Why am I losing weight slowly?

Now, before you start advising me on food scales, eating clean, and HRM...keep reading.

Same story as most people on here, I've struggled with weight issues, ED, and weight loss for a long time.
I got to the bottom of why I had ED, healed from it and then became overweight because I never dealt with my emotional eating issues.

June of Last year I started this journey and didn't lose any weight in the first 3 weeks. Not even half a lb. I had the same issue a year earlier and just gave up but this time I did some research and found out that years of abuse and yo-yo dieting can actually do harm to your body.

July/August - I took 8 weeks to eat at maintenance level and gained 5 lbs. I had been eating under what I should for so long that I had no idea I could eat 1800 calories and maintain. I was at 168, my heaviest weight ever. I stayed there for several weeks to make sure I was maintaining.

September - When I really buckled down and started this whole "weight loss thing" again I finally started losing weight. I've lost just over 8 lbs in 6 months. Actually, I lost 8 lbs in 2 months.

November - When the holiday's happened I went on maintenance for 2 months. NOT because I was giving up, but because any other time I've tried to lose weight over the holidays I've gained 7 lbs. This past holiday season I only gained 3 lbs not because I gave up but because I realized that for me to survive I needed to make it realistic for the hectic season. Gaining 3 lbs switching to maintenance is normal! :)

In January I lost those 3 lbs,

February I had a death in the family and realized that I am only good at the emotional eating thing in dealing with anger. I had no idea that grief would be so hard on me. It was an opportunity for growth.

March - I've lost back down to 160.00 - my lowest so far was 159.8 right before Thanksgiving so looking at it from the outside I've lost 4 months and I should be at my goal weight right now, if I had lost 1 lb a week I would be there! I'd be DONE.

But, what have I gained?

An understanding that eating above my calorie goal is NOT overeating. Overeating is going over what my body needs to maintain. That is something we all forget so we beat ourselves up for going over and then forfeit the rest of the day/week/month.

An understanding of how I lose weight - For me personally, I have to allow maintenance days. Sometimes maintenance weekends. YES it slows my weight loss, but it allows me to work within what works best for my entire journey (physical/emotional/spiritual).
I know how to lose weight. I got very good at it while dealing with ana/mia. But I want to learn how to live outside of weight struggles. I mean...20 years is a long time to worry about a number on a scale.

An understanding that I am my own worst enemy. Not food. Not the people who disagree with me on MFP, not the co-workers that tempt me with donuts on Fridays. ME. This is MY journey and I have to take full responsibility.

An understanding that losing 1 lb a week is achievable but realistically my progress will be between .5 and .75 and I'm OK with that.

This post is not asking for help, but I'm hoping that if any of you struggle/beat yourself up/fall off the wagon you'll find encouragement in my journey.


  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    Thank you so much for this. Very encouraging. And with only 13 Ib to go any weight loss between 0.5 and 1 Lb a week will be great. Good lock with losing the final amount!
  • Happymelz
    Happymelz Posts: 536 Member
    You're very welcome! :)
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    Good for you!! A lot of people should read your post. You absolutely understand what it take to lose weight! It isn't a sprint, it's a marathon!

    Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing your story!
  • Happymelz
    Happymelz Posts: 536 Member
    Thank you!
  • Woodster83
    Woodster83 Posts: 71 Member
    I too used to feel a failure if I didn't meet the 2lbs per week target..

    I've set to lose 1lb per week and that is a manageable goal for me and takes the pressure off each day, anything more is a bonus! :) (I have 90lbs to lose though).

    A lot of people are far too hard on themselves, myself included, and all that ends up doing is causing a cycle of self sabotage and loathing. This can be the most damaging aspect of "dieting", the mental strain of feeling like a failure and out of control.

    Good luck with your weight loss.
  • Happymelz
    Happymelz Posts: 536 Member
    You too!
  • Happymelz
    Happymelz Posts: 536 Member
    Bump so others can read it and find encouragement, hopefully.
  • jes7er
    jes7er Posts: 3
    Awesome post. I too, after many years of trying to loose weight, am starting to appreciate the other factors. I haven't lost a bunch of weight in the past 12 weeks (8lbs) but my body is transforming nicely and the weight has started to come off slowly. But at least this time I am doing it in a way that I can live with for the long term.
  • hzliiz
    hzliiz Posts: 166 Member
    Great post Mel! I know you will reach your goals and it's awesome that you're letting go of all those old unhelpful ways. Took me much longer...I wish I was wiser in my youth like you :smile: Glad to be friends with you!
  • MANDallasTX
    Your name should be Mel the Courageous. Having an understanding of your body's needs are not easy thing to do. Some of us struggle with it a long long time. A wish I could say "I fully understand mine." It still surprises me.

    I am sorry for the loss of your family member. I can relate in that I lost my Brother in Law in January. It does take a while to go through the grieving process.

    Thanks for sharing the words of wisdom. Woof Woof Crew Rules!
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    I am probably losing weight even slower than you and I am honestly fine with it........you are doing great.
  • Earthgirl51
    Earthgirl51 Posts: 73 Member
    You have no idea how much I needed to hear this today. I am on day 65. I am starting to obsess over the scale. That is so not me. I am set to lose one pound a week. I am doing that. I just feel like I am on a runaway train that is no going fast enough. I am not sure if that made sense. Your message eases the panic. Thank you for your gift to me.
  • Happymelz
    Happymelz Posts: 536 Member
    You have no idea how much I needed to hear this today. I am on day 65. I am starting to obsess over the scale. That is so not me. I am set to lose one pound a week. I am doing that. I just feel like I am on a runaway train that is no going fast enough. I am not sure if that made sense. Your message eases the panic. Thank you for your gift to me.

    Hey, us WHOVIANS have to stick together! :drinker: :wink:

    I lost .5 this week. LOWEST I'VE BEEN IN OVER A YEAR!!!
    Sure, it has been slow but I am excited to be below a certain number by 1/2 a lb! not just .2 below. :happy:

    Hoping to lose at least 1 more before I go on a trip to Chicago first weekend in April.
  • Happymelz
    Happymelz Posts: 536 Member
    Bump to encourage others.