

  • I can take it or leave it. Most days I have one of those big travel mugs of coffee. It's regular, fully loaded coffee, with Splenda, and some creamer. On the days that I don't have it, I don't miss it, but it makes me happy so I don't pass it up often. The lattes that you get at say... Starbucks... can have a really high…
  • While I would encourage you to stick to a max of one per day (just in case), you won't catch me on the band wagon of anti-diet soda folks. My understanding is the biggest complaint against them is the aspartame (artificial sweetener) that they use. But, lots of research has been done on aspartame and, if you stick to…
  • Oh! Also, if you like spicy stuff... wasabi peas have a good crunch to them!
  • Terra (brand) root vegetable chips. They are basically dehydrated root vegetables: sweet potatoes, yucca, beets, carrots, etc. Simple Truth (Kroger brand) makes the same thing. They are usually cheaper and taste exactly the same. Also, they're in the organic section so preservative free and all that jazz.
  • Firstly, I agree 100% with getting fitted at a running store if you're actually running quite a bit. That said, having stated that you are starting a couch to 5k I think it begs the question: Have you ever run before? If not, you might want to start with something a bit more inexpensive until you figure out whether or not…
  • My two staples that "live" at work are a jar of peanut butter and a bag of wasabi peas that I keep in my desk drawer. I bring other things daily in my cooler (apple or orange, carrots or slices of red bell, mini babybel light) and those are my usual snacks. But, if I forget to bring something or I'm stuck late or something…
  • I think it depends on the rider. I took the Motorcycle Safety Foundation class at the same time as my neighbor. We took our tests on Honda Nighthawks (250cc). I went out and bought a Triumph Speedmaster (865cc) (http://www.triumphmotorcycles.com/motorcycles/range/cruisers/speedmaster/2011/speedmaster) and I LOVE it. It was…
  • Hello all, I am scheduled for the VSG on Jan. 31st, 2012. I am excited but also nervous. I'm looking for support "friends" on here so feel free to "friend" me :D
  • Hi all, I was initially scheduled to have my sleeve on 11/29/11, but it had to be postponed due to the emergence of a thyroid problem. Because of that little interruption I kind of fell off the food tracking wagon for awhile. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things now. I'm now schedule for surgery on 1/31/12 and…
  • Hypoglycemia is a possibility too... but honestly most hypoglycemic episodes will make you feel dizzy sitting or standing and won't go away after a minute unless you eat/drink something with sugar in it.
  • You're gonna hate me but... you should go to the doctor. Seriously, if its happening every time you stand up thats not good. Best guesses on my part (DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT A DOCTOR): (1) Vertigo. Inner ear issues can come out of nowhere. (2) But, sounds more like a blood pressure thing to me. This could be a result of being…
  • Since that article is from a questionable source, here is one from a very reputable source that says the same thing: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=strange-but-true-drinking-too-much-water-can-kill I totally agree that all of those things are myths (FYI: I am a clinical chemist and got my PhD in muscle…
  • If you truly hate the gym you could try finding other activities that don't involved going to the gym. My husband and I golf... we actually walk the course (4miles) carrying our bags instead of using a cart and we've also starting working with weighted clubs on a daily basis to improve our swing speed (we see it as…
  • Hi everyone! I am pre-oping for gastric bypass (I think... haven't met with the surgeon yet to discuss the options, but that would be my choice). My center and insurance plan requires three months of supervised diet and counseling. I started in March, but missed April due to several (yes several) deaths in the family. So,…