What are your favorite snacks?

What are your favorite snacks to munch on between meals? I'm always looking for new (and healthy) options but seem to find myself in a rut and eating the same things.

Here are some of my favorites
- baby carrots and hummus (I like the hummus made from Tribe)
- low calorie crackers with a wedge of the laughing cow garlic and herb cheese
- apple with a bit of peanut butter

What about you?


  • drucole
    drucole Posts: 26 Member

    • Whole grain bagel with melted low-fat or non-fat cheese

    • Baked tortilla chips and salsa

    • Cereal (preferably whole-grain) and low-fat or fat-free milk

    • Homemade trail mix of wheat or bran Chex or cheerios, pretzels, raisins, and nuts

    • Whole wheat toast with butter or margarine and jam

    • Baby carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, or celery and yogurt-based dip

    • Fruit, including fresh, frozen, canned, or ready-to-eat fruit, such as apples peeled and sliced, oranges cut into sections,
    cantaloupe and pineapple in bite-sized cubes, or fruit salad

    • Fruit shake or smoothie made with frozen fruit and a cup of fat-free or low-fat milk or yogurt

    • Vegetable soup

    • Bean burritos or burrito bites containing canned, fat-free refried beans, low-fat cheese, and salsa on a tortilla – roll up
    and cut into bite-sized pieces

    • Tortilla roll-ups: spread chicken breast strips, salsa, and lettuce on a tortilla. Roll up and cut into bite-sized pieces. Or, leave out the tortilla and roll up the chicken and salsa in the lettuce

    • Yogurt, alone, or as a dip or topping for fresh fruit

    • Layer fruit, yogurt and grape-nuts in a glass for a parfait

    • Nuts

    • Peanut butter on graham crackers

    • Peanut butter on sliced apple or celery

    • Milkshake made with non-fat or low-fat frozen yogurt

    • Sugar-free pudding or Jello cup

    • Oatmeal raisin or peanut butter cookies and fat-free or low-fat milk

    • Zucchini or pumpkin bread

    • Low-fat Cottage cheese and fruit

    • Turkey sandwich on wheat bread

    • Granola or cereal bar healthy snack ideas

    Developing a better you!
  • DamienRiceFan
    Almonds & Stuffed Olives - yummy!
  • melroseg2002

    90 calorie fiber one bar

    grapes and almonds

    sugar free pudding

    fat free coolwhip + box of sugar free pudding + can of crushed pineapple + 1-2 cups mini marshmallows (mix together and let sit in fridge for about 2 hours or overnight)
  • melroseg2002
    Oh, I forgot to put low fat string cheese - Weight Watcher brand is my favorite
  • SugarHi
    SugarHi Posts: 452
    Lemon slices

    Plain popcorn

    carrot sticks




    I am sure there are others, but these are the ones that get me totally excited for snack time!
  • rikrok
    rikrok Posts: 5
    Here's a few that I like:

    - Blueberries and pretty much any fruit
    - Lowfat cottage cheese (also with blueberries)
    - Trader Joe's Fiberful Dried Fruit Bar
    - String Cheese made with skim milk (Trader Joe's is a favorite)
    - Almonds
    - Natural peanut butter and celery
    - Greek yogurt
    - Cucumber slices
    - Sugar snap peas
    - Fresh Edamame
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,742 Member
    My go-to evening snacks:
    • Reduced fat Triscuits with reduced fat cheese and salsa
    • Cheerios with 1% organic milk and Splenda
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I love Goldfish. Lately I haven't been eating them, or when I do I eat 1/2 my usual amount because of the sodium and it's just sad.

    Almonds, natural applesauce, carrots, red peppers and blood oranges are my top contenders otherwise. And if I'm good, a few piece of Cadbury at night :)
  • shanman
    shanman Posts: 16
    Kirkland Salt and Pepper Pistachios
  • DogsRule666
    I always have protein with every meal/snack, in order to feel full longer.

    Here are my favorites:

    Natural Peanut Butter and Banana
    Apple and Natural Almond Butter
    Carrots and Bell Pepper with Hummus
    Yogurt and fresh Blueberries
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Peaches (canned in light syrup)
    Popcorn, which come to think about it, I haven't had in a long while)
  • Valqis
    Valqis Posts: 1,016 Member
    Cinnamon Applesauce
    Dannon Light and Fit Yogurt

    I don't feel right if i don't have both of these every day.
  • ashdav2010
    Half of an english muffin with a little peanut butter
    Fiber One bars
    Air popped popcorn
    Any kind of fruit
    Sugar free jello
    Whole wheat toast with spray butter
