AngelJLV83 Member


  • These sound DELICIOUS!! Will be trying soon!!
  • These sound DELICIOUS!! Will be trying soon!!
  • I love this post! I get the same thing at the gym. I don't think I am fat or overweight, but I do see "squishy" parts that I would love to tone up. Plus, after I do, I plan on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and lets face it, in the world of delicious processed sugars it is a hard thing to do!! I have a few people on here…
  • I'm sorry guys! I failed on the fruit/veggie this morning. Over slept and had no time to make the smoothie. Ate cereal with my son cuz we were in a hurry to get him to school on time. I did have all fresh things in my tacos!! And I will have a healthy snack. Sorry I failed so soon!! Forgive me!
  • Someday_soon I am gonna have to try that smoothie!! I also make a morning smoothie with spinach!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE them! Even my son drinks them!! I do 1/4 cup frozen blueberries (antioxidants baby!!) 1/4 cup frozen mango 1/2 medium sized banana little less than 1/4 cup V8 splash berry blend mango peach 1/4 cup water 1…
  • Maybe angel food cake with strawberries and whipped cream? I just made myself hungry!! There are lots of yummy lowfat cake/pie recipes in the recipe section of the messages boards. Me personally, its your birthday, I would give yourself a little bit of a pass. :)
  • Bumping this. Sounds wonderful!!!!
  • I am a peanut butter and apple girl. Its probably one of my favorite snacks. Plus, it fits our challenge this week! Apples have no carbs and i think the peanut butter has like 4 grams per tbsp.
  • Good morning! Starting weight 05/31/11 123.8 Ugh. Total Gain from the holiday weekend. Lets get started! Good luck everyone!!
  • I have heard to always start with cardio to warm your body up and get your heart rate in the target zone. I tried to be a runner, but have terrible knee problems. I like to walk, elliptical, or bike and then I agree with the upper body on one day then lower body the next. I do crunches and ab stuff every session and I try…
  • I would love to join if its okay with everyone. I will post my weight in the morning and then jump on the Monday weigh ins. I love the challenges and would love to be apart of this. :)
  • welcome! I sent ya a friend request!
  • I am gonna try this. It seems so do-able! Thanks!
  • Thank you everybody!! You all are so awesome!! I cant wait to begin the journey with you guys!! I started like a month ago, but my mom is slow to catch up on how it all works. You are all too kind!!!
  • Feel free to add me and good luck on your weight loss journey!
  • feel free to add me too! :)
  • Hey everyone! Sign me up for this! I am gonna start with the water and the veggies. I know myself well enough to know adding all the challenges at once will not work out. Plus my son is spoiled rotten and got 4 easter baskets. So I am gonna give myself the rest of the week to munch on a Reese mini egg here and there. I…
  • Does your gym have a pool? The water is always the best for sore limbs. My mom teaches water aerobics and swears by it. If not I would say the elliptical. The treadmil always seems to put alot of pressure on my knees. Or maybe take a day off and let it rest. Is it sore or hurting?
  • Thank you everybody! Kellie: I think at the end of the day you should zero out. Meaning you should not have any calories left. You get to eat the exercise calories. So the days you exercise you get more calories in your "bank" I hope that helps. Maybe someone can explain it better. I am still learnign like you. :)