Is it just me? Help with the cal count, way too low!

This is just my second day here. Yesterday I failed big time. It seems like the program this machine gave me only has 24 grms of sugar and with my morning 2 cups of coffee I'm already over by 50grams. I have been having about 3,000 cals a day which I know is too much but the goal given was 1,200 cals and there is no way I'm ready in day two to go that low. Last night I was starving, it was about 6p the 1,200 cals hit and that wasn't enough for me to be able to sleep well on an empty stomach. I went into a binge, ate everything! With fibromyalgia sleep is an issue (hard to get) and I sleep so much better with food in my belly.

Help, I do not want to spend each day in a failure mode but do think that 1,200 cals is unrealistic. Did I program something wrong? I'm trying to go from 159 lbs to 135 lbs., nothing drastic. I like myself at 135, nice to have curves but got too many now and some are on my back, lol. I'm 5'3".


  • ok you and I are very similar in terms of height, weight although I am a few pounds heavier and a couple inches taller...anyways when I first started I had HORRIBLE eating habits-soda all day, no water, fast food for every meal every day horrible, etc and I was eating about 3500 cals a I am only entering week 3 so take this with a grain of salt, but the first two days are super hard and then by the fourth day it is sooo much daily goal is actually 1.000 cals a day because I do not exercise at all and I am ok with going over up to 1200 cals if I am hungry but I have found that I am eating the same times every day as I did possibly even more; however, I have been making better food choices and the calories have not been as high .... I honestly think 1200 cals are daughter came home and said she learned at school that you should eat very light for dinner and not go to bed with a lot of food on your stomach so maybe you can have some warm veggies for dinner? filling but not too many calories
  • Thank you for your reply, if it is just the first couple of days and I can get my brain wrapped around that thought then maybe I can do it. It would be kinda like a fast?!

    I do not eat at fast food places (vegetarian, and stay away from fried food) but am no longer living by myself. When I was by myself the junk food wasn't there, but now it's all over the place and it makes it so much more difficult when it is in the house. Candy and ice cream have been my evils. It's a sugar thing, I crave it. Border line diabetes the doc said.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    This is what I would do, take it or leave it:

    1. Change the weight loss per week to .5 or 1#/per week. That will give you more calories to play with. I'm guessing you went with 2#/week?

    2. Deal with portion control - weighing and measuring your food and learn what a portion is - rather than kicking out food groups. For me, it's easier to eat what I enjoy, but in smaller amounts than go whole hog into a diet that I can't keep up (tried it many times).

    3. I'm not a coffee drinker, so Idk if it's possible for you to function on just 1 cup of coffee. Also, strip it down to the bare essentials - no cream, sugar, milk, etc - if possible. The only coffee drinkers I knew drank it black.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    It sounds you like you set an aggressive goal and MFP gave you the infamous 1200 calories per day. Re-set your goal to lose 0.5 pounds per week (not 2 pounds) and be honest about your activity level. If you exercise, eat those calories back. (or at least a portion of them) Set reasonable goals, be patient and approach this in a sustainable way.

    and a side note:
    Meal timing is personal preference. You can go to bed with food on your stomach if it fits into your daily calorie goal. (unless a full stomach affects your sleep)
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Change your settings to lose .5 pound a week instead of 2 pounds a week! MFP will give you a LOT more calories to work with and you will still lose weight. Also, unless you have a medical reason to be concerned about sugar, don't bother tracking it.
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    Dont listen to the other person. Aiming for 1000 cals is crazy talk. Sorry but its true.

    You need to figure out what your TDEE is. Click here:
    Eat a small deficit off that number. Maybe 15% less that that number because you are only 25 lbs from your goal. Do not eat back yoru exercise cals as they are including in the TDEE calculation.

    Alternatively, you can set MFP up so that you lose .5 - 1 lb a week weight loss. Yes, I know its slow but its better than starving. If you do this, you are supposed to eat back your exercise cals you burn during fitness.

    I am 5'4 weight 161. MFP tells me to eat 1250 a day with a 1 lb a week weight loss goal. I also use a heart rate monitor during fitness and eat back all of those cals. I average about 1700 cals a day intake and I am losing on average 1 lb a week. Just like I planned for,

    yes, its slow but its sustainable AND realistic. I did not get fat quick and I am not going to get fit quick either.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    This is what I would do, take it or leave it:

    1. Change the weight loss per week to .5 or 1#/per week. That will give you more calories to play with. I'm guessing you went with 2#/week?

    2. Deal with portion control - weighing and measuring your food and learn what a portion is - rather than kicking out food groups. For me, it's easier to eat what I enjoy, but in smaller amounts than go whole hog into a diet that I can't keep up (tried it many times).

    3. I'm not a coffee drinker, so Idk if it's possible for you to function on just 1 cup of coffee. Also, strip it down to the bare essentials - no cream, sugar, milk, etc - if possible. The only coffee drinkers I knew drank it black.

    This! Make smaller adjustments to allow yourself to get into the groove!

    Good luck!
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    What did you select as your weekly weight loss goal? With 24 lbs to lose, you are pretty much in between the 0.5 to 1.0 lb options (a 375 calorie deficit below maintenance). Once you have 15 lbs or less to lose, then the 0.5 lb option should be chosen. Also, if you exercise, you'll want to eat back some of those calories so you do not increase the deficit beyond your intended plan.
  • kt2007
    kt2007 Posts: 302 Member
    Well just my .02 here and I am no prow at this but I have had some good results. This time with MFP I am currently down 25lbs or so in just a few months. Seems like 1000cals is very low. Dont start so hard on yourself. Maybe if you counted what you were eating and it was 3000+ cals a day lets not shock your body by doing 1000 lets just drop to around 1800 to 2000. Than when you get that and your kinda used to it than you move to 1500 or so. I am in a line of work that I work out daily Mon thru Fri and I am seeing a dietitian for work. I know they tell class all the time that anything under 1500 cals a day is very hard on your body and most likely unless your eating the proper foods your body will not get what it needs to be healthy. Just my advice to you. Please feel free to add me I would like to see your diary to see what your food choices are.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    You might need to work yourself down to a reasonable calorie goal if you are used to eating 3,000 calories per day. Generally when MFP spouts of 1,200 calories it's because you have chosen to lose 2 pounds per week. I would consider starting yourself at 1 pound per week which will give you a much more reasonable calorie goal.
  • kt2007
    kt2007 Posts: 302 Member
    very good info here.
  • Lots of good advice! Will try to cut the coffee back to one cup and change the goal set. I have lost 5 lbs a week before from just watching what I ate but lately the stress has gotten worse and I'm a stress binger. Sold my home and have to live with the family for a while, got sick and had to cut back on work - all major stresses. Less money, more stress.

    One thing that has helped is cutting back on watching TV and listening to music. IMHO TV has gotten so bad (trashy) it isn't worth paying for any longer. TV = Stress!

    In my case, ignorance really is bliss! :tongue:
  • kt2007
    kt2007 Posts: 302 Member
    Dont listen to the other person. Aiming for 1000 cals is crazy talk. Sorry but its true.

    You need to figure out what your TDEE is. Click here:
    Eat a small deficit off that number. Maybe 15% less that that number because you are only 25 lbs from your goal. Do not eat back yoru exercise cals as they are including in the TDEE calculation.

    Alternatively, you can set MFP up so that you lose .5 - 1 lb a week weight loss. Yes, I know its slow but its better than starving. If you do this, you are supposed to eat back your exercise cals you burn during fitness.

    I am 5'4 weight 161. MFP tells me to eat 1250 a day with a 1 lb a week weight loss goal. I also use a heart rate monitor during fitness and eat back all of those cals. I average about 1700 cals a day intake and I am losing on average 1 lb a week. Just like I planned for,

    yes, its slow but its sustainable AND realistic. I did not get fat quick and I am not going to get fit quick either.

    Very good info and advice here. This is great to hear from others. It takes time.
  • kt2007
    kt2007 Posts: 302 Member
    Hilda what is your coffee of choice?? I am a daily drinker and drink a LOT!!!! Now I drink STARBUCKS and coffee at home. Would you tell me how you drink it and whats in it and lets see if we can make a small change or 2 and save you some cals and sugar.
  • kittenful
    kittenful Posts: 318 Member
    This is where exercise comes in so handy (even if it's walking). The more you work, the more you eat. Be honest with yourself, about logging -and- exercise. If you can't cut it on 1200 cals, then adjust your settings. This really is a process of trial and error, and binging because you're still hungry means that you need more than what you're allowing yourself. Find that happy (and sustainable!) medium.

    Edited to add: I'm a coffee drinker as well. I won't ever take my coffee black, but I did slowly adjust how much sugar and creamer I add.
  • mattd2222
    mattd2222 Posts: 4 Member
    Listen to Luckydays27, she knows what she's talking about. You should never cut your calories so drastically. And 1000 calories per day is actually dangerous for you! You should never eat less than 1200 calories per day, ideally no less than 1500 (you need to figure out your maintenance calorie requirement to get a better idea). I am not sure about the link that luckydays27 provided as I have never used it but I will provide you with another link just as a second place to check out. This is the site I use and it has been great in narrowing down my daily calorie and macro requirements.
    Slow and steady wins the race!
  • Hilda what is your coffee of choice?? I am a daily drinker and drink a LOT!!!! Now I drink STARBUCKS and coffee at home. Would you tell me how you drink it and whats in it and lets see if we can make a small change or 2 and save you some cals and sugar.

    Organic whole bean I grind, it is wonderful! Organic sugar and half/half. Actually I do eat healthy, except when it comes to sugar - it loves me, lol.

    Not going to compromise with switching the sugar to something else (anti-aspartame). I'll probably just cut elsewhere. Morning coffee is my favorite meal of the day! :happy:
  • weird_me2
    weird_me2 Posts: 716 Member
    Definitely work on cutting the coffee down. By my calculations, if you are 50 g of sugar over your 24 g goal just from your coffee, that means 74 g of sugar - that's 296 calories from sugar alone in your coffee. If you add milk or anything else, then that's even more calories, so you are looking at using 1/4 to 1/3 of your calories from a drink. Of course you're going to be hungry and unsatisfied on 1200 calories when a good portion of them are not the kind that will keep you full and satisfied.

    You probably would do well do raise your calorie goal, too, but I would bet that if you replaced your 300+ calories of sugared coffee with real food, you'd be a lot more satisfied.

    ETA: You should look in to cold brewing your coffee. You have to plan ahead for it to be ready when you want, but I've found that it's much less bitter than traditionally brewed coffee, which should help make it easier to decrease your sugar consumption. Also, try adding flavoring extracts to your coffee to give it flavor without calories (like vanilla or almond extract, etc, not the flavored creamers or syrups).
  • I couldn't stay under my original calorie allowance of 2600, so I manually adjusted up to 3500 and did much better. I lost about 10 pounds at that level, so I recently lowered it to 3200 to keep up the weight loss pace. I'd suggest experimenting with the calorie count that is comfortable for you and adjusting up or down based on how your weight loss is going.
  • glitzy196
    glitzy196 Posts: 190 Member
    if you normally eat 3000 or so calories a day--try a week at 2500, then next week 2000. the week after 1800, drop down to say 1460 (that is what i eat) and it is more than doable

    I LOVE me some coffee---and here is what i have done
    if you can tolerate it switch to stevia or something similar (avoid aspartame) that will get rid of a lot of your sugar and calories
    if you use creamer tr either half and half..has very little sugar and the calories are not awful. OR coffee mate makes a yummy sugar free creamer in several flavors. also cuts sugar and calories!!! Try and cut back on the amount of stuff you need in your coffee over the next couple of months..