Finishing week 2 - no results on the scale



  • kagevf
    kagevf Posts: 509 Member
    have patience young grasshopper.
    your body is still adjusting to the change you are doing.
  • sballgirl23
    sballgirl23 Posts: 20 Member
    I will attempt to give you a different perspective about your situation. I am a paramedic at a hospital. Lets say a patient comes in the emergency room with chest pain. The "typical" procedure to stop it includes oxygen and an IV. When it comes to medications, we start with aspirin, if that doesn't work then we try Nitroglycerin. If that doesn't work we try Fentonyl. If that doesn't work we try Morphine. If that doesn't get the picture? Sometimes you have to tweek what you are doing if the results are not happening. A small handful of things to consider are.....

    Is your sodium content too high and making you retain water?
    How is your activity level?
    How are you doing on carbs?
    What about your water intake?

    A paramedic won't give up on a patient with chest pain. Be your own paramedic and DON'T GIVE UP!

    I don't believe my sodium intake is high, and to be honest, I am not currently using MFP for the food diary. I could be eating too much sodium, but most likely not. I lost 80 pounds about 4 years ago before I had back surgery. Over the years I have slowly gained 3/4 of it back due to eating whatever I want and not exercising. Basically, I'm trying to do what I did before by counting calories, eating clean and exercising.

    I am currently doing 30 minutes of circuit training 5 to 6 days a week and eating between 1200 and 1500 per day. I'm not eating anything prepackaged and trying to eat only complex carbs. My sugar intake is through fruits only (green apples, grapefruit mostly). I probably should be drinking more water. I'm trying to drink 24 oz per hour (I have a 24 oz water bottle at my desk). I am probably only drinking 3 water bottles.

    As far as measuring/weighing food, I am mostly eyeballing it. I may be underestimating the calories, but like I said, this isn't my first rodeo and I have a good idea of measurements.
  • sballgirl23
    sballgirl23 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you all for your replies. I really appreciate the tips and encouragement. I will start measuring my meals and try to up my water and cardiovascular this week and see what happens!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    As far as measuring/weighing food, I am mostly eyeballing it. I may be underestimating the calories, but like I said, this isn't my first rodeo and I have a good idea of measurements.
    If you're not losing weight, then you're not eating at a deficit. It will take trial & error to find what works for you. "Eyeballing it" is not working for you. Weigh your food. And/or eat back half your exercise calories to compensate for the fact that you are underestimating your portions.

    Did you read the Sexypants link? It has lots of good information:
  • famoushamish
    It took me just over a month to start losing weight when I started. Then my body kicked into gear and I lost almost 10lbs in just over a month. Have patience. If you aren't seeing anything at all after a month, re evaluate what you are doing. If you are eating a decent amount less than your are expending you WILL eventually lose weight. So if you aren't losing at all after a month or so, somehow you are not doing that.
  • afitch311
    afitch311 Posts: 8 Member
    I think that the fact that you are making a conscious effort to live a healthy lifestyle is the most important thing here. When I first started my weight loss journey 7 years ago after the birth of my daughter, I hit many plateau's. I just kept reminding myself that I did NOT put the weight on over night, and it would take awhile and it would be worth it. Keep working at it, and please remind yourself that you are doing it the right way, and you WILL see results! Plus, doing it the right way will put you on the path to long term results as you are going to learn how to take care of yourself for life! I have one friend who has been roller coaster dieting for a few years, and uses those weight loss drugs to lose weight. Sure, she is losing weight, but how long will it last? She also posts things about working on her "summer body". By losing weight the right way you are saving your life, instead of just focusing on looking good in a bathing suit! Don't give up!!!