

  • It took me just over a month to start losing weight when I started. Then my body kicked into gear and I lost almost 10lbs in just over a month. Have patience. If you aren't seeing anything at all after a month, re evaluate what you are doing. If you are eating a decent amount less than your are expending you WILL…
  • Thanks, going with the tracking weight and adjusting as necessary method. I thought of this question because I have found myself looking at my calorie count and thinking 'oh, I have 100 left, I can eat some more crackers' or something. Or looking at my total and thinking 'yay, I ended the day 50 under' and congratulating…
  • and now that I have posted my comment, I realise the discussion of calories/HR etc is getting way off track and not actually related to the original question... So to get back to the original question, I highly recommend having some way of mixing up your exercises periodically. I use a program my gym includes called…
  • True. But there IS a relationship between heart rate and calories burned (with a lot of caveats/conditions). In fact, quoting from one of the links you provided: So if you have an HR monitor, put in your info and with something like say Polar do their 'Ownindex' test, you can get pretty good estimates for steady state…
  • I always hated running - so freaking boring. But I recently started running regularly and now enjoy it. A couple of things that made the difference for me: - I was always running on the treadmill in the gym and was bored. Now I run around my neighbourhood. Outdoor running is harder but much more interesting - some scenery…
  • True. On the other hand, that is not because there are NO calories burned during strength training. It is because it is so difficult to estimate because there are so many variables (whereas with steady state cardio there are some pretty well established estimate formulas based on plenty of studies). It is pretty depressing…
  • Good for you! the weights section can be intimidating with the guys in there, but is nothing to be afraid of. Good that you are getting into strength training. It will make a big difference to your definition. Watch what other people are doing, and if you need help don't be afraid to ask someone if they look like they…
  • I use a Polar H7 chest strap. It does (indirectly) integrate with MFP. It is a Bluetooth 4 strap (low power bluetooth, so battery lasts ages) which is compatible with the iPhone 4S and up (I have 5S). I use it with MFP via Runkeeper (which I use for tracking my runs) on my phone. Runkeeper uses the bluetooth connection on…