INSANITY - Updates & Progress- New Group



  • Volforlife83
    Volforlife83 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm on Recovery week and start month 2 here in a few days. I'm scared to death after reading some of these posts :ohwell:
  • Keep up the good work everyone! We are on Day 8, I think we are doing Cardio Power and Resistence tonight. Its crazy how much stronger you feel just after a week.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Dawn -- I take a supplement with Chondroitin and Glucosamine to help with joint health. As a runner, I am constantly abusing them. The supplement definitely takes the "creak" out!

    Thanks Jab!!! That is actually a great idea! I am going to vitamin shoppe tomorrow and will pick some up!!
  • edburg
    edburg Posts: 22
    I'm on Recovery week and start month 2 here in a few days. I'm scared to death after reading some of these posts :ohwell:

    I just finished my first week of mo 2 and yes it was hella hard but I just did one of the videos for the second time around and it seemed a lot easier. Keep at it
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    Insanity Fit Test Results:

    Switch Kicks: 60
    Power Jack: 30
    Power Knees: 95
    Power Jump: 20
    Globe: 5
    Suicide: 10
    Push-up Jack: 2
    Plank Oblique thingy: 37

    Are the Switch Kicks and oblique thingies counted as Right 1, Left 2, or Right, Left 1...?

    Plyo tomorrow! Can't wait!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    For switch kicks, one rep equals kicking each leg once. For obliques, you count each separately. :smile:

    I'm feeling pretty crappy right now. I even left work early. I'm going to try to get something else in my belly though and pray that I feel better tomorrow. I cannot miss a workout!!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    For switch kicks, one rep equals kicking each leg once. For obliques, you count each separately. :smile:

    I'm feeling pretty crappy right now. I even left work early. I'm going to try to get something else in my belly though and pray that I feel better tomorrow. I cannot miss a workout!!
  • adammccrady
    adammccrady Posts: 99 Member
    Just finished second fit test with mixed results...

    Switch Kicks - 49-44
    Power Jacks - 30 - 47
    Power Knees - 93 - 77
    Power Jumps - 31 - 27
    Globe Jumps - 7 - 9
    Suicide Jumps - 9 - 11
    Push-Up Jacks - 11 - 21
    Low Plank Oblique - 32 - 43

    I guess I'm satisfied with my results so far... It's still early. I can't really explain the decline in Switch Kicks and Power Knees though.... Maybe because i did it all the way through... I paused it between each test first time. But i guess that doesn't explain the decline in Switch Kicks since it's the first move.?.?

    My weight hasn't really moved and I haven't remeasured myself, but I can definietly tell (physically and visually) that I'm toning up!

    Plyo Circuit tomorrow, so I guess I'll keep digging deeper and see where it takes me :)
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    cee-feel better!!!!

    adam-i was the same way with the fit test. On one or two things I did worse, and on alot I only did the same. I was chalking it up to the fact that shaun has been kicking my but for the past 2 weeks so my legs were tired?!?!
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member

    I'm feeling pretty crappy right now. I even left work early. I'm going to try to get something else in my belly though and pray that I feel better tomorrow. I cannot miss a workout!!

    Oh no! I hope you start feeling better. :)
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Workout #3 and I swear that man is trying to kill me! It took all my energy to get out of bed -- but now that it's done I am so happy and proud -- aside from the fact that I can hardly move! YIKES!!! Tomorrow is recovery -- so I'm guessing that means just a mediocre *kitten* kicking -- since the warmup is exhausting:bigsmile: Keep at it -- i'm sure it's impossible NOT to see results -- this stuff is tough!

    Good luck to all!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member

    I'm feeling pretty crappy right now. I even left work early. I'm going to try to get something else in my belly though and pray that I feel better tomorrow. I cannot miss a workout!!

    Hope you are feeling better!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    jabdye- Recovery is great for stretching out all those muscles you are working. I miss the 'burn' since I enjoy eating back those exercise calories!! :laugh: But it's much needed. There's a lot of slow squats etc. so your muscles get a work but nothing as intense as what we are seeing in the regular workouts!! And I agree...Shaun T. is trying to take us out one-by-one!!! :ohwell:

    I had Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs today. I think I psyched myself out a bit because it wasn't as horrible as I thought!! Of course it was still brutal and I got in a great workout but I was nervous just thinking about it last night. I had to talk to my husband about my back. Seems my muscles are taking a beating. I'm so glad he's into this fitness stuff 100x more than I am in terms of research about the body etc because I needed the advice. I'm going to take his advice and ice it up tonight. It's not so bad that I can't keep hitting play I just notice that after the workouts I'm all tense in those back muscles along my spine. His advice...keep pushing play because if it's the muscles, they'll adjust. So I'm rolling with it because I DO NOT want to miss a workout!!!

    Good luck today all! I'm on my 2nd quart of water for the day and I can tell my body is appreciating it! Tomorrow is my rest day but I'll be checking in to keep motivating all of you!! :wink:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Did Cardio Recovery. It was nice to take a break and it was much easier for me this time around but yeah my calorie burn was under 200. Oh well just getting ready to ramp up for cardio resistance tomorrow!

    cee-I hope you are feeling better. It so frustrating to be sick and even worse when you don't want to miss a work out!

    Who is planning on sending in for their Insanity T-Shirt? :drinker:
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Cee-Hope you feel better!!

    I think the fit test results go down because we have been beaten into submission. :laugh:

    Today was cardio power and resistance. They named it that because my body resists it for the entire workout. You want me jump how high? How many times? Do you know how early it is right now? I did happen to notice that the machines in the video don't squat as far during the power jacks the third time around. That made me feel better. Apparently I was too busy gasping for air to notice that before.

    My arms are like jello. I figured out that it is the stretching part after the warm up that makes my lower back hurt. Not sure why that is. I'm definitely not over stretching. I also figured out that it's the Hit the Floors that kill my right foot/ankle/calf.

    "Recovery" tomorrow. My thighs hurt at the thought of it.
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    Thanks Cee, I'll reflect my fit test numbers correctly on my paper...don't want to cheat.

    Did Plyo Circuit thingymajig this a.m....whoa. LOL It actually felt good to work out that hard--after I caught my breath that is. My left leg is pretty'd that happen? What about the other leg? LOL
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    recovery for me today. My legs were burning!! I didnt remember recovery being this tough!! Doesnt seem like I am really recovering (lol).

    Tomorrow I have plyometrics scheduled. I was going to try to do something more today, but now I think I will really just let my body recover!!

    Hope you all have a great day and keep up the good work!
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    Good morning everyone. Glad to see you are still hanging in there doing the workouts.

    Jabdye - Don't let the word "recovery" fool ya! It is still tough, just more controlled. Two words - thighs burn!

    I did Max Interval Plyo this morning. My arms are like jello now. They always are after this one. I think it has something to do with the over 200 pushups (or form of push-ups) you do in this one. I LOVE it, but it's tough.

    Have a great day!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Thanks for the well wishes, everybody! I am feeling much better today. There is something odd going on in here because that is the third time the same thing has happened to me since I started here in November.

    I was up bright and early this morning for Plyo Cardio Circuit. Ah, love the burn. But my legs did feel like lead today. I'm chalking that up to me not eating that great yesterday and no dinner at all.

    Good work, everybody!!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I did Max Interval Plyo this morning. My arms are like jello now. They always are after this one. I think it has something to do with the over 200 pushups (or form of push-ups) you do in this one. I LOVE it, but it's tough.
    Heh @ the bolded part. Really, really loud and boisterous heh. Not looking forward to it!!!
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