

  • ^^^^Same I got to 195 and my goal was 185... Before I knew it I was back at 207... If you find the answer let me know :)
  • Only if you carry on eating a high fat diet. Keep your fat intake as low as possible and there is none/it's controllable. I know what your saying though - I've heard horror stories but that's normally from people who think it's a wonder drug and that it means they are allowed to keep eating rubbish.
  • I'd say water - normally when you start out you get a big loss. The same happens when you start out lifting weights - affectionately know as "Noob Gains"; you find that you gain a lot of muscle mass so I suppose you could call it "noob loss". Make the most of it and good luck on the new plan :)
  • My Wife was the same for a long time - calling me obsessed and OCD saying counting calories is "too much" but when I hit my 30lbs loss she started changing her tune :) She has now joined in and lost her first stone in weight - 14lbs in less than 3 months so she's really happy. We both join in and help each other now - me…
  • Just as a bump - Lins has done great - she hit her first stone weight loss - a whole 14 lbs :) Add us if you like :) Well done hun xxx
  • pretty much all diet or lite sodas contain it to give it the sweet taste...
  • Not a burner but Xenacal/Alli works as a fat suppressant. It prevents the body from absorbing upto 30% of fat that is ingested.
  • Hey :) I've got a torn disc in my back that was costing me a small fortune in chiropractor bills. I decided to join the gym to help excersise it and it's helped no end :) Plus I've lost like 30lbs in the process :oD
  • Absolutly FANTASTIC question :oD Love it... Well as long as zombies can't do 7 min miles I could out run them for about 40 mins but then I fear I would have to start resourcing to smashing heads with no more than 30kg weights :) Joking aside - I am preparing my body for some form of post apocolytic scenario... With whats…
  • It's possible you will gain more weight. I obviously don't know your protein goals but I do know that for muscle gain you are advised to eat 1g protein per 1lb of LBM (Lean body mass) so for me at 200lbs - my LBM is 180lbs = 180g of Protein per day. If you can relate to these ratios and you are hitting 1g P/1lb LBM then…
  • I love this one - Sweet Potato and Chilli Soup. Obviously the cheese would be a higher source of fat and can be controlled by yourself.
  • ^^^^^ This! 3 weeks = 3 lbs - sounds perfect! Slow and steady loss is less likey to go back on!
  • I'm doing this challenge over at BodyBuilding but I'm gonna go in here too so I've got twice the support and motivation :) Good luck folks :)
  • I have the opposite problem but what I have discovered with all the research I've done is that protein is key. You should be eating 1g of protein for every 1lb of LBM (Lean body mass) - if you aren't sure what this is there are tools to work it out on the net (just google it) but the LBM is what you would weigh with zero…
  • I'm gonna guess around the 6/700cals mark - I know chinese is meant to be one of the worst take outs - sometimes more than pizza. Your Prawn will be a good source of protien but I'm guessing they are fried in a wok so about 400cals. Again fried rice 2-300 cals. Curry sauce would be around the 100 mark (comparing it to a…
  • 25lbs OMG WELL DONE ! Keep at it - you're doing it for you - not your mum !
  • Thanks everyone - I'm going to go read the article posted now. As for adding more weight unfortunatly 20lbs is all I can manage comfortably at the moment due to back injury. I will be upping this eventually once I can bang out 14 reps without effort. Well aren't we the expert ! I'm sure you meant well when you posted this…
  • My BMR was calculated via the tool on here and the 1600cals comes from subtracting 500 from that. So am I right in thinking I'm on track with the 1600cals a day mark -500 or so via exercise?
  • I think it's the same for guys and girls. You use it as a source of protien - either a replacement or a suppliment. When you have worked out your muscles repair themselves via protiens - if your diet doesn't have enough protien you muscles cannot repair. When I say "repair" this can also mean tone. For both toning and…
  • Mine is saturday morning - get up - toilet and weigh ! Yes I'm tempted to do it earlier and try hard not to. If I've maintained or gained one week I know that my weight fluctuates so I'm probably lighter on the whole. Some people do it once a fortnight so the difference is more noticable. When I get tempted during the week…
  • I have the same issue where I work. My last job we had "fat friday" where we would do take out for lunch but now at my current job they do it every day - I'm talking burger and fries with mayo, pizza, kebabs, fish and chips (yes I'm in the UK :op). Ironic as i work for the health service ! I always pack my food for the day…
  • Hi there, Curry is my weakness too. My father in law is from an indian family so normally if we eat out it's a curry (and ordering in). I might be stating the obvious but try to avoid anything made with ghee (butter) so this would include Massala sauces and Korma sauces. I think it's been mentioned but a grill normally is…
  • Thanks for the advice I do try an keep up with oats and things and I am aware of the evils of bread - even the brown "healthy" type lol The soda was a one off - I usually drink water or a low sugar cordial drink. I find a slice of lemon in a glass of water helps to keep it from being boring :)
  • Cheers Shel - you're right - I always used to keep track of what I was eating in my head and it was always a rough estimate. You wouldn't think of the 180 cals from the can of coke you had because you were hot and thirsty right? That wouldn't count... And the mayonnaise on the sandwich - that isn't a food - it's a sauce…
  • Thanks for that I'm going to head over for a look now :) One thing - what do you mean by the last bit - eating calories from exercise? If you mean do a workout I do go to the gym 4 times a week and do cardio and lifting - normally burning at least 500 cals...
  • So cut back on the bread? I normally have about 3 slices a day in total and that's 50 50 brand (white bread with wholemeal) is this too much? Also you don't think the bag of broccolli, carrot, sweet corn and green peas I eat for…
  • Again for those who missed it Sainsburys is a supermarket and isn't a brand of processed food. I don't eat any prepackaged food or ready meals - it's all prepared by myself or my wife from fresh ingredients. Also someone mentioned the potatoes - those are "new potatos" - I'm not sure if you guys have them over there in the…
  • Thanks for the replys... Sainsburys is a supermarket over here in the UK so it's their own brand produce... I aim to eat every 2 hrs over the day so: Breakfast: 9am Mid AM: 11am Lunch: 1pm Mid PM: 3pm Tea: 5pm Supper: between 7-9pm The coke mentioned - I can only think of the one added for supper on Tuesday night - this…
  • Well done you :) And yes it is you - do it again in another few weeks just to keep reminding yourself - it's a great motivator :)
  • Weekdays I have golden syrup porridge oats - 2 mins in microwave and they keep me going for a cpl of hours... Sometimes I'll chop a banana in there... Calories are about 200 + 60 respectivly Weekends when I have more time to cook I will have 2 eggs scrambled and 2 slices of toast and throw a bit of tobasco sauce instead of…