Ketogenic Diet - Need Advice

I will try and make this as short as possible. I have had 5 children. They are now 9, 8, 6, 3, and 5 weeks old. With my last baby I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. It was quite a blow. I kind of expected it though, as I have gained a lot of weight over the coarse of having children. I kinda just piled weight on top of weight. I would never lose all that I had gained.

Anyhow, I went to a nutritionist and learned how to eat low carb to maintain a healthy blood glucose level. I stuck to my diet faithfully, and only gained 20 pounds total, and some of that was due to water retension (I also had pre-eclampsia). Since having her 5 weeks ago, I have lost 36 pounds. I weighed 329 when I went into labor, and now weigh 293.8 putting me at a lower weight than when I got pregnant (I was 309 at the time).

I have stuck to the diet I was put on for diabetes. It worked well for me, and I adjusted to it completely. I have now decided to try Keto which is pretty much the same thing, just slightly more strict. I tested with a keto stick today and it showed "small" on the stick, so I am in Ketosis. HOWEVER, my weight loss has completely stalled in the last couple weeks. I was at 296 a couple weeks ago, and have lost a few, but now it seems to not want to budge. I am yo yo-ing between 292, and 293.

I am not eating any differently, am in ketosis, and have been getting in around 8 cups of water a day. Why am I stalling at this point? I thought since I have over 100 to lose that it would actually come off faster at this point? Can anyone that does Keto give me some advice on what I might be doing wrong?


  • LoveSanrio
    Also want to add that I have not been back yet to take the Glucose Tolerance Test to see if I still have diabetes. I am supposed to go next week to have it done, although I am toying with the idea of not taking the test just yet as drinking pure glucose will kick me right out of ketosis and would be counter productive for me. Whether I now have Type 2 or not, I will be sticking to the diet regardless. Would having Type 2 or being insulin resistant cause me to NOT lose weight, even on the Keto diet?
  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member
    Do you breastfeed? No judgement, but it helps drop the weight and is great for the baby.....
  • LoveSanrio
    No, I do not BF. It just isn't for me, plus with having 4 older, and very demanding children it just isn't possible. Also, some people don't lose weight while BF'ing because they are taking in more calories to maintain milk supply, and once they get down to a certain weight their body will hold onto it until the baby is weaned. Some people are the opposite and will lose all of it plus some. It really is a coin toss.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    This is a great question for the keto a search & you'll find a few low carb groups as well as keto.
    There are definitely some weeks when weight loss stalls & it there are so many different factors, it's difficult to pinpoint.

    I've heard that it's important to keep to a caloric limit keto or not to lose weight, though the only time I've gained was when I've gone over on my carbs, aka: carb creep :grumble:

    Do you exercise as well?...I realize baby is only 5 wks old, so I imagine walking might be good when you feel up to it. That will help too.

    ETA: I've been doing keto for 6+ months and the occasional stall has been my personal experience, also had gestational diabetes 17 yrs ago...have now progressed to T2D but with keto I'm keeping tight control
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Would having Type 2 or being insulin resistant cause me to NOT lose weight, even on the Keto diet?

    No...quite the opposite.
    However, it's been my experience that 'carb creep' can cause a person to lose ground or stall for longer than one thinks one should :ohwell: But keeping to this style of eating, as it has to be a lifestyle change in light of T2D dx, I'm content with how far I've gotten.

    From 163# at my highest to 126# with weight training & keto, I like the trajectory I'm on :drinker:
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    No, I do not BF. It just isn't for me, plus with having 4 older, and very demanding children it just isn't possible. Also, some people don't lose weight while BF'ing because they are taking in more calories to maintain milk supply, and once they get down to a certain weight their body will hold onto it until the baby is weaned. Some people are the opposite and will lose all of it plus some. It really is a coin toss.

    Yup, my first was FF, and I lost weight with hardly any effort. This time I'm BFing and am killing myself trying to lose (but never eating less than 1800, or my supply tanks), and I can't get past a certain point. It's a well-kept (albeit not great) secret because my guess is a lot of women wouldn't BF if they knew it might hinder weight loss.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Keto is not a magic bullet for weight loss. Originally, it was designed as a way to treat epilepsy. Losing weight is about calorie deficit. If you are in a calorie deficit, you lose weight. If you are not in a calorie deficit, you won't lose weight. This is true no matter what style of eating you choose, or whatever medical conditions you may have.* Also, weight loss isn't a linear thing, it happens over time. Some weeks you lose, some you maintain, some you gain. You need to track the overall trend over time, and ignore the day to day or week to week fluctuations.

    *Medical conditions may require specific diet plans for management, and certain medical conditions may affect metabolism efficiency, but that just changes the numbers for calories in and out, it's doesn't change the fact that a deficit is needed for weight loss.
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    It might help if we could see your diary.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    Only 8 cups of water? Try increasing your water intake and see what happens. I'm also doing keto and I make it a point to take in 12-15 cups of water, sometimes more. Also, try playing around with your net carbs. I find that I lose best when my net carbs are under 30. It might be more for you, or it might be less.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Do you drink? That can stall you. Hey, don't judge. I'd drink if I had that many kids!

    On to something serious. It's good you're going to the doctor. Having just had a kid plus being diagnosed with gestational diabetes, I think it's important for you to go ahead and follow up. Perhaps you should even call whoever does the test and let them know you're doing keto and see if they want you to stop until you take the test so they can see where you are at with everything.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I am not eating any differently, am in ketosis, and have been getting in around 8 cups of water a day. Why am I stalling at this point?

    Nowhere in your post did you say anything about tracking calories or knowing how much you're eating. Ketosis is not a Harry Potter spell - if you eat too much, you will not lose weight.

    Bottom line - you are eating too much.
  • LoveSanrio
    I eat around 1250 in calories a day... so no, I am not eating too much. There is a deficit. I do not drink either, at all.

    I track everything I eat, and usually have a deficit of 300-400 cals a day.

    I do not get to exercise as much as I would like (aside from chasing kids around), but I have not been cleared by my DR to do so yet because my 5 week old was delivered by emergency c-section, and I am still recovering.
  • LoveSanrio
    Only 8 cups of water? Try increasing your water intake and see what happens. I'm also doing keto and I make it a point to take in 12-15 cups of water, sometimes more. Also, try playing around with your net carbs. I find that I lose best when my net carbs are under 30. It might be more for you, or it might be less.

    Thank you for this. I have increased my water intake today, and will continue to do so to see if that helps. When I had my c-section I went a few days without drinking water so it took me a bit to get back into the swing of it, but I am getting there! Had 8 cups so far today, and have set a goal for myself to get in 12 cups.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I track everything I eat, and usually have a deficit of 300-400 cals a day.

    If you were running a consistent deficit, you would be losing weight.

    You're not running a deficit, next step is to figure out where you're going wrong with the numbers. I suspect your "usually" caveat has a lot to do with it.
  • LoveSanrio
    Okay.... let me break it down for you in a way that won't allow you to twist my words. I DO have a deficit of 300-400 cals a day. I have not cheated on this diet at all, and have been eating this way for 17 weeks. I am used to it... it doesn't bother me. I have hit a plateau and just wanted some advice on how to overcome said plateau... that is all.

    The "usually have 300-400 cal a day" deficit sentence that you misconstrued was meant as I ALWAYS have a deficit USUALLY between 300-400 cals a day... sometimes it is more, sometimes it is a little less than 300.... but there is ALWAYS a deficit.

    P.S. I have lost 36 pounds since having my baby after only gaining 20 in pregnancy. So I HAVE lost weight.... obviously I was doing something right, I've just hit a wall.
  • Niccidawn092
    Niccidawn092 Posts: 64 Member
    Definitely the increase in water! It makes a HUGE difference on keto.
  • LoveSanrio
    Definitely the increase in water! It makes a HUGE difference on keto.

    Thank you so much! I thought that might have been an issue, and after hearing it from 2 people on here I will increasing my water intake. I have already had 10 cups, and I will be making it a goal to get in 2 more 24oz. bottles tonight.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    2 weeks is not a plateau. A plateau is a few months with no change, with no change in eating or activity. You've changed at least one, if not both recently. Water intake shouldn't make a difference unless you are dehydrated, since you are on keto, you have less water in your system than the average person.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Do you use a food scale? If you do, do weigh everything?

    If you are just eyeing how much each food is more than likely your eating to much. If you are in a deficit you will lose, if you are not you won't lose.