Ketogenic Diet - Need Advice



  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Okay.... let me break it down for you in a way that won't allow you to twist my words.

    There's nothing to twist. If you are not losing weight for a meaningful length of time, you are not in a caloric deficit - period, full stop.

    Anyway, you are clearly wanting to hear something other than that, so I'll just bid you adieu and wish you the best of luck.

  • LoveSanrio
    I count my calories, and yes, I weigh my food. I think maybe I am just used to losing so much so quickly that the sudden stop of loss has me stressed. I lost 36 pounds in 4 weeks or so, since I have been stalled the last week. Maybe now my body has caught up and I can expect to lose a lot slower? I just always thought that if you are substantially overweight that you would lose more than 1lb. a week. Any truth to that?
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    have you thought that perhaps your hormones are not back to normal yet? 5 weeks are not a very long time after having given birth. Have you got your period back yet or could it be that you body is starting to ovulate again thus you are storing more water this week?
  • Niccidawn092
    Niccidawn092 Posts: 64 Member
    I count my calories, and yes, I weigh my food. I think maybe I am just used to losing so much so quickly that the sudden stop of loss has me stressed. I lost 36 pounds in 4 weeks or so, since I have been stalled the last week. Maybe now my body has caught up and I can expect to lose a lot slower? I just always thought that if you are substantially overweight that you would lose more than 1lb. a week. Any truth to that?

    I really think you are stressing for no reason. :) I have encountered little stalls like this, and they always resolve quickly. You know what you are doing is working, just give it time to work. And drink water! lol If you want more in depth ideas, you would need to open your diary. I think you are fine, though, from what you said.
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    I count my calories, and yes, I weigh my food. I think maybe I am just used to losing so much so quickly that the sudden stop of loss has me stressed. I lost 36 pounds in 4 weeks or so, since I have been stalled the last week. Maybe now my body has caught up and I can expect to lose a lot slower? I just always thought that if you are substantially overweight that you would lose more than 1lb. a week. Any truth to that?

    those 36lbs won't have been all fat so I don't think you can take 9lbs a weeks as a given. 9lbs a week would mean a deficit of 31500 cals a week or 4500 a day and I suspect even with 5 children you'd struggle getting that big a deficit going.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    TOPIC: Ketogenic Diet - Need Advice

    My advice is don't do it, do it like this instead.
  • klynnsmith
    klynnsmith Posts: 1 Member
    i gotta say CAN have a calorie deficit and NOT loose weight much to the dismay of certain people. Your hormones are still in flux. Be SURE to have your thyroid checked, very common to be out of wack especially after having children.
  • darkestdayz
    darkestdayz Posts: 117 Member
    Hang in there, I've stalled out for a few weeks at a time and then whoosh! lost 5-10 very quickly. Weight loss is not linear, but does move in a downward trend.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    i gotta say CAN have a calorie deficit and NOT loose weight much to the dismay of certain people. Your hormones are still in flux. Be SURE to have your thyroid checked, very common to be out of wack especially after having children.

    sure you can, as long as you defy the basic laws of math and thermodynamics...
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member

    I have stuck to the diet I was put on for diabetes. It worked well for me, and I adjusted to it completely. I have now decided to try Keto which is pretty much the same thing, just slightly more strict. I tested with a keto stick today and it showed "small" on the stick, so I am in Ketosis. HOWEVER, my weight loss has completely stalled in the last couple weeks. I was at 296 a couple weeks ago, and have lost a few, but now it seems to not want to budge. I am yo yo-ing between 292, and 293.

    I'm curious to know why you decided to go to a Keto diet when then lower carb diet was working.
  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    I eat around 1250 in calories a day... so no, I am not eating too much. There is a deficit. I do not drink either, at all.

    I track everything I eat, and usually have a deficit of 300-400 cals a day.

    I do not get to exercise as much as I would like (aside from chasing kids around), but I have not been cleared by my DR to do so yet because my 5 week old was delivered by emergency c-section, and I am still recovering.

    From this info, I gather that you believe your TDEE is in the 1600s? Where did you get this figure? That's more likely the neighborhood of your BMR. I would suggest you calculate both, and take your deficit from your TDEE.
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    Google "Weight loss isn't linear". There are lots of articles that should reassure you that it is perfectly normal to have fluctuations and plateaus while you lose weight.
  • LoveSanrio
    I have not started my period again just yet, so hormones could be an issue. I will just stick to what I am doing, up my water, and keep the faith!

    Also, I was already eating Keto while I was pregnant. They recommended a higher carb intake, but it just wasn't working. My BGL was still high, so I lowered my carbs. In the end I still had to go on Metformin at night, but I did avoid the insulin. They would find ketones in my urine whenever I went to the dr, and just told me to up my water intake. In the end I had a very healthy 6 pound little girl, which is pretty awesome for having Gestational Diabetes.
  • tatiianag13
    tatiianag13 Posts: 76 Member
    Losing weight isn't linear, unfortunately. Not for women anyway. We were meant to survive and keep our children alive, even through periods of want, so our metabolisms are more variable then male metabolisms. Sometimes folks who are on low-carb or ketogenic diets think their plan is more magical than others. It isn't. It may be the one that works best for you, but after personal experience and reading lots and lots of blogs/weight loss diaries, I can say: folks on every diet have ebbs and flows, good times and plateaus. But I also second the commenter who said a few weeks isn't even quite a plateau. So take a deep breath and have a bit more patience with yourself.

    I also think you are overlooking a few things: A c-section may be routine, but it is surgery. Second, stress and lack of sleep can impede weight loss--not stop, but slow it down. With a lot of other kids + the newborn, I assume both of these things are true. Give your body a bit of a break. Let it recover before you go expecting too much from it. Its been through a lot.

    You are on your way, so don't get discouraged.