cbaylis Member


  • MGD 64 is good for me
    in Alcohol Comment by cbaylis March 2012
  • Love the mini Challenge today.
  • Feeling good here. The water alone helps me out. I do feel better when I amd drinking plenty.
  • I didn't realize you could utube Zumba, thanks!
  • Just joined the group today and like the idea of the challenges! I am have a major sweet tooth! So I am going to try and give that up this week.
  • Measurements as of today! Starting Measurements Weight: 140 Chest: 34.5 Waist (Belly Button level): 34 Hips: 40 Thighs: 21 Arms: 11.5
    in Checkins Comment by cbaylis January 2012
  • I would love to join this group! I have been looking at it for three days and decided to go ahead, because I have just enough days left in the week to do the first workout! My only concern is that I don't know about the nutrition part. I believe that I read on one of the post that you had a spreadsheet or something. Can…
  • I also got half way through Insanity the first time. I did notice a difference in my tone, however when it jumped to phase 2, I had trouble staying with it because the programs were longer. Perhaps I will do better this time :-)
  • Got up early to do this before my 6 hour car ride today! Switchkicks 76 (I counted each leg seperate) Powerjacks 48 Power knees 95 Power jumps 29 Globe Jumps 7.5 Suicide Jumps 14 Power Jacks 15 Lower Plank Oblique 23 each leg Hoping I can stick with while holiday traveling!
  • How do I get it so my ticker shows up when I post?
  • Hi I'm Christy. I did Insanity almost a year ago for the first 30 days and got to the second part and well, wasn't too successful. I am also running to train for a few races, so sometimes I use that as an excuse :-) I was going to start after the new year but I saw this group and thought it would be great to start on the…
  • I have these chocolate starlight mints that I keep just about every where. When I think I am hungry I try sucking on those or some other hard candy for a while. Seems to help me. However, I also am open to a better idea :-)
  • I am also hypoglycemic (low blood sugar). I kept a food diary prior to being on here because I am a PE Teacher and was almost passing out in class even though I was eating and I was gaining weight (which I didn't want). So after keeping a journal and speaking with my doctor I have discovered that I do MUCH better with most…
  • I have not done the Turbo Fire but I do believe the Insanity works. I have lost more inches than pounds. I was in month two and with the weather warming up I wanted to start running outside. So I am going to alternate Insanity on not so nice days. They are VERY intense though especially when you get to the second month.…
  • I keep track of my measurements too. You may be gaining weight but you might be losing inches. After doing the same workout for a long time your body gets used to it and it is no longer challenging. You might try mixing it up. I don't know if you have access to any other classes but Step and Cycling are great workouts too.…