

  • I haven't done the fat fast, but have read great things. I HAVE done IF though, and it is what helped me through my last stall. I couldn't get the scale to budge! Finally started IF, and BOOM, down 4 lbs.! I attribute IF and bulletproof coffee to being what helped me break through! IF is so easy to do on Keto because you…
  • Personally, I can't go without bacon, eggs, lot's of fatty steak and hamburger, chicken thighs with the skin on, tilapia, coconut oil, canned albacore tuna, full fat mayo, and full fat ranch. Oh... and coffee :bigsmile:
  • Thanks for that! Gives me a good map of something to do. I've never been a weight lifter, so I didn't know where to start. When I was younger I ran track and cross country, so I have always enjoyed running. It relieves so much stress and makes me feel fantastic afterward. I think I am going to pick up a weight set. It…
  • I think what I really want to achieve with exercise is more just stress relief, and getting out of the house a bit. I am a stay at home mom to 5 little girls, so needless to say, I stay home a lot LOL! My husband eats Keto as well, and I just thought more than anything it would be something we could do together. Of course…
  • I second Intermittent Fasting and breaking Keto and starting again. I recently went through the same thing. Serious stall for several weeks. I hadn't been eating anything different that would have caused a stall, calories were low. Nothing had changed, just seemed my body needed to be "woke up" so to speak. I broke Keto…
  • My diary is open as well, but I must confess, it isn't full of variety LOL! I just eat what works for me, and stick with what I know as of now because I don't want to get knocked out of ketosis. Once I hit the 6 week mark or so and know I am keto adapted I may venture out a bit more.
  • Thank you :) My macros look much better now. I found out that the ideal body weight for my height is 140lbs. I have a long way to go, but I know that I can do it. I weighed 150 before I had kids, so I haven't seen that number in a very, very long time. Also want everyone to know that my stall has stopped!! I did a happy…
  • Found that there was a number off! It was at 37% body fat for some reason, and I am actually closer to 56%! So after fixing that it says that I have 129lbs of lean body mass. Also, the country crock is butter, not margarine. EDIT: Could my body mass be a bit more because I am on the short side? When I plug in the same…
  • My husbands lean body mass is 64kg, and mine is 84kg. My husband is on day 10 of Keto. Any info you can give from those numbers is appreciated, as always :)
  • It says to go no lower than 119g of protein, and had put in the 146g or whatever it was, on it's own. Should I shoot more for the lower end of the spectrum?
  • I was doing the same thing, I think that is why the stall was so frustrating. At least now I will have to wait a week or so, so hopefully I will see a number that I haven't seen yet!
  • Here's what I got: --- *Generated by [Keto Calculator]( 6.16* 31/F/5'3" | CW 293 | 37% BF | Lightly active * 2123 kcal Goal, a 23% deficit. (934 min, 2769 max) * 20g Carbohydrates * 146g Protein (119g min, 230g max) * 162g Fat (30g min, 233g max) ----
  • Thanks again! (Sorry, somehow I replied to your statements IN the quote box up there!)
  • I was actually in Ketosis while I was pregnant. I would show ketones at my dr's appointments, and was just told to up my water intake. So, I guess with that included it would be around 18 weeks or so. I gained 20 pounds total, and most of that was before my diabetes diagnosis. So that said, is it okay for me to eat a…
  • OMG thank you so much! That helps me tremendously!
  • Told hubby to get full fat cheddar at the store, but he forgot LOL! Will be picking some up tomorrow or Tuesday. My protein is a bit high. My goal for protein is 100g. Spent my evening looking up good high fat, low protein foods. Trial and error right now I suppose. Also, how do I customize my macros? That would help me…
  • Thank you so much! This makes perfect sense! Ironically my scale broke last night LOL! I ordered a new one off amazon earlier, so hopefully once it gets here I will see a new and shinier number. Silver lining: I can't weigh myself every time I feel the need... which is often.
  • Awesome! Thank you all so much for your help! I ate a bit more calories tonight than I have been, and even upped the fat as much as I could. Tomorrow is a new day and I will try all of your suggestions. Thanks again!
  • Messed with my TDEE. I now have 2772 as my TDEE, 2016 as my BMR, and after subtracting 20% I got 2218 as my goal caloric intake. Does that sound okay? Also, on my diary it has my caloric goal automatically set at 1520. If I go over that is shows red, and once I complete the day it says I will weigh MORE in 5 weeks than it…
  • Does 2419 as my TDEE sound about right? I used a TDEE calculator. Can you explain to me what I should learn from this number, and where to go from here to use it to my advantage?
  • I am no longer monitoring my bgl, but I will start again. Good point about the A1C, I will ask my dr to do that instead of the GTT. I will pick up full fat cheddar tomorrow! I have no issue with that :P
  • Thank you so much for this. I am going to the store tomorrow so I will pick up some coconut oil. I have never used it before, so what are some easy ways to incorporate it into my diet? I have heard of people putting it in their coffee, and truth to that? Also, what are some other good places to look to for attaining more…
  • Thank you! Just opened my diary. I recently joined so I am sorry I don't have a lot of info in there just yet. I also didn't do Christmas Eve and Christmas Day because I wasn't home. I didn't cheat though because I knew it would mess up ketosis. Any insight is appreciated!
  • I have not started my period again just yet, so hormones could be an issue. I will just stick to what I am doing, up my water, and keep the faith! Also, I was already eating Keto while I was pregnant. They recommended a higher carb intake, but it just wasn't working. My BGL was still high, so I lowered my carbs. In the end…
  • I count my calories, and yes, I weigh my food. I think maybe I am just used to losing so much so quickly that the sudden stop of loss has me stressed. I lost 36 pounds in 4 weeks or so, since I have been stalled the last week. Maybe now my body has caught up and I can expect to lose a lot slower? I just always thought that…
  • Thank you so much! I thought that might have been an issue, and after hearing it from 2 people on here I will increasing my water intake. I have already had 10 cups, and I will be making it a goal to get in 2 more 24oz. bottles tonight.
  • Okay.... let me break it down for you in a way that won't allow you to twist my words. I DO have a deficit of 300-400 cals a day. I have not cheated on this diet at all, and have been eating this way for 17 weeks. I am used to it... it doesn't bother me. I have hit a plateau and just wanted some advice on how to overcome…
  • Thank you for this. I have increased my water intake today, and will continue to do so to see if that helps. When I had my c-section I went a few days without drinking water so it took me a bit to get back into the swing of it, but I am getting there! Had 8 cups so far today, and have set a goal for myself to get in 12…
  • I eat around 1250 in calories a day... so no, I am not eating too much. There is a deficit. I do not drink either, at all. I track everything I eat, and usually have a deficit of 300-400 cals a day. I do not get to exercise as much as I would like (aside from chasing kids around), but I have not been cleared by my DR to do…
  • No, I do not BF. It just isn't for me, plus with having 4 older, and very demanding children it just isn't possible. Also, some people don't lose weight while BF'ing because they are taking in more calories to maintain milk supply, and once they get down to a certain weight their body will hold onto it until the baby is…