Fern890 Member


  • Not a scientist by any means, but there is research out there which states that when you drink fizzy drinks your body expects a blood sugar spike and takes glucose from your bloodstream in anticipation. So of course when your body doesn't get it, you've actually used up energy you don't have. Blood sugar is directly linked…
  • I suffer from depression, anxiety, insomnia and OCD and my mood throughout the day is like a roller-coaster. Regular exercise for he last 7 months and I am the most stable I have ever been. If I don't exercise for even two or three days I lose all stea, and motivation. Feel free to add me :) I am on here everyday and happy…
  • I am 5'10 and my weight varies between 132- 135 pounds which sounds as though I should be really scrawny but I am a UK size 10, DD bust and have a little pot belly yet friends of mine who look slimmer are heavier. I definitely attribute it to having very little muscle mass and a high body fat percentage. I find it very…
  • When I say lose more weight I really mean body fat, I could probably do with increasing my weight but I want that to be muscle mass. I have slim arms and legs but carry a bit extra around my hips and stomach. It's not the size it's just the appearance really. My BMI is within the healthy range and my Doctor had no worries…
  • Yeah I did wonder about that, I need to ask someone at the gym to show me some. Don't want to be walking around all lopsided!
  • Picked the one trainer who actually looks as though they even use the gym... hoping he will know what he is talking about as I wouldn't know if he didn't :blushing:
  • I just feel a little wobbly. I seem to carry all my weight in one area so would like to get rid of it but like you say it will shift in time :smile: I started off using different machines and using the dumbbells there and have been enjoying it so much more than cardio so definitely want to get serious about it I just want…
  • Another reason I hadn't increased weight instead of reps is because I am unable to do as much cardio after heavy weights sometimes so I will definitely be doing cardio on different nights now. Should have drawn that conclusion myself now you've said it, seems kinda logical. Sorry for my dumbass questions, very new to this
  • Hi, Thanks for replying. Yeah I was doing fewer reps but then a PT told me that because I am a woman I should be doing more but I guess since I aiming for strength fewer reps with stronger weights makes sense. I don't make all the reps by the 2nd and 3rd sets. i just do them until I can't complete them. Yeah I have enough…
  • Chocolate and Starbucks Paninis. Going to plain cut it out :)
  • Sheffield UK, but I already know you :smile:
  • I have gone from a UK size 14 to a UK size 10 since last January, have a healthy BMI and feel better than I have in a long time yet all my family say they are concerned etc, and the one that annoys me the most and comes from my mum is that I should just accept my 'real body shape' that I am a curvy girl and that 'it isn't…
  • A lb a week is a great loss. It's not good to lose too quickly at your weight anyway and you could maybe consider eating a little more as you are a lower weight already. What you may find and what I discovered too late is that what i assumed was fat loss was actually muscle loss and 2 stone down I have exactly the same…
  • Hi, I did the 30 day shred a few months ago and combined with a good diet and running a couple of times a week it really helped me tighten up around my middle. I lost about 2 1/2 inches round my waist and about the same around my stomach. I didn't do the DVD religiously as I go to the gym quite often and my body needed…
  • Hi, I'm Fern, 24 and very much needing motivation to help tone up. Looking to really get into strength training soon and figure out how to maintain, Add me :)
  • Thanks so much for posting this, I have lost loads of weight which is great but am left with this squishy wobbly layer that I never had before.. which according to this article is not uncommon .... feeling much more positive now :)
  • I've lost around 28 lbs and now my period has changed to over 40 day cycle and are ver y irregular and painful. I think sudden changes to your body can have a massive affect on your cycle. Lots of hormone is stored in fat cells so suddenly losing so much has sent mine a little off kilter... I now have acne for the first…
  • Definitely in on this, wanting to push myself a little harder and mix it up a little :)
  • Hi, I'm 24 and have lost 2 stone since January of this year, another 6 pounds or so to go. Have lost lots of weight but am still so un-toned so really looking for motivation and ways to tone up! Feel free to add me :)