Yogafit28 Member


  • Vega are the best but a little pricey, and Cliff protein bars (peanut butter is the best) are a little cheaper and sooo tasty. Theres also these "natural factors whole earth and sea" protein bars at my local health food store, which are the bomb! A little cheaper than Vega where I get them, and 15 grams of protein; not…
  • Vega is my absolute favorite as well. I normally use their nutritional shakes though because of all the superfoods and vitamins they pack in. The mocha kind I have now has 20 grams of protein, but you can also buy amazing (vegan) protein powders from them :) By far the best health food brand for protein IMO and they're all…
  • Animal lover first (ate meat as a kid and I did like the taste), then when I was about 8 I started to question if it was wrong, so I ask my mom and dad. My father was insistent that I ate meat "for my protein." When I was 10 (by this time I had no taste for it anyway and I was fighting with my dad about eating it) I took a…
  • Thank you for your help!
  • Lol true just try to get some dark chocolate kit kats; milk chocolate is useless for antioxidants! Totally not going against the kit kat I'm just saying that theres more than one cancer fighting property in pears than just fiber :) IMO eat them both
  • Pears also contain anti-oxidants that ward off cancer...that you won't find in oatmeal. If you need confirmation ask your doctor or a nutritionist about anti-oxidants and they can explain it to you...
  • I prefer almond milk (unsweetened vanilla silk is very yummy and only 35 calories and barely any fat or sugar). Milk kinda grosses me out and makes me feel ill. Not a huge believer in milk, but you can get loads of calcium in almond milk. If you're worried about protein, a cup of peas for example has about the same amount…
  • Try having a few bananas every day and coconut water (especially if you don't want the carbs)- both have heaps of potassium. I know sometimes carbs get a bad rep but you really can't get fat eating carbs from fruit and veggies. If you're really opposed to it theres coconut water and natural electrolyte supplements you can…
  • Make sure to exercise (a little cardio will help), drink lots of water and maybe take a fiber supplement like metamucil or buy some psyllium husk! Also add in some veggies to your diet they're super low calorie and have tons of fiber. If you don't have enough veg that could be your problem? Try adding a spinach salad for…
  • Hello! I'm just 5'2" and i've already lost 20 pounds but I'm looking to lose 15 more so I would love to be a part of your journey and help motivate :) A little weight loss goes a long way on a small frame! Good luck and add me!!
  • Hey girls add me I'm starting again on this site after a long time and looking for some support :)
  • Put a sticker for every day on the calendar you don't eat after a certain time (8:00?) and do that for 30 days to keep track so you can feel proud of yourself when you reach that goal! Its just a habit if you do it for long enough it will break and you will stop getting hungry at night. I never used to eat a night but I…
  • Try to get most of your carbs through fruit and veg IMO and they will not hurt you I promise lol I eat those things without counting and the weight comes off easy :) Moderate other carbs like starchy veggies and breads and pasta- even if you eat the same amount of calories in these types of carbs it will effect your body…
  • Hey add me and we can motivate each other I'm looking for buddies too! My goal right now is 15 more pounds :)
  • Hey if you ever want to talk I'm here so add me! I'm looking to connect with people and get more active on this site again :)
  • Hey girl add me and we can talk :) Honestly I grew up the same way- my parents were never home so they just gave us fast food a lot (I come from a HUGE family) and didn't really watch what we ate. My advice is to try and get more in tune with your body (I did it through yoga) and just try to gradually wean it out. After…
  • With a body like that? Hell yes ;)
  • lol might be illegal :indifferent: :indifferent:
  • LOL I'm almost nineteen I wasn't recently 17!
  • I'm fighting mental illness right now as well. On and off depression and awful eating disorder as well, but I still consider myself (some-what) recovered. Please don't feel triggered if you do add me because I'm not in a good place right now xoxo
  • There are ways to rev up your metabolism like drinking green tea and getting out and exercising (even if its just going for a walk!). Depression is confusing and so heartbreaking but if you can get through say a month of dieting and distracting yourself I think you'll feel a whole lot better. Life doesn't always go as…