

  • I couldn't tolerate the CPAP, so 2 years ago I went to my sleep doctor asking for the SomnoMed oral appliance. Good grief, what a difference! Before having that device, I was sleeping in a separate bedroom from my husband because I hated that I was disturbing his sleep. We've shared the same bed for 2 years now without a…
  • I just tried this method a couple weeks ago and ended up with 12 perfectly cooked hard-boiled eggs. First time ever, and I've made me some hard-boiled eggs in my years. It's unbelievably easy. (For the record, I got the information from dinosaurscanteatpizza.com.) - Eggs - Steamer basket - Pot with lid - Bowl of ice water…
  • Just read it. I finished it in like two days. It's a super easy read and very relevant. Take notes, if that helps. I didn't do that but may go back and read the book again so I can add some quotes to a vision board I'm working on.
  • I weigh daily. If you do want to do that but get discouraged about a bump up from the previous day, just look back a week or two ago to get the right perspective. If *that* shows a gain, then you know you need to switch things up. Good luck!
  • You look great! There's a definite difference. I'm certain *everyone* who sees you on a regular basis has noticed, but they're just not commenting. People are funny that way.
  • That's awesome! Good for you! My NSV was when a co-worker called me over as I was walking past her and whispered, "You're losing weight, aren't you?" Made my day. (A NSnV [non-scale non-victory] is that I noticed my bras are now too big for me.:blushing: ) I've logged on for 65 days in a row--haven't missed a day since…
  • Add as friends the people who commented nicely to your post, then ask questions of just your friends.
  • I met my husband in 2000 on another dating site (now out of business, apparently). I did go on quite a few dates with other men before I met him, though. If memory serves, not one of them was looking for a one-night stand. That being said, that was 14 years ago when Internet match-up sites were new and actually a bit…
  • 53 here, and hell yes. Friend me if you like!
  • <sigh> I love having a drink now and again. I actually like beer (craft beers mostly) but love wine and have recently discovered Fireball Whiskey. I've been able to keep within my calories, though, so I'm calling it a win!
  • You've already connected with me, but I wanted to put my 2 cents in about The Shift. I read the book in about 2 days...it's that easy a read. It kick started my motivation in a way that no other "diet" book has. I've got over 60 days under my belt (which is getting looser, thankyouverymuch) since reading The Shift, and I'm…
  • New here! Don't quite know how this topic works, but I like what I've read so far. No resolutions here. I started this journey of changing my lifestyle since November 4, 2013. I'm trying to Shift (thanks to Tory Johnson) -- my weight (off my body), my mood (suffer from major depression), my eating habits (mostly just…
  • What a wonderful success story! You look fantastic and happy!
  • I love the swim suit. I wish I looked that good. Good job, @jacklis!
  • Breakfast for dinner is one of my favorite things. A large pancake, one egg over medium, a slice of bacon or a sausage patty. Perfectly sized.