lj3jones Member


  • Hi all, im 40 later this year as well. Married coming up on 12 years. We have a 6, almost 7 year old and a 2 year old, both boys. I work full time in a professional career. Between work and kids i have neglected myself these past 7 years and want to get back to me. I used to do long distance triathlons before kids so I'm…
  • Love it. Proof that bmi is a stupid worthless number!
  • 8 hour training day would have been a long bike followed by an hour run. might have been closer to 7.5 but was still longer than I want to be away on a weekend day. I'm not a fast triathlete - my two ironmans were 13:56 (FL in 2010) and 13:28 (IM WI in 2012). both bikes were right around the 7 hour mark. I've done ironmans…
  • Wow. Judge much? I'm up at 6 am with babe until 7:30 when I have to leave for work and drop kid off. I get home at 6 pm (usually after having worked through lunch) and then I have two hours to cook dinner, eat dinner, hang out with my kid, put him to bed by 8 pm and then it is often back onto the computer for more work.…
  • You guys are making me a bit jealous with all your 70.3 and IM talk. I've done two IMs but I also have a 2 year old son and work full time in a professional field and have a 45 minute commute each way to work. Trying to get back into some semblance of shape, but it isn't easy! I did a mini tri when he was a babe and sprint…
  • What she said. The best thing is to assign a spot in your house for feeding, make it quiet. I had to bring his nursing sessions back to before naps because he was too distracted at all other times. Just now, (10.5 months) he is getting to where he can actually really nurse when he wakes up from a nap as well. He has been a…
  • both my OB and my family doctor had me on levothyroxin post partum and knew I was breastfeeing. I had to get my levels checked every few months, but they didn't ever check my sons. I was on the smallest dose.
  • Have you had your thyroid checked? sometimes it can go out of whack post partum. I was on thyroid medicine for about 4 months after my LO was born (and the 2nd and third trimester of pregnancy). While I was on those little pills, I dropped weight easily. Since stopping them it has become a lot harder to drop weight (and it…
  • I would use it. I kept up with the cream for a month to make sure it was good and gone before stopping. Does your DD get any previously expressed milk by bottle or sippy cup? As much as it sucks, I have heard that when your baby has thrush, you have to throw out your freezer stash or it will keep coming back. Also, make…
  • are you eating back your excersize calories?
  • She is getting help, I think she is talking to both a councillor and on a perscription anti-depressant from her doctor. I was thinking more along to the lines of what I can do to support her :)
  • the back pain could really be from anything. I've thrown out my back a few times and most of them I was never able to figure out what exactly caused it. One time I think it was from rolling my ankle on a run. They say now that rest actually makes it worse, so try to do some light activity, ice and stretch that back out…
    in back pain Comment by lj3jones June 2014
  • I love my moving comfort bras. I have the juno and the fiona models. The fiona works okay for breast feeding too if I need to feed before I workout or right after I work out. The juno has a bit more support, but not as easy for breast feeding. my boobs got very big when I was pregnant and the first little bit post partum…
  • I find the MFP overestimates the amount of calories burned by a LOT. For example, today I road 75 minutes at about 26.5 km/hr, they estimated I burned over 1000 calories, but based on my heart rate monitor it was 700. I use moving time not total time. I also don't glide too much, really just when I'm on my way to stopping…
  • body pump is lifting. For the OP, listen to your body. If you need to take a break, take a break. That being said, this isn't anything crazy, maybe just if you are going from nothing to this, but elliptical isn't high impact. When training for an Ironman I was doing 17 hours a week of cardio.
  • are you breastfeeding? It could be your body telling you that you aren't eating enough.
  • I only have a single, but I love my bob revolution and it comes in a double option. If we have another kid, I think I will buy a used double revolution for when the babe is young.
  • Go to a running store and buy body glide. It is worth it's weight in gold. I also use it when I'm wearing a skirt without panty hose in the summer.
  • I'm 5'9" and all body as well. Also BFing, but my boobs are starting to get back to their pre pregnancy size (Baby is 10 months old now) - still a little bigger, but I can fit into my pre pregnancy sports bras, just tighter than normal. I have had luck with TYR and Pearl Izumi for length. Do you have to order online, or is…
  • Who cares? seriously. I'm not going to stop working out for a week each month because people can see that I am wearing a pad if they are staring at my butt. I use tampons, but I am a very heavy bleeder so I always have a pad on as well for back up, the only time I don't wear a pad during my period is when I am on my bike.
  • I'm 5'9" and all body. I wear separates because I'm worried about getting a perma wedgie with a one piece suit. Also better for longer races as it is easier to go pee.
    in New Gear Comment by lj3jones June 2014
  • lusting after a power meter, but it will be a while before we have money in the budget for one. What is in the budget are new (to Canada) Gu flavours. Peanut Butter and Salted Caramel. I'm excited to get my distance back up to the length that I need to take the gels. Bought 6 on Tuesday - they will probably last me all…
    in New Gear Comment by lj3jones June 2014
  • http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/06/02/weaning-breastfeeding_n_5154681.html The last one on this reminded of what you posted on the weekend. Hopefully your boobs are doing better :)
    in Drying up Comment by lj3jones June 2014
  • how often is it happening? are you extra hungry on those days? If you are extra hungry, I don't think it would hurt to eat more, but if it is only once a week or less, then I don't think you have to eat more if you are worried about supply. I think the exclusive breast feeding days are going to do more to help your supply…
  • I flew with my then almost 9 month old by myself a few weeks ago. logistics, the airline staff should be more than helpful about getting through security and onto the plane on you own. That should not be an issue. luckily our flights were short. I nursed during take off and when he started to fuss at landing and he was…
  • Baby is just over 9.5 months. I've been struggling with my supply for about 2 months. I still don't have my period back. I would like to breast feed for a full year, but am starting to think I may have to supplement with formula. I'll probably hold off until at least 10 months.
  • I meant cutting the water that LO is drinking so that he has to nurse for hydration :) Also taking blessed thistle and fenugreek pills.
  • In that case, I would start with some lessons to get the proper technique and then move onto working on speed. Getting the proper technique will make you much faster alone.
    in Swimmers?? Comment by lj3jones May 2014
  • To offer advise, we would need to know where you are at right now. How far are you swimming? What is your 100 m sprint time? What is your long steady state place (like an 800 m time trial). Are you only doing freestyle or are you still swimming with other strokes. I'm focusing on getting myself back to where I was pre baby…
    in Swimmers?? Comment by lj3jones May 2014
  • Right now, I do more running on the treadmill in the basement then I do outside. I would prefer to run outside, but it just isn't an option when you are running while your child is asleep and no one else is at home. Does that mean I am no longer a runner? (FWIW, I have finished 2 Ironmans, 4 half Ironmans, 1 marathon and…