Fizzy diet drinks- Do I really need to give them up?



  • Fern890
    Fern890 Posts: 20 Member
    Not a scientist by any means, but there is research out there which states that when you drink fizzy drinks your body expects a blood sugar spike and takes glucose from your bloodstream in anticipation. So of course when your body doesn't get it, you've actually used up energy you don't have. Blood sugar is directly linked to self control as it is used by the pre-frontal cortex whenever we make decisions using willpower and is one of the functions of the brain that requires most blood sugar, so kinda makes sense that it can cause cravings and bad decisions later on.

    Regardless of the scientific basis, there is a whole body of research pointing to a correlation between weight gain (not just inhibition) and consumption of diet fizzy drinks and I have definitely gotten cravings and energy levels under control since I stopped drinking the stuff. After trying to lose weight for three years it started working when I gave up diet coke... I know it's not just the diet coke but maybe as others have suggested it's stopped me craving sugar so much. Really they are full of crap and I now feel ill if I have one but I used to enjoy them a lot so I understand your dilemna!

    I would try to find an alternative but if not just limit your amount and maybe follow it with some dark chocolate so you are getting some of the sugar your body expects to have. Just reducing the amount you have a bit at a time rather than depriving yourself would probably be the best bet. Like someone said we all have our little vices that we get enjoyment from so if you still drink them then just enjoy it, but it's good to have an informed choice and I know things have changed for me after giving them up :smile:
  • stt43
    stt43 Posts: 487
    Aspartame does not cause brain tumors. There is a lot of information out there about artificial sweeteners and the harm they can cause.
    You do mention that you like diet coke products I believe? If you must drink soda, look for the diet coke products that are sweetened with Splenda, that way you can avoid aspartame.

    Here's a link to's information page about aspartame and any potential links to cancer.

    In the UK we don't have diet coke available that uses splenda instead of aspartame :(

    Splenda is just sucralose, and there are some sucralose based fizzy diet drinks available in the UK. I can't really remember off the top of my head, but I think the Marks & Spencer one might be. It's easy enough to check the label any time you are in a shop though, but I don't think there is really much difference between sucralose and aspartame to be honest so I stopped checking a while back.
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    Whether you should consume diet drinks is purely subjective. Some people consume then and get cravings, so it doesn't work for them. Some people consume them and get headaches, also, not for them. For the rest of the people, in moderation they are fine.
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member

    Regardless of the scientific basis, there is a whole body of research pointing to a correlation between weight gain (not just inhibition) and consumption of diet fizzy drinks and I have definitely gotten cravings and energy levels under control since I stopped drinking the stuff. After trying to lose weight for three years it started working when I gave up diet coke... I know it's not just the diet coke but maybe as others have suggested it's stopped me craving sugar so much. Really they are full of crap and I now feel ill if I have one but I used to enjoy them a lot so I understand your dilemma!

    Would just like to note correlation doesn't really give you information that is useful. Just helps inform further research that would be useful. I'd like to note the Nocebo effect also. You see and hear in the media how diet drinks do X,Y, and Z. You then develop X,Y, or Z and believe it to be the diet drinks.
  • piratesaregrand
    piratesaregrand Posts: 356 Member
    I'm diabetic. I drink 2+ litres of diet coke or pepsi max every single day, and have done so for the last 12 years.

    I get thorough medicals all the time, so far nothing.

    And I've lost 32kg.
  • Sapphire3002
    Sapphire3002 Posts: 112 Member
    I'm still struggling with giving up diet soda completely but more so than not I drink flavored Seltzer water and squeeze lime juice into it. It gives me the fizz I like without the guilt. Also I recommend you try "Skinny Girl Sparklers" I'm not sure if you have"Quick Check" around you but they sell them there. They are really delicious sparkling water beverages plus vitamin infused.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I don't miss them so in the end they weren't that important. I can taste a diet soda now and yuk, but I can taste a reg soda and I get the same yuk. Give them up or don't. For me giving up carbs is what helped me to quit craving sugar.
  • hiddenorchestra
    hiddenorchestra Posts: 14 Member
    If sugar-free drinks give you the craving for sugar, you might as well have the full fat version!

  • hannahpistolas
    hannahpistolas Posts: 290 Member
    Pretty much everything will give you cancer. Or harm your health in one way or another. I love a nice, cold Coke Zero for breakfast, and sometimes more throughout the day, and I've still lost 50 pounds since the end of April. I do plan on switching to diet tea, but only because I drink my caffeine in the morning and usually skip breakfast, and the Coke Zero messes with an empty tummy.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Pretty much everything will give you cancer. Or harm your health in one way or another. I love a nice, cold Coke Zero for breakfast, and sometimes more throughout the day, and I've still lost 50 pounds since the end of April. I do plan on switching to diet tea, but only because I drink my caffeine in the morning and usually skip breakfast, and the Coke Zero messes with an empty tummy.

    Carcinogens cause the genetic changes that lead to cancer. There are other things that may be harmful to your health, but not everything will give you cancer. Moderation in most things leads to health.
  • ndwildbill
    ndwildbill Posts: 74 Member
    I drink Diet Coke every day, several times a day, does not cause cravings or headaches. Has not had any effect on weight loss either. I also try to drink lots of water as well. To each their own.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Aspertame is the waste "POO" of bacteria.

    Well, bacteria don't "poo". They produce the protein precursor to aspartame. And you know what else is a waste product of single-celled organisms? Ethanol. So by your logic, every time you drink alcohol, you're drinking microbial "pee".

    Also, bacteria are used to "poo" lots of other useful things - antibiotics and insulin, to name a couple.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Aspertame is the waste "POO" of bacteria. So to drink zero calorie fizzy drinks, you have to consume bacteria poo. Have fun!
    And this is why people get confused. Phenylalaine and aspartic acid are amino acids. Certainly not poo.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member
    At least the colas, yeah. Well, not NEED, but if you're asking for a recommendation?

    I read a similar thread yesterday, and the overwhelming consensus was that a treasured can of Coke Zero was okay, as it seemed to be a matter of quality of life to the OP. Not judging - we all have our vices. Hell, I prefer Coke Classic!

    However, something about it bugged me. Seeing this thread reminded me why Coke is an occasional treat only: Colas (ALL BRANDS), regardless of the sweetener, are all implicated in bone loss. Studies have shown that the rate of loss exceeds the replacement speed from weight-bearing exercises and osteoporosis meds.

    I'm sorry I don't have the whole collection of studies, but here's a reputable overview with all relevant citations:

    Me? I enjoy my full-sugar, full-caffeine Coke Classic when out at the movies. With no apologies. "One extra-large helping of bone-melter, please." It goes really well with the "stick-your-head-in-the-bucket sized movie popcorn." I enjoy both. Just not very frequently :-)

    If you have absolutely no concerns re: osteo, then back to the sweetener/calorie considerations.

    --Advocator of Extreme Moderation :drinker:
  • ab_1203
    ab_1203 Posts: 88 Member
    In terms of weight loss, they wont affect you in any way, 0 calories is 0 calories, well actually every can has about 1 calories but its nothing in the grand scheme of things. I actually managed to lose some water weight while drinking a few cans of this a day, so it doesnt affect that either but whenever I do drink some cans, I also drink half a litre of water for every can.

    The thing about the brain and sugar might be true, but if youve got the discipline, you wont overeat. Its probably true that people drinking these diet sodas are also have it with their big macs and cant control the cravings, so theyll obviously gain weight.

    Only thing controversy for me in diet soda is the chemicals, which for now, there is no solid evidence that theyre harmful in humans. Aspartame is a highly studied additive, theyve been testing it for a veeery long time and proven safe over and over. They found aspartame caused cancer in rats but that was because they were given a huge amount of that stuff for their body size, in the quantity that is recommended to us, they cause no harm going by the studies. I cannot definitely say its safe but according to the science it is. One thing that does deserve some questions though is the rats getting cancer, even if they were given high quanties, makes me wonder if the stuff could cause problems in the long run.

    Take from that what you will, personally, I dont be too hard on myself, Im restricted cause when I hit all my daily food goals, there are no calories left for a regular soda, so I dont be too hard on myself and have a can or two.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    do they make you feel ill?

    do they make it hard for you to hit your calorie goal each day?

    if the answer to both those questions is "no" then go ahead and drink them.
  • davert123
    davert123 Posts: 1,568 Member
    I drink diet coke etc and I don't get a bad effect most of the time I sometimes have a bit of a sugar craving afterwards but most of the time I am ok. I leave them well alone pre workout though. There is something in them which causes me to really under perform. My heart rate goes quick up and I feel ****. Its not caffeine because coffee doesn't do it so I'm guessing its the sweetener
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Aspertame is the waste "POO" of bacteria. So to drink zero calorie fizzy drinks, you have to consume bacteria poo. Have fun!

    Alcohol is the waste "POO" of yeast. Enjoy your beverage. :drinker:

    Also, oxygen is the waste "POO" of plants. Enjoy breathing. :flowerforyou:

    (although technically speaking, "WEE" is a better analogy as it's the product of excretion, not egestion. And I have no idea whether any kind of bacteria actually excretes aspartame or not, my point is that just because something is a product that's excreted by one organism, doesn't make it bad for humans)
  • Gingerspice45
    Gingerspice45 Posts: 137 Member
    I don't think you need to give up diet drinks if you don't want to. I would drink them in moderation. I personally am not crazy about them and drink flavored seltzer water instead.
  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    do they make you feel ill?

    do they make it hard for you to hit your calorie goal each day?

    if the answer to both those questions is "no" then go ahead and drink them.

    ^this and this only OP^