INSANITY - Updates & Progress- New Group



  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    Way to go, Idon!

    I will be enjoying my off day today also. I have been contemplating doing the fit test today just for something to do, but I'm not feeling it yet. Maybe this afternoon.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Today I did circuit training. I really do not enjoy that one, I was dripping with sweat!!! Tomorrow I have pure cardio and cardio abs....kinda dreading that too!!!

    I am going away on vacation in a week and wondering what everyone thinks: If I take the week off, should I start back at the begining or pick up where I left off?? I plan on running while I am on vacation??
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    dawn~ good question, I'll be interested to see what others say. I hadn't thought about that 'what if' I think I'd probably start over if I hadn't been exercising at all for a week. But then again, once I got back from vaca i might change my mind!!

    Did Cardio Recovery today. Needed it but wanted a bigger burn. Going to try to get myself moving for another gym session later on. We'll see how that goes. Bought an interval timer before Insanity so I still have things to try out. Quick and sweaty. LoL. Have a great Sunday~
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 309 Member
    I'll be starting tomorrow! The fit test is first. Cant wait. I'll put up my fit test numbers in the a.m.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Welcome to the group, road2peachtree! Good luck tomorrow!

    Dawn, I would start where I left off. I'm going on a cruise in July and actually plan on doing my workouts while away. By then, I should be on ChaLEAN Extreme.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Hey Cee, whats Chalean extreme?/ I have heard about it, but not familiar with it??
  • bellawomenswellness
    bellawomenswellness Posts: 99 Member
    Starting the Insanity program tomorrow bright and early! I will post my Fitness Test results.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I have a feeling you're gonna rock it, bella. Look at all your credentials! Lol

    Dawn, it's another Beachbody program by Chalean Johnson. It's geared towards strength training and is 12 weeks long.
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    Thanks to a horrible basketball game I watched earlier I had some anger to get out, so I did the Fit Test (on my off day). I did improve some from the last time I did it, which was over a month ago. Whoops! However I still feel like I suck compared to the 2 in the video. LOL!

    Switch Kicks - 142 (71 - however this suppose to be counted)
    Power Jacks - 56
    Power Knees - 83
    Power Jumps - 37
    Globe Jumps - 10
    Suicide Jumps - 16
    Pushup Jacks - 40
    Low Plank Obliques - 60

    Oh and I also had the entertainment of my 4 year old daughter with me. She loves to "workout with Momma". She'll "try" to do one of the moves and then 10 seconds later say "Oh Momma, I need a drink already". She seriously cracks me up.
  • katebrennan
    katebrennan Posts: 4 Member
    Hello All! Everyone is doing so well. Today was Day 11, Cardio Power & Resistance. I love those belt kicks but not a fan of the moving push-up. Here are my Fit Test #1 Results:

    Fit Test #1
    Switch Kicks ~ 69 (or 138 depending on how people are counting these)
    Power Jacks ~ 53
    Power Knees ~ 90
    Power Jumps ~ 34
    Globe Jumps ~ 8 (all the way around counts as one, right?)
    Suicide Jumps~ 18
    Push-up Jacks ~ 22
    Low Plank Oblique ~ 46

    Looking forward to Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs bright and early tomorrow morning!

    Keep pushing play:)

  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Ooowee, kcmom and Kate, your switch kick results are BANANAS!! I'm not worthy! :laugh: Yes, Kate one way around counts as one rep for the globe jumps. On the calendar for the switch kicks, it says that two kicks equals one rep as well.

    Here are my results for fit test #2 (#1 results in parentheses):
    Switch kicks - 38 (45 - yep, it went down; more on that in a sec)
    Power jacks - 53 (45)
    Power knees - 98 (78)
    Power jumps - 25 (18)
    Globe jumps - 9 (7)
    Suicide jumps - 10 (9)
    Push-up jacks - 16 (12)
    Low plant oblique - 50 (36)

    So, for today's switch kicks, I did them the way I think they should be done (with a little hop in between each kick) and that's why my number went down. When I did them the first time, I sort of alternated kicks without the hop in between and was able to do more. So, I'm looking forward to seeing what happens in 3 weeks as far as my results are concerned in that area. I was also proud that I was able to do the power jacks portion without stopping once. Plyometric Cardio Circuit tomorrow!

    Dig deeper and keep pushing, everybody! Let's do this!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Well me and my DH finally started -- up at 5am for day #2 -- and there is a reason this is called Insanity! I just ran a marathon last week -- and it's nothing compared to this!!! I would gladly run another in place of the 40 minutes of torture I went through today -- but if it isn't hard, anyone could do it....right???? Looking forward to hearing about all your victories and great results! As for me, I'm going to have to cut my note short cause all this typing is making my noodle arms ache :bigsmile: :heart: :bigsmile: :heart: :bigsmile:
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Welcome everyone that's just starting out!

    I seriously enjoyed my day off yesterday. There wasn't a moment of guilt that I wasn't moving. :smile: My upper back was so tense Saturday night, I was on the couch on top of a massaging heating pad. I see it again in my future today too.

    Today was pure cardio and cardio abs. My legs felt like cement during the first part of the warmup but then started to feel better. I must be doing the cardio ab workout better because I could feel every inch of my abs. The gumby man I was talking about is the seriously tall skinny black man in the back row. I'm pretty sure I am right that he's missing organs and bones. I have flexibility envy. I'd rather just watch the cardio ab workout so I could enjoy looking at all of their abs instead of feeling mine.

    Last week of month one!! Whoo hoo!!

    Oh yeah Cee--I snap crackled and popped all through it. Now I know how those dogs with hip problems feel. Poor pooches!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Completed day 10 of 63. Pure Cardio yesterday and Plyo Cardio Circuit Today. Really looking forward to cardio recovery tomorrow although I am sure I will want a bigger burn. I am like a burn addict. :devil:

    This may be a stupid question, but has anyone noticed that their max heart rate and just overall heart rate has gone down as you progress through the program. I noticed today that my heartrate appeared to be able 5-10 beats lower than it usually is when I am doing this workout, though I felt like I was still pushing myself as hard as I could go. My max heart rate was 8 beats lower than usual as well. I know my recovery heart rate is getting better so maybe this all ties in. Thoughts?

    Random side note, my 4 month old thinks it is hilarious watching me jump around and suffer through Insanity. I position her in her bassinet so she can see me and she just giggles and smiles the whole time. I guess it is good entertainment for her.

    mamareese - I was looking at the bodyrock workouts as well before starting Insanity. I am curious how they stack up to Insanity. Maybe I will try them once I am done with my 63 days. Can't beat Zuzanna's body! :love:

    jabdye - I am glad hear your comparison of Insanity to running. I am doing my first 5k in two weeks so I was hoping I might have gotten alittle bit of conditioning from Insanity since I am not really training for this 5k. I wanted to finish Insanity before training for one but this 5k popped up in the middle of Insanity.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Sounds like everyone is at it!! Way to go! My MFP seems to be giving me trouble. Can't seem to log thing correctly. I input my workout today and it linked up to P90x in my history. The numbers were right so I didn't worry too much. But then I input my food and instead of 1 serving it shot up to 100!! LoL. About fell over, my computer has been giving me trouble so I'm wondering if it's that!! Just going to have to keep an eye on it!!

    1 more work on in week 2 for me and then my rest day. I'm definitely feeling better 'after' the exercises in terms of soreness and I'm back to being ready to hit play right away without the lingering 'ugh' feeling! I've been pumped all the way through mentally but my physical state is starting to catch up.

    Tried to get on the last night to get in an extra workout and couldn't get it to play the video. DH says we need to link up our external harddrive because the computer is about shot. So hopefully fixing one thing will fix the other issues!!

    Ate a way to big breakfast but I think I did more from 5am-8am then I did all Sunday! Baby boy had to have blood work and shots, all routine but I was up and running after the gym here and there for all of that. So I needed some extra fuel. Should be fine though because I had salads planned for dinner anyways. Just gotta keep the calories down so I don't counteract what Insanity is helping me do.

    I also need to find the tape measure to check measurements. I don't want to compare my Insanity numbers just yet since I am only on week 2. I could just use some motivation number wise from my beginning numbers. A little pick me up. I find that I have trouble drinking enough water on the weekend so my weigh ins on Monday aren't as great as the mid week check ins that I have. But I know for sure that I drink WAYYY more water at work than I do at home. So I'll have to pay more attention to the fluids I put in on the weekend.

    Hope everyone has a great Monday. I am usually an optimist but with the way this Monday's's looking like a glass half empty right now!! Gotta push through. :smile:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    One last thing..I get a weekly quote on Mondays and today's seemed perfect for today!!

    We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.

    - Jim Rohn
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    LOVE THE QUOTE!!!! Thanks for sharing!
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    Finished up Week 3 on Saturday. Went out to dinner at a friend's house, but luckily it's my "fit" buddy and so it was still on plan (steak, grilled veggies, baked potato with non-fat greek yogurt, yumm!). Today is the first day of week 4.. pure cardio and abs. My weight was up a couple ounces this Monday from last Monday, but I think it's the water thing. I'm right there with you that it's so much easier to get water in at work than at home on the weekends! Which is weird, because my job is really busy (I'm a special education aide to a little 2nd grader with visual impairments). Anyways, looking forward to the workout today.. I have come to enjoy the pure cardio!

    Ok, off to warm up/shovel off the car.... isn't it supposed to be spring now? LOL

  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member

    Ok, off to warm up/shovel off the car.... isn't it supposed to be spring now? LOL


    I wish it was spring!! I could get in a little extra moving with SPRING!! We always do 4 laps around the building at work during spring/summer which only equals a mile but it feels better than being stuck behind a desk all day!! Plus the kids are dyin' to take the dogs for a walk but in 20 degree whether they'll have to exercise in the yard! (the dogs, not the kids!! :laugh: )
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I decided to give the fitness test a try today. I did horrible! Anyways here are mine

    Switch Kick - 51
    Power Jacks - 52
    Power Knees - 70
    Power Jumps - 25
    Globe Jumps 10
    Suicide Jumps - 7
    Push Up Jacks 20
    Low Plank - 50

    Now I gotta figure out if I want to do P90X and Insanity for 2 weeks. Or just finish P90X first.

    P90X Plyo compared to this workout is nothing! And this is just the test part of it! haha