30 day shred results

Anyone done the 30 day shred workout, and what results did you get



  • Fern890
    Fern890 Posts: 20 Member

    I did the 30 day shred a few months ago and combined with a good diet and running a couple of times a week it really helped me tighten up around my middle. I lost about 2 1/2 inches round my waist and about the same around my stomach. I didn't do the DVD religiously as I go to the gym quite often and my body needed rest days but it really is a good workout especially introducing a small amount of weights and ab work helped to give a little definition.

    It's definitely worth doing, it gives your metabolism a good kick start every day and gets you into a good habit of doing something everyday. At a lower fitness I wasn't ready to move on to Level 2 after 10 days so my advice would be to go at your own pace. You will get a bit achey so if your body really aches one day give yourself a rest day and take a walk instead.

    It won't shed pounds and pounds but it is very good and you will notice results. Take a picture on Day 1 and again on Day 15 and you'll probably be pleasantly surprised :)