INSANITY - Updates & Progress- New Group



  • adammccrady
    adammccrady Posts: 99 Member
    Hello Everyone!!

    I'm on Round 1, Day 11 - - - Cardio Recovery tonight (Thank god...)

    Thanks for all the great words of encourage. It's great to hear comments from people going through the same experience as me! I too love the workouts...

    One question... I've been working through some lower back pain as I do INSANITY... any advice on managing this? I think I hurt it several weeks ago moving some furniture, and it acts up during some of the drills... 1-2-3 Heismans, and Suicides sometimes tweak it a bit... nothing too painful, just momentary discomfort...

    Other than that, I absolutely love the program!! Second fit test is on Monday... I'll post results of my first two fit tests at that time... I KNOW I've improved!!!

    If your back hurts when you are doing the exercise, then I would not do that particular one, or modify it.For the suicides dont touch the ground, just try bending. Not sure how you could modify heismans....just be careful, dont make an acute injury into a longterm chronic condition!!!
    I have had a bad lower back for years, and running doesnt bother it too bad, but when I was training for the marathon I did end up getting pain in my hip and knee which was directly related to my lower back and actually doing the Insanity my back is feeling better than in a long time. Just listen to your body and BE CAREFUL!!

    Thanks for the advice! I usually try to modify the moves if I get any lower back or hip pain... but more importantly, I make sure that I'm keeping good form. - - - Like Shaun says, don't sacrafice form for speed... and I think that's where I initially went wrong doing the 1-2-3 Heismans... tried to go too fast and ended up twisting when I did my Heisman, and tweaked my back.

    Now I focus on maintaining good form when I go therough the routine... If I focus of my form, the speed seems to come a little more naturally.

    Does anyone know of any good lower-to-mid back stretches that can be done prior to the workouts? I usually do some torso-twist -style stretching before the workout, which seems to help. It seems like the stretches on the DVD's focus primarily on legs and hips...
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Just ordered it... Hopefully I'll be able to start it the first week of april... I'm looking forward to it!!!!! Now I'll be on here to let you know my progress.

    Way to go!! No hesitation. I love it! Stick with us, we'll all be in the same boat soon!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Just got INSANITY today but not gonna start the full program for another 4 weeks. Finishing up the last phase of P90X, but am gonna try a few of the workouts for some extra cardio and just to see what I have in store for me when I start it full force! So excited!!

    4 week and we'll still be at stop back in and we'll get Insane together.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Does anyone know of any good lower-to-mid back stretches that can be done prior to the workouts? I usually do some torso-twist -style stretching before the workout, which seems to help. It seems like the stretches on the DVD's focus primarily on legs and hips...

    I would just do (childs pose) on the ground, alternating with cats pose (almost like a push up but hips and legs stay on ground and arms push torso up) to stretch out, or even just standing do forward bends and then gently arch back. Then just keep doing what you are doing and like you already said dont sacrifice form for speed!!!!
  • vallejos6
    vallejos6 Posts: 146 Member
    We're a family doing Insanity together. There's myself (38), my husband (44), daughter (23) and son (16). We're in our third week now and we've all gotten good results. I've lost 2.5 pounds since we started. I'll post my fit test results, but we've all gotten good improvement.

    Fit Test 1 Fit Test 2
    Switch Kicks 51 52 (but first test I wasn't jumping, second I added the jump)
    Power Jacks 33 45
    Power Knees 75 99
    Power Jumps 15 25
    Globe jumps 8 9 (omg, hate these)
    Suicide jumps 9 11
    Push-up Jacks 3 6 (just did 11 of these during pure cardio last night, woot!)
    Low Plank ob. 20 50

    Plus, first fit test, we had to pause the dvd 4 times, and we did it straight through the second time. However, not looking forward to having to do the fit test and an actual workout in the same day, ugh.

  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Hit up day 1, week 2. Felt good to get back into it after a rest day yestserday. Of course, I'm exhausted and my husband is still amazed out how red my face is even after I'm done with Insanity, get dressed, leave the gym, drive home, and then he sees me. He cant believe I'm still beat red- but I am. LoL. I've been holding off really checking the scale until my official weigh in day which is Monday. But I have a sneaking suspicioun that I'll be stepping on it tomorrow. Can't help msyself.

    Suicides, I like...reminds me of high school basketball...Suicide jumps....just put me out o fmy misery. LoL.

    Day 3, week 3 tomorrow morning I come!!

    Night all!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Finally remembered to pull my fit test!

    Switch kicks ~ I put 90 but I'm assuming I did the count wrong so-45
    Power Jax~ 40
    Power Knees- 55
    Power Jumps 23
    Globes Jumps (Luckily I paid attention and counted right!!) 7
    Suicide Jumps 11
    Push up planks 11
    Low plan obliques 27
  • ebonirose
    ebonirose Posts: 10
    So far my favorite move has been the wide football sprints. Love them! What's your favorite?

    The 8 and 8 hop squats and push ups, that's where I can really tel I've progressed.

    Thanks to everyone in the group for being so supportive, makes me feel like we're all really in this together!
  • adammccrady
    adammccrady Posts: 99 Member
    Did Cardio Recovery last night... almost two weeks in and that STILL BURNS... thighs and calves can't take some of those moves for that amount of time :) Still it's a nice change of pace to help the body recover in mid week!

    I'm looking forward to (or at least that's what I keep telling myself) my first two-workout day, this Saturday - - - Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs! I'm usually dead after Pure Cardio, so it'll be interesting to see how I do!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Welcome Veronica!! I think that's great that you guys are doing it together as a family. Do you all work out at the same time? My 14-year-old son wanted to do it with me. Well, he attempted to do the fit test and said, thanks but no thanks. :laugh:

    I did Cardio Power & Resistance this morning. Got a great burn and was drenched in sweat. I laughed a lot this morning because I realized there were moments during the workout when Shaun said NOTHING and when he did begin to speak he was soooo out of breath. It made me feel good that this Adonis was struggling a bit. :laugh:
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Cee-Did the same workout as you today. This was one of those "Please don't make me do it!!" days. No love. No joy. Just suffered through it. BUT I did it. that final inhale/exhale. Maybe my enthusiasm will return tomorrow. I think it went on vacation.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Tell enthusiasm to come back STAT. I will not let you falter on this challenge!!

    I just remembered - I HAAAAAATTTTEEEEEE one legged tricep dips. HATE, HATE, HATE. Ugh.
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I'm workng on it. It doesn't help that it's gloomy and blah out today.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Pure Cardio this morning. I am beat. Don't know if I'm coming down with a bug or if I'm just worn out but yoswer I'm dragging today!

    Great job to all those who have already hit it today! It's great to see that we are all still here and kicking butt!

    My favorite is suicides...just allows me to reminesnce in how athletic I USED to I ended up having to switch sneaks after starting this because the Reebok Zigs I had were killing my ankles doing those quick movements. Luckily my Nike Lunar swifts have a whole lot more support.

    I'm glad the weekend is coming...I can't believe I'm saying this but I PREFER working out on the weekends. Of course, the reason is that once I get the workout done I know that I don't have all the running around of babysitters and work, etc to push through. I can just relax and play with the kids. So the weekend workout should be great.

    I peeked at Cardio Abs last night since I was having a 'Mommy Time out' at the gym. I had to take my youngest to tour the preschool we are considering so I was done with work early. And all the nerves of first time Mom with a preschooler on top of a rough day for my two kids led Mommy to decide a little alone time at the gym was best for everyone! I didn't make it through the whole thing but YOWSER I thought Ab Ripper from P90x was rough. That's INSANE!!!
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    Great job to everyone today! Keep it up :)

    I'm glad the weekend is coming...I can't believe I'm saying this but I PREFER working out on the weekends. Of course, the reason is that once I get the workout done I know that I don't have all the running around of babysitters and work, etc to push through. I can just relax and play with the kids. So the weekend workout should be great.

    I peeked at Cardio Abs last night since I was having a 'Mommy Time out' at the gym. I had to take my youngest to tour the preschool we are considering so I was done with work early. And all the nerves of first time Mom with a preschooler on top of a rough day for my two kids led Mommy to decide a little alone time at the gym was best for everyone! I didn't make it through the whole thing but YOWSER I thought Ab Ripper from P90x was rough. That's INSANE!!!

    I can relate to all of this. I like working out on the weekends too (except Sunday is my off day), for that same reason. What's really fun is doing your workout and both kiddos wanting to workout with you! (NOT) LOL!

    I did Max Recovery yesterday. I did Max Cardio Endurance and Cardio Abs today. Between the two days my abs are screaming and hating me! But it's a good pain, if you know what I mean. :) Do you have the Insane Abs workout? That one IS insane! LOL!

    I have P90X also, but have not even watched one of the workouts yet. I figure if/when I get bored with Insanity then I will.
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    Cee-Did the same workout as you today. This was one of those "Please don't make me do it!!" days. No love. No joy. Just suffered through it. BUT I did it. that final inhale/exhale. Maybe my enthusiasm will return tomorrow. I think it went on vacation.

    I have had those days too. They suck! Which workout is on your schedule for tomorrow? Hopefully you will get your umph back :)
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    I did Cardio Power & Resistance this morning. Got a great burn and was drenched in sweat. I laughed a lot this morning because I realized there were moments during the workout when Shaun said NOTHING and when he did begin to speak he was soooo out of breath. It made me feel good that this Adonis was struggling a bit. :laugh:

    Great job! Cardio Power & Resistance is one of my least favorite workouts of all of them. It used to kick my *kitten*!

    :laugh: at the Adonis comment.
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I like working out on the weekends too because that means I can sleep in and take longer to cool down, shower etc.

    Today was rest day for me and rest I did but more importantly today was a weigh day! I lost 2.2 pounds this week (first week on Insanity). I also lost 1 inch around my waist (natural and lower waist) in just one week. I know that this also has to do with the fact that I am still just 4 months post partum so my stomach is carrying alot of excess fat but I was thrilled. Normally I don't see measurement changes for 2-4 weeks even though I am losing weight every week.

    So now I have no excuse not to do Insanity :) Darn it!
  • smalls_kisha
    smalls_kisha Posts: 12 Member
    I am on my almost done with my 4th week of Insanity and have become a little disappointed with my results. I push myself during every workout and can see no difference I don't want to give up but am a little discouraged. Any suggestions as I go into the week 5 which is supposed to be rest week???
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member

    So now I have no excuse not to do Insanity :) Darn it!

    Perfect!! That'll keep you motivated!!