, to be perfectly honest. I'm 43 and finally, have figured out how to be happy. So it actually seems like the most perfect of times in my life to be at my hottest :wink:

    No, it's not too late. Be your best you.
  • roanokejoe49
    roanokejoe49 Posts: 820 Member
    Me at 40


    Me at 42

    Me at almost 43

    Wow. Totally hot!
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    Me at 40


    Me at 42

    Me at almost 43

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Yay Angie!

    OP if you are interested...

    Bench press


    And my favorite tied with bench...The Deadlift.
  • Milliepet
    Milliepet Posts: 40 Member
    40 Forty 40 , I am now 72 & am determined I will do everything to stay out of a wheelchair, use a walker & become
    a 'cute' little old lady!! I am very active, down 14# since beginning MFP. Recently I was putting my 'public' face on
    in the bathroom & saw my husband looking at me in the mirror. I asked if he needed something, he replied 'just looking
    & wow, you are looking hot! During one of our more intimate times he ran his hand down my thigh & said 'you really are
    slimming down, you're looking so good.'
    So now my dear, if I can do it at 72 you can surely do it at 40.
    It's up to you, how much do you want to be a 'hot tamale'? it takes dedication & resisting temptation. You Can Do It!!
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    I wasn't very kind to myself in my 20s and 30s. I'm being kind to myself in my 40s.

    It's never too late. 40 is still young and vibrant.
    hi there...should we tell her to pick up a barbell?

    Yes, yes I think we should. Strength training really is the freaking fountain of youth.

    I don't know that I'll ever be a hot tamale. I'm in unchartered territory here, as far as my weight and body comp is concerned. Here is what I can tell you: 2.5 years ago this was me,


    Here I am now:



    I obviously still have weight to lose. And I have some loose skin issues. But, because I strength train, I have shapely shoulders (yay traps!), nice calves, and my *kitten* is round and lifted. I look better than I thought I would at this weight, and I am pleased with where it's headed as the fat goes away.

    Whether I'll ever be hot, I have no idea. But, I'm hoping to be the best me that I can be. Whatever happens, I enjoy life much more now, and that's a MAJOR win.

    ^hot tamale! Right there.
  • 00Allie00
    00Allie00 Posts: 243 Member
    Heck no. It's a state of mind, and an attitude. I'm 43, and I feel quite young still.

    The key is to keep imporoving, always strive to be a healthier version of yourself, and keep your chin up and your attitude strong.

    And look to those awesome women who have posted above who exude beauty and confidence. :heart:
  • ucabucca
    ucabucca Posts: 606 Member
    I am 53 and although loosing was not an issue for me it was gaining I got very sick and was very under weight It can be done. I am healthy and strong again and in the middle of normal weight range. I lift more than many guys with legs and holding my own on upper body and running almost 8 miles in an hr. I was allowed to start working with a trainer in Jan 2013 and have an awesome support network and have never lost any of their support by being honest with self and those around me. You have to believe and fight you may not see the results clearly at first but they will come. I am so happy and once again skiing competitively and winning beating many half my age It is awesome!