Bulking up...

Right....Basically I could do with some help....

I find it impossible to put bulk on and keep it there due to the amount of CV i do...running, football, cycling, boxing amongst others...

I'm 5ft6 and weight 10.5 stone. if i really push myself on weights i can get over 11stone in a month or so but as soon as i up my CV work it just falls off again. Naturally I have a very fast metabolism. The amount i do varies from week varies quite drastically though due to relationship/fathering commitments....gettin to about 12 stone would be my goal.

has anyone else had this problem...how did they get around it or am i fighting a losing battle?


  • DocNorton
    I have the opposite problem but what I have discovered with all the research I've done is that protein is key.

    You should be eating 1g of protein for every 1lb of LBM (Lean body mass) - if you aren't sure what this is there are tools to work it out on the net (just google it) but the LBM is what you would weigh with zero fat.

    So my LBM is 150lbs which means to maintain and gain muscle I need to eat 150g or more of protein a day.

    Egg whites, chicken, whey formula etc etc...