Volforlife83 Member


  • Agreed. I've been on the drops 5 days and have lost about 6 pounds so far. I feel great and am eating just like I always have except in smaller portions. I understand that to keep the wait off I can't go out and eat a bunch of junk after the diet is over (They also give you a maintenance diet reccomendation and tell you…
  • I can sympathize...when I was single and on a super low budget, I pretty much lived on low carb whole wheat wraps with part skim shredded cheese. Just popped it in the microwave for a minute. I ate two of those and then a canned veggie (great value green beans with no salt added). The cheese will get you protein and the…
  • Great job! You look wonderful, be proud of yourself. I started my weight battle with the birth of oldest son in 2008 and now that I'm done with having kids, hopefully I can finally reach my goal too. Slow and Steady!! :smile:
  • LOL! I actually like the Plyo. I don't mind the drills so much as I do having to spin around and sprint like a madwoman. That just makes me dizzy! I think I am just biased now against Max Cardio Conditioning because someone told me it was Pure Cardio on steroids... so I decided right then and there I didn't like it :laugh:
  • Okay, month 2 is just ridiculous! We switched our off days to Tuesdays so I had last night off, but I previewed the Max Cardio Conditioning :grumble: I better be skinny after all of this crap LOL!!
  • Wow, Ang, that's amazing! You've lost a Nya LOL!! That really is an awesome accomplishment. I hope that I can do half as well as you have!!! :happy:
  • Thank you! :) You are doing great too, 20 pounds down is awesome! I totally know what you mean also, my husband wanted to repeat month 1 first, but I insisted we move on. I am so looking forward to seeing the results of what this month brings, even though it's kicking my butt!
  • Started Month 2 last night. Max Cardio Circuit + the Fit Test. All I can say is, now I know why everyone sees the biggest results in month 2. OWWWWWWW!!
  • If you are doing a lot of working out (especially with weights), you should eat a good amount of protein. I work out 6 days a week and I try to eat at least 100 grams of protein per day. Protein helps build muscle and burn fat, so eat up! :)
  • Thanks everyone! I don't think I would have stuck with this if not for all the encouragement and being inspired by others!!
  • BWAHAHAHA!! That cracked me up!
  • Wow! Great job, very inspiring!!
  • I'm on Recovery week and start month 2 here in a few days. I'm scared to death after reading some of these posts :ohwell:
  • The MetRX 100 are pretty good (have a ton of protein), but have a lot of fat, calories, and carbs. I was eating those for meal replacements and even though I do intense workouts 6 days a week I wasn't losing any weight. Once I switched to a different bar I started losing again. Find a bar that has a good amount of protein…
  • Try and stay positive! I know it's hard :( This morning I found a picture of me when I was five months pregnant with my second child and I was actually skinnier then than I am now. That totally sucks! Oh well, just use it as motivation and know that you CAN reach your goals and imagine how good it will feel when you do.…
  • DH and I are just starting week 4. It is tough, but we love it! We've lost 10 pounds so far and I can see a big difference in our strength and endurance. Good luck with the program!!
  • Thank you! I can use motivational support for sure :)
  • WOW! Great job! I am on my third week of Insanity right now and I hope I get your kind of results!