

  • That is simply AMAZING!! Great job! You look great!
  • After a little research I found 240 calories in 3 ounces of 80/20 Ground about 1280 in a pound. I usually use much leaner 93/7 and doctor them up with seasoning, tomatoes, and avacados. YUM! There are only about 180 calories in 4 ounces of the 93/7 FYI.
  • This is AMAZING on the has become an every other week staple in my house!!
  • Jameson and water. As low cal as I can get. But I do drink far more red wine than I should.
  • 60° currently...75° forecasted here in balmy Minnesota. YAY! Supposed to cool back down again shortly though.
  • Yeah....what he said!! My wife has been hounding me forever, and I just wouldn't listen. Personally, I got really tired of watching my body grow and grow. Now that I've been dropping pounds she has been checking ME out lately. What a boost to a 10 year marriage!!
  • That's funny though!! My name is Shannon, prefer to be called Shan, and yes, I'm a man. If I didn't have my picture up, I'd probably be mistaken for a female, which happens quite frequently. I get a lot of mail labeled Ms. Shannon a lot.
  • Fact: A Strawberry Is Not A Fruit In botanical terms, a fruit consists of the ripened ovary and seed of a flowering plant. What most people consider the strawberry "fruit" is not technically a fruit. The strawberry is considered an "accessory fruit". The fleshy part is derived from the peg at the bottom of the hypanthium…
  • Sure, no problem! I've found a lot of activities this way - just googling "how many calories do I burn......." Some of the links even bring you to sites which ask for your height and weight and calculate it for you for that particular activity. With all the snow shoveling I did here this past winter, I really wanted to add…
  • This is what I do to find something close..
  • Kirkland Salt and Pepper Pistachios
  • I'm one of the husbands who was guilty of this as well. I never told my wife to stop trying to lose weight, but I do all of the cooking and I refused to cook 2 different things for our meals. (We also have 2 children.) I have been overweight for quite a few years now and finally decided to do something about it. Now I cook…
  • I'm right with you....although when I started out I lost like 15 lbs in three weeks, but now I've come to a slow crawl, only losing a pound a week. I'm not doing anything different either. I'm just going to keep at it, and hope that it improves.
  • 80's Rock - Jovi, Cinderella, Scorpions, Dokken, Tesla, AD-DC, etc. I play "air" drums while on the treadmill as well. I know, it paints a cool picture, doesn't it. :glasses:
  • I have been on for about 5 weeks now and have lost 18lbs!! This place has helped a ton!! Knowing how many calories I'm now taking in opened my eyes as to how many I was taking in daily prior to starting up here. My wife is losing weight with me, although she doesn't use this site hardly at all. She just always asks me what…
    in new-er Comment by shanman March 2010
  • Yeah, I found this out a couple of weeks ago, just googling : how many calories do I burn.......It's amazing, and you just enter your age and weight and it calculated it for me. Awesome calorie burner!! And I've been using that as my exercise almost daily for the past 3 days!! We're getting dumped on!! More for tomorrow…