INSANITY - Updates & Progress- New Group



  • ajsimyan
    ajsimyan Posts: 177 Member
    Got in the 5am Pure Cardio! I am really starting to hate this one! Who in their right mind can jump up - jump down - jump back - do 8,439 pushups and jump back again! Those things are killer -- and I hear that month two has more of these LEVEL drills -- I hope that DVD comes with an oxygen tank!!!

    I am doing month two and yes, the drills are killer.. who has that much stamina????? OUCH!!
  • ajsimyan
    ajsimyan Posts: 177 Member
    Do y'all know what your average calories burned are? Mine range from 288-350ish, I would think it would be more. Well maybe that's wishful thinking on my part.

    I seem to have hit a plateau (sp) with my weight. I'm stuck around 132. Insanity 6 days a week and I run 4 days a week. You'd think it would be easier to lose weight. I keep my calories under the 1833.


    Mine is usually 650 for month 2 and 450 for month one..
  • ajsimyan
    ajsimyan Posts: 177 Member
    Question. How do you log your excerise for Insanity to show how many calories you burned?

    I added an exercise for each of the Insanity workouts and get the calories from my HRM. We all burn different amounts so you really need one for this.

    I added my own workouts for each insanity routine and used my HRM for the calories burned too!!
  • Volforlife83
    Volforlife83 Posts: 22 Member
    Okay, month 2 is just ridiculous! We switched our off days to Tuesdays so I had last night off, but I previewed the Max Cardio Conditioning :grumble: I better be skinny after all of this crap LOL!!
  • ajsimyan
    ajsimyan Posts: 177 Member
    Okay, month 2 is just ridiculous! We switched our off days to Tuesdays so I had last night off, but I previewed the Max Cardio Conditioning :grumble: I better be skinny after all of this crap LOL!!

    Is it that bad!!! i have a feeling my gravestone is going to be here alot sooner than i had expected...*sigh* him and he crazy *kitten* pushups
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Day 19/63 - Cardio Circuit. I think this is my favorite because I like to work my arms :) Was feeling sort of burnt out this morning but I was able to pick it up by the end. Abs and butt so sore from yesterday.

    For most workouts my calorie burn is around 430 and just under 200 for recovery. I have noticed it has gone lower as I have gotten more fit. :happy: /:cry:

    MamaReese - I am with you. I might not be losing weight but I am going to continue to tweak my diet and complete the program no matter what. I have come too far to give up. That and I am amazed how much better my upper body strength is getting. Still bad but great improvement for someone who used to only be able to do "girl" pushups. I have yet to figure out how burning that many calories and eatting well causes us to gain weight (and our measurements don't go down) but c'est la via!

    Shakemybooty - I hope your knee stops acting up! Does icing or heat help at all?

    Cee- I can't believe there is such a thing as Level 3 drills haha. Maybe by then end of this I will have crazy Madonna arms. haha
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    Okay, month 2 is just ridiculous! We switched our off days to Tuesdays so I had last night off, but I previewed the Max Cardio Conditioning :grumble: I better be skinny after all of this crap LOL!!

    I actually like Max Cardio Conditioning, well as much as one can like it ;) The one that is killer to me is the Max Interval Plyo. That one has the crazy amount of push-ups in it including Level 3 drills.
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    Cee - I like the hip flexor stretches too. With regards to pushups you will eventually get there andyour arms will look AWESOME!

    Ms. Booty - I hope your trick knee is okay. :frown:
  • Volforlife83
    Volforlife83 Posts: 22 Member
    Okay, month 2 is just ridiculous! We switched our off days to Tuesdays so I had last night off, but I previewed the Max Cardio Conditioning :grumble: I better be skinny after all of this crap LOL!!

    I actually like Max Cardio Conditioning, well as much as one can like it ;) The one that is killer to me is the Max Interval Plyo. That one has the crazy amount of push-ups in it including Level 3 drills.

    LOL! I actually like the Plyo. I don't mind the drills so much as I do having to spin around and sprint like a madwoman. That just makes me dizzy! I think I am just biased now against Max Cardio Conditioning because someone told me it was Pure Cardio on steroids... so I decided right then and there I didn't like it :laugh:
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    In the Middle Ages, they had guillotines, stretch racks, whips and cahins. Nowadays, we have a much more effective torture device called the bathroom scale. ~Stephen Phillips

    **This is the quote of the day!!! ****

    :laugh: Love the quote. It's perfect for today :)

    Today is my weigh in day and it is so true.
  • edburg
    edburg Posts: 22
    Hey all.
    I really like to read everyone's posts and see how y'all keep each other going.
    I was supposed to do MAX CARDIO CONDITIONING & CARDIO ABS this morning but I was just too flippin' sore. So, I have that to look forward to after work.
    Keep pushing.
  • jchapa83
    jchapa83 Posts: 71 Member
    I finished on Sunday and I already miss INSANITY!!! I decided to take a week off to recover and I feel like I am being lazy lol! I even feel like I'm getting fat jaja! But I start Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 on Monday! But for sure will do Round 2 of INSANITY in MAY =))

    You all are doing AWESOME!! I read back on your comments and I know exactly what you are going through!! Keep up the good work!!!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Good evening my favorite MFP Insanitiers (is that even close to being a word?!?!:laugh: ) I am winding down on my rest day...tomorrow the alarm goes of at 5 instead of 630 like it did today. I am thinking of switching up the time of my exercise next week, just to give my self a little switch up and to give DH some time with an AWAKE wife. :tongue: He's a night owl, I'm a morning chic...add in getting up for Insanity at 5 and I'm in bed when he's ready to settle in for 'us' time after the kids go to bed. Need to get some time with DH!! We'll see how that pans out!! :wink:

    I haven't looked to see what I have tomorrow, still have to get the bag packed for the gym...might be in for a nice little surprise! This is my last week before recovery week and then...dun dun dun...:noway: Month 2.

    Enjoy your evening, hope everyone's workout went well and if today was your rest day as well- I hope you enjoyed a little down time!!
  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    I seem to have a trick knee now. I was just walking and it gave out on me again. I was feeling fine until then. What the heck! How am I going to go into the second month with a trick knee?

    I use a knee brace too... I inflammed my MCL when I was running before Insanity... That stopped hurting, then the outside of my knee started hurting... It's been a battle for a month... Just Ice it twice a day, once after working out, and once in the evening. If it swells up, take 800mg of Ibuprofen... That'll help with the swelling.

    The first Knee brace I used was just a compression brace... That did really work to well. Now, I use one that's a compression plus plastic support on the sides.. It stops lateral movement... The only problem I'm having with Insanity is the damn Hip flexor and high kness are hard. Just play it safe on the knee and you should be alright.
  • Dhathri
    Dhathri Posts: 323 Member
    Today I finished Week 2, Day 2 and 3. Its hard to complete Pure Cardio without taking breaks. Guys, I am disheartened with my weight gain today. It went from 188.4 to 189.6. Apart from Insanity I have been doing 5K runs since the last week. I know few days my calorie intake was higher. But this weight gain is a bummer. Did any of you guys seen a weight gain during the workouts?
  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    Did Cardio Recovery this morning... Nice break, but only burned 200 calories... Not very happy with that, but is recovery... Does anybody else have a problem with balancing on one leg? I almost fell a few time...

    I was hoping by the end of this program to be at my goal weight of 275 only 21 more pounds to lose, but I read where people are having problems dropping weight... So I decided not to worry about the weight. This is about getting in shape not just about weight loss. I can alread feel my muscles starting to re-develop, so I'll be adding muscle weight. That is fine with me. As long as I lose inches off my waist and neck, then life will be good. But the one thing I can promise myself, is that when I'm done in 56 more days, I'll be in better shape, healthier, feeling, and looking good. That is all that matters!!!!

    Keep going strong!!!!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I use a knee brace too... I inflammed my MCL when I was running before Insanity... That stopped hurting, then the outside of my knee started hurting... It's been a battle for a month... Just Ice it twice a day, once after working out, and once in the evening. If it swells up, take 800mg of Ibuprofen... That'll help with the swelling.

    The first Knee brace I used was just a compression brace... That did really work to well. Now, I use one that's a compression plus plastic support on the sides.. It stops lateral movement... The only problem I'm having with Insanity is the damn Hip flexor and high kness are hard. Just play it safe on the knee and you should be alright.

    Ok...I'll ice it. I'm using the compression brace right now and being super careful. I skipped the switch kicks completely today. Thanks!
  • I use a heart rate monitor and i usually burn between 450-500 depending on the day and how i am feeling :) im on Day 4 but hanging in there and going strong!!! good luck!!
  • hahahaha dizzyness is an understatement, hahahahahaha....just doing the level one drills i get dizzy and out of my sorts....
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Ed-My balance was pretty horrible at the beginning but it got better quickly. You have such a good attitude!

    Dahtri-I was bouncing around between 145 and 149 when I started. Now I bounce around between 143 and 145. I haven't lost much weight but I can SEE and FEEL a difference. This is going to sound funny but I look at my abs in the mirror every morning before my workout and it's the change I see happening that makes me drag my groggy butt down the steps to push play again. If I could control my food choices better I'd probably never leave the mirror. :laugh:

    Two days of recovery week left to go! I would be proud to say I finished ALL the LEVEL 1 drills except my chicken wing arms collapsed with one left to go. Curse you chicken wing arms!! Tomorrow I will get there!
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