I agree with my old man or my old lady just yuck!! I also hate the word maynard.
Assbutt is the best! Ri**** for ridiculous. I totes hate twatwaffles that say that. :tongue:
Hey all! Yesterday was my workout day and I did- Squats - WU 2x5 @ 45, 2x5 @ 75, 5x5 @ 95. Wednesday is the next day and I will be squatting 100 so excited!!!!! Bench Press - WU 2x5 @ 45, 5x5 @ 65 Rows - WU - 2x5 @ 45, 5x5 @ 70 I hate rows. I just really really hate them. Hope everyone had a great weekend and good week!
Oh balls it wont fit oh well. Im sure you all know this scene anyways : )
Yes that's it!!! Thank you!
He is a beautiful man.
I can't get the pic to post but Supernatural had one too. I think it's in Season 2 where a guy has a magazine and it has a picture of a cyberman and it says The Rise of the Cybermen.
I love seeing the couples success stories! You two are adorable! Good job!
You look amazing! Thank you so much for sharing that you weren't perfect. Sometimes for me it's really hard to bounce back when I overdose on mini Reese's Peanut Butter Cups but seeing that you did it and you have wonderful results is a great motivator : )
Oh my goodness xxghost! He does look like Sam and Deans dad a little. GOT is amazing. I can't wait to see the new season!
Hey all!! Tonight my workout was: Squats 2 @ 45lbs 5 @ 85lbs BP 2 @ 45lbs 5 @ 60lbs Rows 5 @ 55lbs Cardio - Elliptical for 8 1/2 minutes : ) It felt great tonight. I was totally exhausted and it was wonderful! Hope everyone has a great night :glasses:
I liked Rose but to be honest none of the companions will ever be as good as Donna. She was amazing!
There have been many but the worst by far were when my ex husband and his new wife told my kids to please not ever get fat like mom. Then my son (who was little at the time and wasn't intentionally being mean) told me I was big enough to go on that TV show. He was talking about biggest loser. And then the last one I went…
My workout last night: Squats 5x5 80lbs. I love squats I really love them so far : ) OHP 5x5 - 45lbs. - I had my form corrected while warming up and after that it was so much harder with just the bar so I went ahead and left it without weights and just worked on my form. I frikkin hate these so much! We didn't do deadlifts…
You look amazing!!! Love your Cersei picture!
Ha ha that was too cute!
There goes photoshop breaking my heart again !
Ha ha ha please come to my office and do this just so I can see their reactions :happy:
1.) Favorite incarnation of the doctor/season/episode? Honestly I couldn't pick just one I love them all!!! Favorite Episode with Nine - Fathers Day Favorite Episode with Ten - Human Nature and Silence in the Library(Rewatching this one now breaks my heart.) :brokenheart: Favorite Epidode with Eleven - Vincent and the…
Oh Benedict!!!! *Sorry if the pic is huge! And not Doctor Who related lol this one is for Benaddict : )
Rose and Donna were my favorites!!! I didn't realize how much I liked Martha until she was gone and I enjoyed Amy & Rory but after awhile their story felt old and I was really ready for a new companion. Now we have Clara and I still semi hate her. I miss Captain Jack he was amazing but I do hope they have more of the…
A foot long chicken bacon ranch on flatbread from subway. I really didn't think it would be that high but thank goodness I looked it up before we left for lunch that day it's 1,140 calories!!!!
I look at is a little quest. Must pass on lunch, do not say yes to the goodies. :laugh: But if I really want something they have I figure it into my calories and enjoy the heck out of it. Really when they bring things or have lunch or refill the candy dish with peanut butter cups I feel pretty freaking awesome when I stay…
Those look delicious! I will be trying these this weekend!
Sally Sparrow (I loved her), Craig of course he was fabulous, Astrid (I was really sad when she died she would have been great) and last but not least Canton Everett Delaware (simply because he's Crowley the King of Hell and I :heart: him)!
My husband and I recently started Stronglifts and we really like it. It has been really straightforward and easy for me to understand. If you cant decide maybe you could do one night of each and see which one you like better : ) Good luck!!
My May goals are : Lose about 4 pounds and get out of the 220's! Try to add in more veggies to my diet. Stronglifts related I would like to just learn more about weightlifting so I understand things better. Not miss any workouts. Just keep progressing the best I can. Then on cardio I would like to start the C25k with my…