Stress Eating College Kids



  • Hey everyone! Sign me up for this! I am gonna start with the water and the veggies. I know myself well enough to know adding all the challenges at once will not work out. Plus my son is spoiled rotten and got 4 easter baskets. So I am gonna give myself the rest of the week to munch on a Reese mini egg here and there. I would love to join! With finals around the corner and summer school approaching I would love to take on these weekly challenges! Good luck with finals (and weight loss) everyone!

    wow school and your a mom you must stay busy! i started about 5 weeks ago with the challenges, the water one is a great one to start with since i noticed i ate less on the days i got a full 8 glasses of water. i'm finding its all about baby steps to stick with this long term. goodluck!
  • HEY, Sign me up.. this is great. Ive been trying to get on track sence i started school. Its so hard finding time to work out, and its so hard to stay away from my favorite foods when im stressed out.. I cant wait to change my life, and now finding this group is awsome...good luck everyone

    i totally agree. i have been struggling since school started 5 weeks ago, just made it to the gym yesterday for the first time in 20 days haha. you gotta start soomewhere, and its so much easier to do it with friends! feel free to add me, i think it'll be easier to just post the new challenges on my profile so we don't have to keep referencing back to this post. goodluck! feel free to start the no chocolate challenge til sun or better the 8 glasses of water :)
  • Question:

    This doesn't have to do so much with food as it does exercise... but do you guys log your daily walking around campus as exercise? My campus is really small, and I only end up walking for a total of maybe 10 minutes (or less) throughout the day, so I'm wondering if I should log it or not.

    i started logging my walking since i haven't made it to the gym very much this term haha. plus i was determined to get my 20 mins of exercise mins for one of my challenges. i walk about 10 mins one way to class since m campus is huge, but don't count walking in between classes since their close. i just walk at a brisk pace jammin to the ipod so when i get to my class i'm slightly out of breath :)
  • ktbug82
    ktbug82 Posts: 166
    I would absolutely love to be a part of this! My finals start next week and the stress is really starting to get to me.
  • arieltheincredible
    arieltheincredible Posts: 114 Member
    So not only am I tempted to eat free food on campus I'm also tempted at my job!!!!! Ugh I hate it!!!! Especially when it's freeeeeee LOL. Today was so hard there was free food on campus and free pizza at work. I resisted it but sadly went to church's with my roommate lmao. But did an 1hr and 45 min of aerobics to work it off.
  • So my University has their "End of the Semester Dinner" tomorrow in all the dining halls, which in like a huge event on campus haha. Consists of: lobster tail, filet mignon (sp?), cheesy potatoes, tortellini, steamed veggies, rolls, and endless desserts (all kinds of chocolates, brownies, chocolate fondue with soo many different things to dip in it, cupcakes, ice cream, cookies, crepes, ect ect). They go all out.... HELP! Hahah. Not to mention we make it like a team event/dinner after our Friday practice, so I can't not go! This is going to be such a challenge!

    Haha they did the same on my campus they had a huge bbq in one of the parks on campus.... I just looked in the other direction and went to class early (outta sight outta mind) it didn't help when everyone from class came in with hotdogs and burgers complete TORTURE and not to mention our teacher decided to have a pizza party as well and someone brought in brownies *rolls eyes*

    Everyone kept on telling me just to have one but I stuck it out cuz I knew if I did I'd hate myself after.

    Plus I just got my wisdom teeth out yesterday and I know I won't be able to go to the gym being hopped up on pain killers.

    Good luck with the dinner though.... if anything just make sure you workout a little but extra the day before and after to counteract the large intake of food you'll be consuming lol
  • So not only am I tempted to eat free food on campus I'm also tempted at my job!!!!! Ugh I hate it!!!! Especially when it's freeeeeee LOL. Today was so hard there was free food on campus and free pizza at work. I resisted it but sadly went to church's with my roommate lmao. But did an 1hr and 45 min of aerobics to work it off.

    I work in retail and a lot of the girls there are naturally skinny and have the WORST eating habits!

    They constantly bring in chocolates, chips and anything and everything that's bad for you. And of course because they're such nice people they bring enough to share with the entire store *rolls eyes*

    They always just urge me to have a few that it wont "kill me" but I always say no... it sometimes angers me because this whole weight loss struggle thing is something they'll never understand or can even begin to understand... they always joke about how gung-ho I am about exercising and how much I stress about what I eat

    But just stay strong and bring in your own healthy snacks to work to munch on while they eat those greasy abominations lol
  • KayyB13
    KayyB13 Posts: 84 Member
    So my University has their "End of the Semester Dinner" tomorrow in all the dining halls, which in like a huge event on campus haha. Consists of: lobster tail, filet mignon (sp?), cheesy potatoes, tortellini, steamed veggies, rolls, and endless desserts (all kinds of chocolates, brownies, chocolate fondue with soo many different things to dip in it, cupcakes, ice cream, cookies, crepes, ect ect). They go all out.... HELP! Hahah. Not to mention we make it like a team event/dinner after our Friday practice, so I can't not go! This is going to be such a challenge!

    Haha they did the same on my campus they had a huge bbq in one of the parks on campus.... I just looked in the other direction and went to class early (outta sight outta mind) it didn't help when everyone from class came in with hotdogs and burgers complete TORTURE and not to mention our teacher decided to have a pizza party as well and someone brought in brownies *rolls eyes*

    Everyone kept on telling me just to have one but I stuck it out cuz I knew if I did I'd hate myself after.

    Plus I just got my wisdom teeth out yesterday and I know I won't be able to go to the gym being hopped up on pain killers.

    Good luck with the dinner though.... if anything just make sure you workout a little but extra the day before and after to counteract the large intake of food you'll be consuming lol

    Hahah free food on campus is the worst! Good for you to just walk away. I love bbq's, they remind me of summer which is sooo close! I keep trying to tell myself don't eat that cause i'll just be mad about it later. Not worth it! Def eating small meals today and saving those calories. Plus i'll be in the library all day today, 2 finals tomorrow! Lame haha.
    Sorry about the wisdom teeth though! And i added you as a friend!
  • This is finally what I need! Ihave been on and off this site for about the past year, but I know that all of you guys will help me out :)
  • How's everyone doing with finals?!

    I'm procrastinating like CRAZY!! I have a research paper due by Monday.... I have a title page... that's it lol

    And I caved the other night and ate eggplant parm pasta from maggianos :sad: booooo......
  • mejustmichael
    mejustmichael Posts: 109 Member
    I read this topic as "Stress... Eating college kids"


    I wonder how a thread like that would go?...

    "Last week i ate my roommate because i had an exam in Spanish"
  • kartunes
    kartunes Posts: 46
    I always seemed to be the opposite when I'm stressed. I tend to eat less because with school work the last thing on my mind is food.
    I also found it hard to find the time to workout, but there are plenty of exercises one can do under 20 minutes. Anyway, I'm done school now, my finals were two weeks ago, but these challenges do sound fun!
  • How's everyone doing with finals?!

    I'm procrastinating like CRAZY!! I have a research paper due by Monday.... I have a title page... that's it lol

    And I caved the other night and ate eggplant parm pasta from maggianos :sad: booooo......

    ugh i'm a total procrastinator too, called in sick to work today just to get my research paper and take home midterm STARTED and finished by monday. and i caved last night and ate chocolate, and 9 peanut m &ms from a bag i had stashed. today i'm determined to be under my calories, stay away from the sweets, and take mini breaks from studying for healthy snacks, and mini workout sessions on my bedroom floor lol. just finished a 2 min break doing situps and ab exercises, and i'm proud to say i dumped the rest of my stash of m &ms in the garbage! it was a huge bag that i've been using as cheats for the past few weeks whoop whoop!

    today is looking successful, already completed two hours of studying to two mins of exercise. by tonight i should easily be over the 20 min exercise challenge, consumed at least 8 glasses of water (if i stop drinking coffee) and be under my calorie goal! goodluck everyone keep up the great work!
  • I'm in! College has been the main reason for my weight gain unfortunately. I'm a graduate student now and probably gained over 70 pounds just because of school. My grades are amazing though lol. I'm graduating in May and decided its time to now focus on getting myself healthy again. Just found this site and figured I needed the motivation to get me started again. I'm up for no chocolate and more water!!
  • KayyB13
    KayyB13 Posts: 84 Member
    How's everyone doing with finals?!

    I'm procrastinating like CRAZY!! I have a research paper due by Monday.... I have a title page... that's it lol

    And I caved the other night and ate eggplant parm pasta from maggianos :sad: booooo......

    Makes me feel better that I'm not the only one! I caved last night since my roommate ordered pizza at 1am.. and I'm running on two hours if sleep! I think its ridiculous we have finals on Saturday! So not fair lol. I didn't cave into the chocolate yet though, so that's a plus!
  • faerybun
    faerybun Posts: 65
    The worst part is feeling so hungry during a class. I don't know about you guys, but the things they sell in our vending machines are horrendous...
  • Can I join? I'm going to start going to college again in May, it is going to be completely online. Right now I am just stressing out to finish the financial aid paperwork (online), so I can start without any problems. When I was in college before (2007-2009) I stressed out over the finals, I stayed up the night before they were due just to study or to finish them (which resulted in me eating at odd hours of the night-which isn't good). Here is a little intro of me:

    I'm a stay at home mom, I have two kids (my son is 4 and my daughter is 9 months). I am going back to college for a degree in Health Care Administration/Medical Records and will continue to further the degree (like go into a Bachelor's degree) after I am done with the Associate's degree. i chose to go back to college so I can help contribute to my family's house hold, besides what I already do, I just feel like it is something I should do and my Hubby is supportive of my decision.
  • ColeyBear08
    ColeyBear08 Posts: 495 Member
    Stress eating is definitely a challenge with finals coming up and I don't know about the rest of you but I am SUPER excited to be able to dedicate my entire summer to my weight loss and not school work :-D!!!!! I think it would be cool if we started a challenge to see how much weight we lose from the 1st day of summer vacation till our first day of fall semester! How about it???? Anyone up for a summer support group?

    See how much you can lose for your Alma Mater!

    For me:

    Join our facebook group:

    Don't be afraid to add me on here and FB! Good luck with your summer weight loss goals everyone!
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    The worst part is feeling so hungry during a class. I don't know about you guys, but the things they sell in our vending machines are horrendous...

    Thankfully I can only think of a couple vending machines on the entire campus that sell junk food. We don't have many machines at all. It's also good that I ran out of extra money on my meal plan for coffee shop junk.

    I am procrastinating like crazy. I have about three weeks left. I should be working on my take-home test now and studying for Monday's test. I also have a final project I haven't even thought of a topic for yet!! Anyone know of a good second semester physics project? :(
  • danibee41989
    danibee41989 Posts: 222 Member
    I'm in !!!! I need motivation because this "will power" not working!
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