INSANITY - Updates & Progress- New Group



  • Renise01
    Renise01 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm on week 4 and I must admit I've slacked a little! I've already decided that I'm not moving on to month 2 until I am able to finish the warm-up without stopping! It amazes me that I sweat like a pig doing just the warm-up! I am loving it :-) Though pure cardio made me nervous the 1st time since Shaun T was "talkin spit" about how nervous he was about it! And its become one of my favorites! I love how I feel after I've finished that madness! I'm even begging to like (don't think i'll ever love) V-Push ups! I have definition in my arms I haven't seen in years AND I can do so many more regular mil style push ups than ever before! Haven't managed to do more than one push up jack yet but I will! I'm not sure how much weight as I'm waiting till I finish month 1 to weigh in. But I can tell you that my stomach is slowly but surely getting smaller :-) and I'm getting stronger!
    Don't throw in the towel if you get discouraged. Take a day off if you need it and get back into it! You'll be glad you did
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Today was fire thighs day! I'm getting better at them but still probably in the "suck category" compared to those people. Almost done with week 3!

    Ebonirose-Keep at it girl! Any body can get through it if they put their mind to it!!

    I forgot to tell you guys to check out the super bendy guy in the back row of cardio abs. I think it's an oblique stretch where you put your arms over your head and lean to the side. I think he's missing internal organs and bones to be able to do that.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Great job ladies! You are all doing so amazing sticking with this tough program!! So proud of everyone! And welcome to the new peeps! Glad to have you! I'm excited to keep this thread going and see if we are still burning thighs and sweating like pigs at the end of 60 days!! :laugh:

    I'm off schedule a little. I'm actually doing my Day 1 of the 2nd week this afternoon instead of this morning. So I'm a little thrown off. I'm still on schedule since yesterday was my rest day (thank goodness!) but it feels weird not to have gotten to the gym this AM. We went to a coaches' banquet for my husband last night and didn't stay at home so no AM gym...but after we take my 4 year old to tour his preschool I'm hitting play and having my date time with Shaun T. Whooohoo!! Cardio Power & Resistance I do believe!!

    Keep pushing play. Post those fit test stats (eventually I'll actually go HOME and get my own results!! *lol*) and we'll be fit and fabulous in no time!!
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member

    I forgot to tell you guys to check out the super bendy guy in the back row of cardio abs. I think it's an oblique stretch where you put your arms over your head and lean to the side. I think he's missing internal organs and bones to be able to do that.

    LOL!! I didn't notice him but I will check it out next time!!!!
  • adammccrady
    adammccrady Posts: 99 Member
    Hello Everyone!!

    I'm on Round 1, Day 11 - - - Cardio Recovery tonight (Thank god...)

    Thanks for all the great words of encourage. It's great to hear comments from people going through the same experience as me! I too love the workouts...

    One question... I've been working through some lower back pain as I do INSANITY... any advice on managing this? I think I hurt it several weeks ago moving some furniture, and it acts up during some of the drills... 1-2-3 Heismans, and Suicides sometimes tweak it a bit... nothing too painful, just momentary discomfort...

    Other than that, I absolutely love the program!! Second fit test is on Monday... I'll post results of my first two fit tests at that time... I KNOW I've improved!!!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Finished day 6 - Plyo Cardio Circuit, thankfully a rest day tomorrow! I made it through the first week. 1/8 of the way done! haha :smile:

    I learned a very valuable lesson this morning. I can't eat before Insanity. I work out first thing in the morning (5am) but I was up way early and thought I would try to eat a hardboiled egg. I did Insanity 1.5 hours after I ate that egg. At first I felt like I had better energy (in the warmup) then throughout the entire workout I felt like I was going to hurl. It was a miracle I was able to keep that stupid egg down. I know some people can eat beforehand. I am just not one of those people. haha. Lesson learned.

    dawnemjh- I too despise the frog jump in pure cardio but I can't tell if it is the actual move I hate or if it is the placement in the workout that makes it so tough. Just when you are so wiped out from the level 2 drills its time for frog jumps! grrrrr

    So far my favorite move has been the wide football sprints. Love them! What's your favorite?
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Hello Everyone!!

    I'm on Round 1, Day 11 - - - Cardio Recovery tonight (Thank god...)

    Thanks for all the great words of encourage. It's great to hear comments from people going through the same experience as me! I too love the workouts...

    One question... I've been working through some lower back pain as I do INSANITY... any advice on managing this? I think I hurt it several weeks ago moving some furniture, and it acts up during some of the drills... 1-2-3 Heismans, and Suicides sometimes tweak it a bit... nothing too painful, just momentary discomfort...

    Other than that, I absolutely love the program!! Second fit test is on Monday... I'll post results of my first two fit tests at that time... I KNOW I've improved!!!

    Mine hurts too. I think it's from lugging my 2 year old around. I take advil and put my heat wrap on mine. I :heart: my heat wrap!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    So far my favorite move has been the wide football sprints. Love them! What's your favorite?

    Mine is the inhale/exhale at the end!! LOL
  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    I'm planning on ordering Insanity... Is there a certain fitness level I should be at before I start? I've been working out and running for about a month. Is it too early to start or should I just go for it?
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    Hello Everyone!!

    I'm on Round 1, Day 11 - - - Cardio Recovery tonight (Thank god...)

    Thanks for all the great words of encourage. It's great to hear comments from people going through the same experience as me! I too love the workouts...

    One question... I've been working through some lower back pain as I do INSANITY... any advice on managing this? I think I hurt it several weeks ago moving some furniture, and it acts up during some of the drills... 1-2-3 Heismans, and Suicides sometimes tweak it a bit... nothing too painful, just momentary discomfort...

    Other than that, I absolutely love the program!! Second fit test is on Monday... I'll post results of my first two fit tests at that time... I KNOW I've improved!!!

    I sleep on a heating pad everynight due to lower back pain. It seems to help.
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    Today was fire thighs day! I'm getting better at them but still probably in the "suck category" compared to those people. Almost done with week 3!

    Ebonirose-Keep at it girl! Any body can get through it if they put their mind to it!!

    I forgot to tell you guys to check out the super bendy guy in the back row of cardio abs. I think it's an oblique stretch where you put your arms over your head and lean to the side. I think he's missing internal organs and bones to be able to do that.

    Today was Max Recovery for me. Talk about some fire thighs! Woo! I still suck compared to them too (although better now than when I first started). I don't worry about it. I do the best I can and move on.
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    Finished day 6 - Plyo Cardio Circuit, thankfully a rest day tomorrow! I made it through the first week. 1/8 of the way done! haha :smile:

    I learned a very valuable lesson this morning. I can't eat before Insanity. I work out first thing in the morning (5am) but I was up way early and thought I would try to eat a hardboiled egg. I did Insanity 1.5 hours after I ate that egg. At first I felt like I had better energy (in the warmup) then throughout the entire workout I felt like I was going to hurl. It was a miracle I was able to keep that stupid egg down. I know some people can eat beforehand. I am just not one of those people. haha. Lesson learned.

    dawnemjh- I too despise the frog jump in pure cardio but I can't tell if it is the actual move I hate or if it is the placement in the workout that makes it so tough. Just when you are so wiped out from the level 2 drills its time for frog jumps! grrrrr

    So far my favorite move has been the wide football sprints. Love them! What's your favorite?

    I workout first thing in the morning and I can't eat before my workout either.

    My favorite is in the 2nd month workouts. It's the whole boxing sequence in the Max Interval Sports Training one. LOVE it :) I also like the running sequence towards the end of that one too. Those are my absolute favorites.

    :laugh: at Shakemybooty!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I'm planning on ordering Insanity... Is there a certain fitness level I should be at before I start? I've been working out and running for about a month. Is it too early to start or should I just go for it?

    I'd just go for it! But that's just me...I was afraid I'd psych myself out so once I got my hands on it...I ran with it. It is intense, no two ways about it but the great part is you can take breaks when you need, catch your breath and catch right back up. Shaun T the instructor is super motivating. And it's great to see the people in the video need breaks too, makes you realize they are human too!
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    Hey, everyone. I am so happy to see there are more people joining in!! I did Plyometric Cardio Circuit today (because I mixed workouts up and did Cardio Recovery yesterday). Not too bad, though my muscles were burning pretty early on - as in the warmup. I'm not sure what that was about. Trying to look through my diary to see what the culprit may be. Anyone have any ideas? Other than that, another thorough workout. I'm chronicling my journey on Tumblr. If anyone is interested and want to read, it can be found at :smile:

    alyssa83202 - Welcome to the group. Jump right in when you complete the fit test and post your results! Can't wait to have you start the program!

    jhdh and ebonirose - try to focus on the end result. That's what motivates and pushes me six days a week to do the workouts. Plus, Ms. Booty is holding me accountable. :laugh:

    Dawn, that scares me re: doing Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs together. I do it on Saturday.

    Renise01 - those V push-ups look deceptively easy. The joke was on me the first time I did them. :laugh:

    adammccrady - Welcome!! We're on the same exact schedule (I did Day 11 this morning). Can't help you re: lower back pain except make sure you take time and stretch it out.

    Jennie, I do the program on an empty stomach (I'm also working out on 4 a.m.), but I couldn't imagine eating before. I'm glad you were able to keep the egg down!

    My fave move is probably all the stretches - before & after the workout and on the recovery days.

    biged335 - I wasn't in that great shape when I started. I had completed the EA Sports Active 2 on the Wii (their 9-week program) so that was my warm-up. It pales in comparison, though there are tons of similar moves.

    kcmom, I LOVE boxing!! I'm so happy to see there's lots of it in Month 2. I was rocking the jabs, upper cuts and attacks this morning.
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I'm planning on ordering Insanity... Is there a certain fitness level I should be at before I start? I've been working out and running for about a month. Is it too early to start or should I just go for it?

    I'd just go for it! But that's just me...I was afraid I'd psych myself out so once I got my hands on it...I ran with it. It is intense, no two ways about it but the great part is you can take breaks when you need, catch your breath and catch right back up. Shaun T the instructor is super motivating. And it's great to see the people in the video need breaks too, makes you realize they are human too!
    Except when they stretch!! :laugh:
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    Except when they stretch!! :laugh:

    LOL :laugh: VERY VERY TRUE!! I'm like deeper? You mean without dislocating something? I don't think so!
  • biged335
    biged335 Posts: 734
    Just ordered it... Hopefully I'll be able to start it the first week of april... I'm looking forward to it!!!!! Now I'll be on here to let you know my progress.
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    I'm planning on ordering Insanity... Is there a certain fitness level I should be at before I start? I've been working out and running for about a month. Is it too early to start or should I just go for it?

    I started it after being on a 4+ year workout hiatus. I just jumped right in and did it at the level/speed I could. I say go for it! :)
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Hello Everyone!!

    I'm on Round 1, Day 11 - - - Cardio Recovery tonight (Thank god...)

    Thanks for all the great words of encourage. It's great to hear comments from people going through the same experience as me! I too love the workouts...

    One question... I've been working through some lower back pain as I do INSANITY... any advice on managing this? I think I hurt it several weeks ago moving some furniture, and it acts up during some of the drills... 1-2-3 Heismans, and Suicides sometimes tweak it a bit... nothing too painful, just momentary discomfort...

    Other than that, I absolutely love the program!! Second fit test is on Monday... I'll post results of my first two fit tests at that time... I KNOW I've improved!!!

    If your back hurts when you are doing the exercise, then I would not do that particular one, or modify it.For the suicides dont touch the ground, just try bending. Not sure how you could modify heismans....just be careful, dont make an acute injury into a longterm chronic condition!!!
    I have had a bad lower back for years, and running doesnt bother it too bad, but when I was training for the marathon I did end up getting pain in my hip and knee which was directly related to my lower back and actually doing the Insanity my back is feeling better than in a long time. Just listen to your body and BE CAREFUL!!
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    Just got INSANITY today but not gonna start the full program for another 4 weeks. Finishing up the last phase of P90X, but am gonna try a few of the workouts for some extra cardio and just to see what I have in store for me when I start it full force! So excited!!