INSANITY - Updates & Progress- New Group



  • mindy0509
    Hey everyone,
    My husband and I just entered our third week of Insanity and would love to join your group. We have done P90X and the past but wanted something more cardio based this time around to get some of the chunk off before we tone up with another round of P90X. The work outs are definitly INSANE. I also have been having lower back soreness but I am attributing it to all of the core work Insanity has and also it is very high impact. Not sure how much weight I have lost yet. We only weigh ourselves once a month so next Friday is weigh in day but my cloths are fitting better and I feel like I look thinner :) We just keep on pushing play :)
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Congrats Mindy -- I only hope I can survive until week 3:noway: This is certainly tough -- I was telling a friend I would rather run a marathon than complete one of these workouts. It's definitely working as I am having trouble moving today:bigsmile: My husband and I are doing it together -- and often times get laughing at ourselves huffing and puffing. Can't wait to compare results once we are done. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger (now if only Shaun T. "aka SATAN:devil: " doesn't kill me we'll be good!):bigsmile:
  • edburg
    edburg Posts: 22
    Good morning! I did Max Interval Circuit this morning. It was a crazy 59 min workout but I'm glad I toughed through it. Now, I just have to get through my work day.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    Welcome Mindy!!
  • kcmomof2
    kcmomof2 Posts: 457 Member
    I did Max Interval Plyo this morning. My arms are like jello now. They always are after this one. I think it has something to do with the over 200 pushups (or form of push-ups) you do in this one. I LOVE it, but it's tough.
    Heh @ the bolded part. Really, really loud and boisterous heh. Not looking forward to it!!!

    Oh come on, Cee, you will love it ;) It sounds more daunting than it is, really! When do you start the 2nd month workouts? Glad to hear you are feeling better. :)
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    I did Insanity Plyo Cardio Circuit followed by P90X Plyo today. I was DEAD by the end by the end of Insanity. On one of the last sets where you do push ups, knee tucks and then stand up.. I was dragging my knees on the ground, couldn't even stand! LOL Fun fun workout though. I love it!
  • alyssa83202
    alyssa83202 Posts: 334
    I started today! Feel free to check out my blog for before pics, measurements, and fit test results. There's not much to it yet, but I plan on using it to keep track of all my progress!
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    Happy Wednesday!
    Cardio Recovery ---hmmmm---was hoping we just got to lay on the floor and breathe -- cause that's about all I had energy for. It was shorter than the normal workouts -- and no jumping -- but still tough. My legs were shaking. Hoping my body feels better before tomorrow's Pure Cardio. The name alone scares me!!!

    Good luck to all -- and keep hitting play:bigsmile:
  • lovetowrite73
    lovetowrite73 Posts: 1,244 Member
    I did Max Interval Plyo this morning. My arms are like jello now. They always are after this one. I think it has something to do with the over 200 pushups (or form of push-ups) you do in this one. I LOVE it, but it's tough.
    Heh @ the bolded part. Really, really loud and boisterous heh. Not looking forward to it!!!

    Oh come on, Cee, you will love it ;) It sounds more daunting than it is, really! When do you start the 2nd month workouts? Glad to hear you are feeling better. :)
    Yeah, love it. Mhmm. *smiles and nods* :laugh: I start them in 2 weeks! Next week is week 4 of month 1 and then recovery week then hell month!

    Today was Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs. I was able to do more than 1 rep of the exercise where you bring in both legs, straighten then lift but not much. I'm wondering if my body positioning isn't correct because the people on the video seem to be sitting higher than I am. I don't get how they're able to straighten their legs and keep them off the floor then lift. I suppose I'll get there though. Oh! And I was able to get a little over two-thirds of the way through the warmup in Pure Cardio before I finally had to stop. I stop mostly because my legs are screaming at me. I also think I get a little turned off when I see how much time is left for a particular exercise. Too bad there's no easy way to hide that.

    spitfire, I don't know how tough the P90X Plyo is but kudos to you for doing both!

    Alyssa, welcome!! Glad you've joined this crazy group of fabulous people!

    Julie, Pure Cardio is probably one of my favorite workouts, only because you're not repeating any exercises - though there are no water breaks during the actual workout. It's definitely a challenge!
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    Day 12 Cardio Power & Resistance for me today. I feel like I am getting better upper body strength. I am finally able to do some of the walking pushups with correct form (just very slowly). Before I couldn't keep my butt down and I couldn't really move either! haha So I can tell I am making progress there. I might be finally getting out of girl pushup land! :happy:
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    I like how you guys keep saying there aren't any water breaks during Pure Cardio. There are at my house!! There are also gasping for air breaks and shaking out your sore muscle breaks. :wink:

    I just realized this morning that I did my LAST Cardio Power & Resistance workout yesterday!

    Today was Plyo Cardio Circuit. I felt bleah when I woke up again but I got up to work out. Two thirds of the way through the warm up I thought "wow--I'm not even dying a little bit." It pretty much went south from there. LOL The in/out abs in my absolute least favorite exercise.

    Three more workouts left of month 1!!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I did Insanity Plyo Cardio Circuit followed by P90X Plyo today. I was DEAD by the end by the end of Insanity. On one of the last sets where you do push ups, knee tucks and then stand up.. I was dragging my knees on the ground, couldn't even stand! LOL Fun fun workout though. I love it!

    WOW!! That's motivation!! I'm sore thinking about it!! Great job!
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    I started today! Feel free to check out my blog for before pics, measurements, and fit test results. There's not much to it yet, but I plan on using it to keep track of all my progress!

    Awesome!! Good luck! I just finished up week 2 and still love the program & Shaun T. even though as jabdye says...Shaun T is the devil!! :laugh:
  • jennieodwyer
    jennieodwyer Posts: 1,036 Member
    I like how you guys keep saying there aren't any water breaks during Pure Cardio. There are at my house!! There are also gasping for air breaks and shaking out your sore muscle breaks. :wink:

    Haha I like that! My water breaks are definately more gasping for air breaks as well! :laugh:

    Getting pumped about Cardio Abs tomorrow. I usually like ab work but we shall see how I feel about this Cardio Abs business. Is there a lot of plank work involved?
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    It sounds like everyone is doing wonderful!! Okay..okay a little tuckered out but sticking with it!! And things are improving with our ability to get through some of these moves!! That's awesome!!

    I'm on a rest day. Tomorrow is the start of week 3 for me! I'm excited and a little reluctant about adding in Cardio Abs since I've just gotten my 'not passing out' (:wink: ) under control!! But it'll be good to keep feeling a push throughout the entire thing! Eh, who I'm kidding I haven't gotten that under control with just the DVDS I do now. It sounds good though!! LoL.

    Hope everyone has a good Wednesday. And if you haven't gotten your workout in, good luck!! Push hard!!
  • shakemybooty
    shakemybooty Posts: 681 Member
    Getting pumped about Cardio Abs tomorrow. I usually like ab work but we shall see how I feel about this Cardio Abs business. Is there a lot of plank work involved?

    At the end there is some plank work.
  • tpiper55
    tpiper55 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi Everyone!!! I'm so glad I found you all:wink::smile: . I'm on Day 11 of my third round of INSANITY (not back-to-back, I've done ChaLEAN Extreme, P90X, SI6 and a few others inbetween rounds). I'm so happy that today is Cardio Recovery (although I still can't wrap my head around that workout being called 'recovery', lol:explode: ). What I REALLY love about this program is that not only does it always whip me into shape PHYSICALLY but it forces me to DIG DEEPER in all areas of my life. I find myself going that extra mile at work, or refining my diet even more. It's just an all around great program.

    My favorite move? squat-thrust/4 push up/ run move in Plyometric Cardio Circuit.

    I'd love to join in with you guys:tongue:

  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    So glad to hear that Pure Cardio is fun:huh: -- if that's possible. I agree with the gasping for air breaks. Today during "recovery" (yeah right) I had to take a break cuz my legs were shaking so badly I was about to fall down. What in the world!!!! I can run a marathon but not finish a 33 minute "recovery" workout! <heavy sigh> But on the bright side it must be working -- on the down side, I now cuss more than most sailors! And thank goodness I can't reach out and touch Shaun T. cause I think I might choke him! Seriously, I'm loving the workouts -- never been pushed so hard EVER!!!!
  • tpiper55
    tpiper55 Posts: 27 Member
    So glad to hear that Pure Cardio is fun:huh: -- if that's possible. I agree with the gasping for air breaks. Today during "recovery" (yeah right) I had to take a break cuz my legs were shaking so badly I was about to fall down. What in the world!!!! I can run a marathon but not finish a 33 minute "recovery" workout! <heavy sigh> But on the bright side it must be working -- on the down side, I now cuss more than most sailors! And thank goodness I can't reach out and touch Shaun T. cause I think I might choke him! Seriously, I'm loving the workouts -- never been pushed so hard EVER!!!!
    Hi Jabdye, you're in for a treat with Pure Cardio because even Shaun T has a curse for that one when it's over, lol. I literally LOL EVERY TIME at the end of that workout:laugh:
  • jabdye
    jabdye Posts: 4,059 Member
    tpiper -- Your pics are AMAZING!!!! What an inspiration! How long did it take to make that transformation?