Stress Eating College Kids



  • AshleyLauren589
    AshleyLauren589 Posts: 139 Member
    My other question for you guys.... how do you find time to work out???

    I work 25 to 20 hours a week and I'm a full time student.... it's nearly impossible to fit in a decent amount of gym time... I mean i manage, but then it's always a late night work out. For instance tonight I didn't go to the gym until 11:30pm and wasn't out of there until 1am..... ridiculous....

    Also, what do you eat when you're rushing around campus and don't have time to sit down and eat a salad.... or actually make a healthy breakfast?

    It's all really frustrating the college environment isn't conducive with healthy eating habits....

    I tend to bring small meal/snacks around with me so I can eat throughout the day. For example, I'll pack a baggie of dry cereal, baby carrots, an orange or apple or container of berries, yogurt, etc. and eat during class (not all teachers are ok with it, so be careful). I also have back to back to back classes (no breaks from 9 - 3) so this works really well for me. I've literally created my class schedule around fitting workouts in, kinda pathetic, but it's the only way I'll be sure that I'll go everyday!
  • helvetikat
    So glad I found this post! I'm new here (this is my first post) and just getting used to how the site works. I am also a full-time college student, work on the weekends, and somehow training for a 5k (it's next week!) during finals. I am taking 18 credit hours this semester, so I'm in classes most of the day. I also find it easiest to pack small snacks/fruit in sandwich bags to eat between classes, and I ALWAYS have a water bottle with me during the day.

    I'll find windows of time in which I can work out. Recently, I've been hitting the treadmill after class, but that often leaves me feeling tired the rest of the night. So now I'm trying to get up early and take my runs outside before my classes start. This is especially hard because I'm not a morning person, and I also have to drive somewhere to run, but I'm going to make myself get into this habit which will be better for me anyway.
  • gurlysmiles2001
    here goes day #3 of NO CHOCOLATE! sorry i haven't responded to anyone's post i've been studying like cray for midterms this week. my next one is in 3 hours ugh. goodluck you guys, and feel free to add me

    p.s. if you find yourself eating chocolate its ok, just don't eat anymore haha. than restart the challenge tomorrow! 6 days of no chocolate is better than none :)
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    My other question for you guys.... how do you find time to work out???

    I work 25 to 20 hours a week and I'm a full time student.... it's nearly impossible to fit in a decent amount of gym time... I mean i manage, but then it's always a late night work out. For instance tonight I didn't go to the gym until 11:30pm and wasn't out of there until 1am..... ridiculous....

    Also, what do you eat when you're rushing around campus and don't have time to sit down and eat a salad.... or actually make a healthy breakfast?

    It's all really frustrating the college environment isn't conducive with healthy eating habits....

    I'm a full time student working 7 days a week (40-45 hours) so I feel your pain!

    2-3 times a week I suck it up and go to the 545 spin class, it sucks, and I dread it every time, but I do it. (lately I've been too busy with trying to ge tmy new job situation straightened out, but I will get back on track!)

    Another thing that helps me is to find someone to go with you, keep you accountable, posting my weight loss on facebook has made at least 5 of my friends start wanting to get healthy.

    The best thing I've found is to SCHEDULE my workouts, put them into my calendar and everything. Working out should be as important as going to work or school.

    Set yourself a fun, non food/weight loss goal for when you reach X amount of pounds lost, me and my friend are getting new tattoos that we both have wanted a long time once I lose 20 more pounds and she loses 10 more pounds. Neither of us can get the new tattoo without the other one reaching their goal, it's a HUGE motivator for both of us
  • ColeyBear08
    ColeyBear08 Posts: 495 Member
    Penn State will be the death of me... at leas my weight loss
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    This finals week sent me into binge mode. Luckily I'm done with the worst of it. Just have a final in Nutrition (ironically enough), but that's an online class.
  • ehender
    ehender Posts: 3 Member
    I agree totally! It is very difficult! I've been on here for a little bit, but havent posted anything yet. So im looking for supportive friends to help with the process :)
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    My other question for you guys.... how do you find time to work out???

    I work 25 to 20 hours a week and I'm a full time student.... it's nearly impossible to fit in a decent amount of gym time... I mean i manage, but then it's always a late night work out. For instance tonight I didn't go to the gym until 11:30pm and wasn't out of there until 1am..... ridiculous....

    Also, what do you eat when you're rushing around campus and don't have time to sit down and eat a salad.... or actually make a healthy breakfast?

    It's all really frustrating the college environment isn't conducive with healthy eating habits....

    I know Clif bars and Protein bars don't satisfy some people, but it can hold me over pretty well, and if I'm busy enough, it can be a meal replacement really. I never keep them in the house because I know they'd be prime targets for that uncontrollable late night snacking, but they're the one reason I like having a 7-Eleven or Race Trac nearby.
  • a_reyes9288
    Great ideas guys!! I just got paid today and after I get out of class I'm going to go food shopping and do the whole pre-pack food portions thing.

    Hope everyone is doing well!!
  • lindsaylove07
    lindsaylove07 Posts: 444 Member
    Great ideas guys!! I just got paid today and after I get out of class I'm going to go food shopping and do the whole pre-pack food portions thing.

    Hope everyone is doing well!!

    Save yourself some money and buy a box of crackers or something and some snack sized ziploc baggies!!!! It You can reuse the baggies if all you put in them are crackers or cereal and you get a lot more portions and it's cheaper than buying the 100 calorie snacks or whatever.
  • gurlysmiles2001
    so many great ideas. i recently started buying the snack size baggies so i feel like i'm getting a bigger snack. i also bought a cheap scale from target for $5 that i can weigh all my snacks in the baggies so i'm not guessing how much i eat (alot of foods in the database are in grams so that was confusing me) i do the same as you guys mentioned, bring a piece of fruit, baggie of cereal, i use almonds alot too but only 24. i read a article that said this amount is good and it also keeps you feeling full for awhile. i have a spinach smoothie that i make as a meal replacement. i make it up the night before and put it in a disposable water bottle so i can just carry it in my backpack and eat it in class for lunch (it looks gross and yes i've grossed some people out with the thick consistancy of it haha) i have oatmeal and flax almost every morning for breakfast, and this week have been eating 2 egg whites with it since i have a ton of colored hard boiled eggs from easter. as i learned monday trailmixes are bad store bought, i made my own last week with honey nut o's, edamame seeds, carob chips, and almonds and it was way healthier than the crap i bought monday, plus i could have a larger portion.

    goodluck everyone on midterms/finals
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    Great ideas guys!! I just got paid today and after I get out of class I'm going to go food shopping and do the whole pre-pack food portions thing.

    Hope everyone is doing well!!

    If any of you are still doing the cafeteria thing (definitely cheaper for me than buying my own food) take some baggies to the caf with you and "steal" a snack. I like to get enough food for two meals and sneak half of it out in my pocket.

    As for working out, I definitely don't do it as much as I should, especially with everything piling up at the end of the semester. Usually I justify it when I sleep in too late in the morning and need to shower in the afternoon. As long as I'm already showering, I might as well work out too!
  • helvetikat

    This doesn't have to do so much with food as it does exercise... but do you guys log your daily walking around campus as exercise? My campus is really small, and I only end up walking for a total of maybe 10 minutes (or less) throughout the day, so I'm wondering if I should log it or not.
  • Ervie317
    Ervie317 Posts: 179 Member
    I just finished up a super stressful week, 2 exams, 2 final projects, and a book report!! Thank gosh it is over time to relax!! At least I was able to stick with my diet...woop woop!
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member

    This doesn't have to do so much with food as it does exercise... but do you guys log your daily walking around campus as exercise? My campus is really small, and I only end up walking for a total of maybe 10 minutes (or less) throughout the day, so I'm wondering if I should log it or not.

    I wouldn't count it because it's probably already taken into account as part of your lifestyle. I live on a small campus too and I never count the walking. (Although if I took a few planned trips up and down the science building stairs, I might! I've seen secretaries do that on their lunch break.)
  • lexierae
    lexierae Posts: 2
    HEY, Sign me up.. this is great. Ive been trying to get on track sence i started school. Its so hard finding time to work out, and its so hard to stay away from my favorite foods when im stressed out.. I cant wait to change my life, and now finding this group is awsome...good luck everyone
  • AngelJLV83
    AngelJLV83 Posts: 59 Member
    Hey everyone! Sign me up for this! I am gonna start with the water and the veggies. I know myself well enough to know adding all the challenges at once will not work out. Plus my son is spoiled rotten and got 4 easter baskets. So I am gonna give myself the rest of the week to munch on a Reese mini egg here and there. I would love to join! With finals around the corner and summer school approaching I would love to take on these weekly challenges! Good luck with finals (and weight loss) everyone!
  • KayyB13
    KayyB13 Posts: 84 Member
    So my University has their "End of the Semester Dinner" tomorrow in all the dining halls, which in like a huge event on campus haha. Consists of: lobster tail, filet mignon (sp?), cheesy potatoes, tortellini, steamed veggies, rolls, and endless desserts (all kinds of chocolates, brownies, chocolate fondue with soo many different things to dip in it, cupcakes, ice cream, cookies, crepes, ect ect). They go all out.... HELP! Hahah. Not to mention we make it like a team event/dinner after our Friday practice, so I can't not go! This is going to be such a challenge!
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    So my University has their "End of the Semester Dinner" tomorrow in all the dining halls, which in like a huge event on campus haha. Consists of: lobster tail, filet mignon (sp?), cheesy potatoes, tortellini, steamed veggies, rolls, and endless desserts (all kinds of chocolates, brownies, chocolate fondue with soo many different things to dip in it, cupcakes, ice cream, cookies, crepes, ect ect). They go all out.... HELP! Hahah. Not to mention we make it like a team event/dinner after our Friday practice, so I can't not go! This is going to be such a challenge!

    Oh dear, that sounds like a calorie haven (or hellhole)! If you want to treat yourself, save some calories by having low-cal snacks during the day. still, I would stick with the veggies, protein, and ice cream!
  • gurlysmiles2001
    So my University has their "End of the Semester Dinner" tomorrow in all the dining halls, which in like a huge event on campus haha. Consists of: lobster tail, filet mignon (sp?), cheesy potatoes, tortellini, steamed veggies, rolls, and endless desserts (all kinds of chocolates, brownies, chocolate fondue with soo many different things to dip in it, cupcakes, ice cream, cookies, crepes, ect ect). They go all out.... HELP! Hahah. Not to mention we make it like a team event/dinner after our Friday practice, so I can't not go! This is going to be such a challenge!

    wow that sounds like a feast! i'd eat light for my meals that day, and try to squeeze in a workout before so you have more exercise calories to eat. when i have something like that (ex. easter dinner at my moms) i enter a guess on what i plan to eat into my diary before the meal, that way i'm not guessing as i eat where i'm at. if you go over, don't beat yourself up. its only one day, you can always eat clean the following couple days to balance it out. at least that's what i'd do :)