
I have been on a few weeks now and tyring to recruit friends but, no go! I am loving this site and it has helped out more then I ever would have thought! Sometimes it gets diesheartening without help/friends.... Will give and take on encouragement!


  • crumpy01
    crumpy01 Posts: 1
    Hey this is my 6th week, i agree this site has totally changed the way i look at food! Since starting I have lost 17lbs which i am chuffed to bits with! I find it really easy to stick to my calories for the day and for once am actually getting excited about exercise!! I now go swimming twice a week and badminton once which makes a change from just sitting on the sofa!! I agree sometimes it does get disheartening especially when others around you are stuffing their faces lol!! but you just got to keep at it! I find setting goals and targets helps massively! My aim is to fit into my prom dress from 5 years ago to wear at my 21st birthday party in July! It helps keep me motivated!!
  • marjaskow
    marjaskow Posts: 81
    Feel free to add me as a friend. Also, you can set your profile that friends or anyone if you want can view your food or exercise diary. I did. I am always open to ideas and also seeing they types of meals others plan that are doing well helps to get ideas too.
  • shanman
    shanman Posts: 16
    I have been on for about 5 weeks now and have lost 18lbs!! This place has helped a ton!! Knowing how many calories I'm now taking in opened my eyes as to how many I was taking in daily prior to starting up here.

    My wife is losing weight with me, although she doesn't use this site hardly at all. She just always asks me what are intakes are, as we eat the same things every day.

    Feel free to add me as a friend as well, and Good Luck!!
  • lwebsmfp
    lwebsmfp Posts: 297 Member
    I joined recently too and have been loving it. There is a lot of information, advice, and encouragement. I love being able to track my calories and exercise. Feel free to add me if you'd like. I love connecting with others for support and encouragement!