

  • Is there any polite way to close this thread? I'm new here and not sure how to do it or if it is possible. Thank you.
  • You are my new hero! I'm floored that the doctors did such a muck up job with you, they are pretty bad where I live too. I want to ask you something but you don't have to reply, just please check this out. Have you had a Radon gas check in your home? Radon is #2 behind smoking for causing cancer, while reading your story…
  • Wow! Many disagreements here.:huh: Only things I wish to add: 1) I am a vegetarian (since 1979) with the exception of a few kosher fish. I will not be eating any meat other than the cold water fish. period. 2) I am aware my diary is not open, thank you. My question was answered and I truly appreciate it. As stated above, I…
  • Got it! Thank all of you so much, I got a lot of good info from each of you :smile: Will start to measure my food and cut back even more. I'm new to the menopause thing as of the first of this year and have read where your metabolism dies when that happens. I believe this to be correct as I sit here with my belly in my…
  • I went natural. Going natural relieved the pressure/stress I endured having to make it presentable every single day. ^^^^ I agree with the natural look, I wear mine natural too. It seems to be coming back in style! Don't think I can agree that European Americans hair looks any better than mine after a workout, lol. Some of…
  • Are you sleeping good? Seems like a lot of stress after reading your post. It may be cortisol levels if you are not getting enough sleep. This could effect the rate you are burning calories. Age is another factor, after about 35 yo it seems your body will hang on to whatever it can. After 50, it will hang on to you and…
  • Thanks for the help, got it :happy:
  • Great that you are getting in shape. As far as the DVD name, I wonder how well it would go over if it said "White girls work out"? One only needs to look at the news to see that reverse racism is alive and well (ie: knock out game). It would be nice if the author of the video had more of an all inclusive name like maybe…
  • What she said, it's flat out bad to not even go once a day - that is how people get diseases. Think of food left out that long (sorry to get graphic but trying to make a valid point). Take a look at babies, they go at least 3 x's a day! Not saying you need to be sitting on the pot all day but don't let this issue go…
  • I was on it for just over a month and wish I had never had it. Only time I felt good was the first week. My personal belief is for me, the stuff is a bad drug. May work good for others but most I have talked too don't have that good of results. What makes me even sicker is that the drug companies will do anything to push…
  • You really look like you lost a lot, that is awesome! I bet you feel so much better now, wtg :drinker:
  • Wow, lots of great info ~ thank all of you! Yes I do have a bit of mobility issues but hoping losing the weight will help. Fibromyalgia and RA make it difficult to get the exercise I use too. I'm so dang tired all the time. Again, a big thank you to y'all! :heart: ETA: Did good today, total cal's 1,386! Those that said…
  • Organic whole bean I grind, it is wonderful! Organic sugar and half/half. Actually I do eat healthy, except when it comes to sugar - it loves me, lol. Not going to compromise with switching the sugar to something else (anti-aspartame). I'll probably just cut elsewhere. Morning coffee is my favorite meal of the day! :happy:
  • Lots of good advice! Will try to cut the coffee back to one cup and change the goal set. I have lost 5 lbs a week before from just watching what I ate but lately the stress has gotten worse and I'm a stress binger. Sold my home and have to live with the family for a while, got sick and had to cut back on work - all major…
  • I lost weight a long time ago by giving up coffee and drinking tea instead but I'm sure it was because I traded the coffee for tea since I don't put sugar and cream in my tea, just lemon and soy milk and sometimes honey. Yes I know the tea still has calories but not as much. I missed the coffee too much, have decided to…
  • Thank you for your reply, if it is just the first couple of days and I can get my brain wrapped around that thought then maybe I can do it. It would be kinda like a fast?! I do not eat at fast food places (vegetarian, and stay away from fried food) but am no longer living by myself. When I was by myself the junk food…
  • This right here, I think you are correct. Didn't want to come back and put that half bag of chips I just ate. Ate veggies/beans first but they didn't hit the spot. I was screaming for those chips (quietly). Tried the WW and found with eating all the veggies/fruit I wanted didn't work because of the hunger. Was a 24 hr.…
  • Anybody else have hair loss with Lyrica? Was on it a month and lost hair not to mention sleep. Cymbalta, geesh with just one pill I was nauseated and flat out, bad drugs! Started with Flexaril - it's helping, take only that and advil. Can't handle the other drugs. Added x-tra fish oil and other supplements. Ever hear of…
  • Thank you for the welcome. Will start with eggs today since I do not eat meat with the exception of fish - gotta get that protein. Not too sure about the wheat, am reading where it makes inflammation worse. I found sprout bread to be pretty easy to stomach (not sit so heavy) but probably should skip it all together.